Strange profile

I often buy cards as I travel and some come back home with me. I may be able to use them later…for example if I bought seal or puffin cards in Maine I am happy to send them and talk about my travels there. We dont have seals or puffins in Ohio.


And today I saw an account in which a person sends only 1-3 types of postcards, no variety (almost 3 thousand postcards were sent). It seems strange to me. What do you think?


I think that person buys postcards in bulk or wholesale postcards. And as we consider that every person he/she sends postcard to receives one, it doesn’t shock me.


They bought a very large quantity of those for almost nothing is what came to mind for me.


I remember when I first started Postcrossing, there was a profile I came across (I drew his address) that sent only one postcard style. He had sent well over 3,000. I found it rather (very) curious, but I didn’t judge, since I don’t really know who he is and where he is/was coming from. In another thread, this is briefly mentioned - about users sending the same card, maybe because their hometown doesn’t have a variety of images on postcards, etc). I found it very commendable that he uploaded “each” postcard so that his wall was full of the same image :upside_down_face::face_with_monocle: maybe that’s his way of being smart and efficient? :woman_shrugging:t2: Maybe not ideal in some Postcrossers view I guess, but how I see it, I don’t mind.


Most often the people who only send one kind of card have it preprinted with a message on the back as well. Then they just glue on the address and stamps and add the ID. Job done with very little effort and zero personality.

These kind of people I assume get their joy from receiving cards only.


How will you know?
BTW. a handwritten Listing of the family members is also not very personal and may be less interesting than a printed text about the sight on the picture side.


When I drew an address, I never look what they send, for they are not going to send a card to me anyway.


Its sad that some send the same free ad cards over and over (in the hundreds or thousands), yet list their various wishes and receive a very nice variety.


We should design a basic Happy Postcrossing card we could all send to those who only send a single ad card (but have specific wishlists) :smiley:
I’m only half-joking.


I am glad you let the admins handle this. In my experience it doesn’t build community when someone decides to be a vigilante and write an impolite note to the recipient. Let the correcting be done by those who know what they are doing.


That does sound like an invite to send your least favourite card & a generic stamp… Why don’t they just buy stamps on the Internet - much cheaper :thinking:


I would describe that as a scam. Its not genuine & taking advantage of people. It not a cheap hobby for many.


I had also a profile with the same text , strange indeed

@christinevanmoeseke what same text, the text telling they wont register all cards?

Please report/notify the postcrossing team about such.


Yes, just the same as you i read excact as you i don’t register the card when it’s not from your own country
Not a card from India when you are from Belgium
It was strange for reading that
I thought what’s a weird thing to demand , but now i see i’m not the only one with questions


They can’t have such thing in their profile.
Did you write to the Postcrossing team?
They maybe can check if it’s the same person.

(I didn’t get such profile, it was the originator of this thread.)


No , i don’t , it was a chinese member

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I have a question! What would you do, if you send a postcard to someone who registred the cards every 6 or 8 month?Is it allowed?

I think a lot over the person, and for me its not the spirit of a real postcrosser. I know I must wait, but the postcrosser occupies a place for a card that I could also send to others. :expressionless:


Does it show the cards actually travelled for 6 to 8 months?
Or more normal times?

I was thinking maybe they were inactive, and come back active about twice a year getting lots of cards then.

Of course it can also be they only register the cards very rarely, and this is too rarely I think, if they actually get the cards before that. Also pandemic can play a rule. I would ask advise from the Postcrossing team. The guidelines say to register as soon as possible.