So why are you on Postcrossing?

I want to learn English and know more about Canada :canada: :grin:I want to be a native speaker :roll_eyes:

I joined post crossing because I enjoy sending and receiving mail. I found that when I sent mail to family and friends I rarely got cards or letters back. I’ve decided not to hold that against them anymore, lol, and find people who do like exchanging cards as much as I do. Postcrossing is perfect for this.
I’m also an introvert, and I don’t like to leave my house very often and I find meeting people in person stressful (not so much a problem right now due to the pandemic). Connecting to people through postcards is not stressful for me at all. I find it delightful, even the Hurray messages.
Lastly, I find I also enjoy purchasing postcards, stickers, and washi paper! I love decorating my cards, it is so much fun, but I also try to maximize space on my cards for writing.


Hello, everyone!
I do a project about postcrossing. I have questions: Why do you do postcrossing? and Why is postcrossing popular nowadays? Please answer me! :postcrossing:

Welcome @VarvaraNicole to the forum.

I merged your Topic with this one, because here you can find already a lot of answers to your questions and I’m sure you will get more answers.

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I am on Postcrossing, because I am addicted to postcards. Writing and receiving! I want to sent love into this crazy would, and with me 800000 other people :rofl:

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I was watching a video that my yoga teacher put out at Christmas where she was just chatting about how to avoid getting fed up during the pandemic and when you can’t see your friends and family etc. She briefly touched on the fact she does Postcrossing and I thought I would check it out.

I’ve never been a letter writer or particularly a good communicator but I was instantly hooked.

At first I thought I’d enjoy getting the postcards from all over the world, but it soon became apparent that this was not the driver or the hook for me. I love the WHOLE process. I’ve never even really looked at postcards or stamps til now, and now I can’t stop trawling the internet for them! :joy: I love drawing a new name and address and matching a card to their profile where I can.

Throughout my working week (I am an essential worker so still go out to work) it is a pleasure to know at the weekend I will sit down and choose and write and decorate and send these cards out, as currently all I am allowed to do is walk the dogs due to lockdown or go out for a run. There’s only so much yoga and meditation and reading a girl can do! :joy: This helps my mental health and staves off boredom.

The whole thing is a joy for me and I am so happy that I found Postcrossing :pray::blush:


I joined Poscrossing in the summer of 2011, so I’m close to my first 10 years here, even if I’ve put the hobby on hold several times.

I’ve been always an entusiast of snail mail, I used to send greeting cards for birthdays and holidays to several of my friends of Robotech forum back in the first years of 2000’s decade. However, the mail from my homeland, Venezuela, wasn’t a really good service and many of my mail got lost, so I stopped, considering it was wasting time and money. On the bright side, some of those cards arrived with time and the people who received still keep it.

In 2008, I moved with my husband to Spain and some time later, a friend from another anime forum started posting her lovely postcards on her social media. I asked her about it, she explained to me what Postcrossing was, how it worked. And took me some time to decide to join.

I’m not here to be a collector, I’m here for the experience to write a message to another human being, to search the most lovely card for a perfect stranger, and also to connect with other people who have a similar hobby, and create some sort of bond with them.

And Postcrossing gave me my first real friends in Spain, amazing people like @Eris0, who helped us to move to another town, and was the first person in meet my newborn baby. Or the incredible @Pottokko who is celebrating her 14th anniversary in Postcrossing.

In the end, Postcrossing for me is more about the people who write postcards, instead the postcard itself.


I’ve always bought postcards on my travels - not any official collection per day, I just like having these little souvenirs of places I’ve been. And I love travelling and writing, so it’s like a combination of some passions!

I really like sending people nice mail and of course receiving it too.

I have to say Postcrossing has brought me a lot of joy since I joined in December. I am an extrovert and love an opportunity to meet new people. I am really lacking in energy at the moment whilst we can’t live our normal lives and see family and friends, travel to new places and meet new people!

But writing postcards and getting them myself, as well as interacting with people on the forum has been so lovely. I am even on here when I should be working or sleeping :rofl: It has restored my faith in people (not that I ever completely lose it I just get annoyed at people and the silly things they do during the pandemic) and all my interactions, bar one, have so far been really lovely. So thank you everyone for making it such a great place to be, especially in these dark times.


I wanted to try penpalling, but my arthritis is bad and I can’t write the long letters that most people seem to want. Someone posted a link to this site on FB and I gave it a go. I’ve only been a member for about 3 months, but it is perfect for me! I can write a meaningful message in one sitting without having too much pain. Every card I’ve received has made me happy, and I love reading the comments from those who have received my cards. So, I guess I’m here for the connection, not the collection (altho I have saved all my postcards so far!)


I joined out of curiosity.
I found out through our mail station.
So I gave it a try.
I really like it and my first card made somebody really happy😌.
I speak English, Slovak, Finnish,French and German fluently. I would like to get cards from different places in the world.
I am quite young as I am 15

It makes me a little bit depressed to see some members who receive 6 cards per day and I know they throw everything away, because they say they do not collect postcards (they just need it for stamps).
What a waste…

I recently joined postcrossing together with my 13 year old son. I wanted to show him a hobby I had as a teen and hope he will catch the bug too :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it’s just a good feeling to be able to reach out to distant and unfamiliar to you corners of the world through a postcard and to receive a friendly echoing ‘hello’ back. :slightly_smiling_face:


Growing up online, I’ve always had a strong preference for communicating digitally over snail mail because it was faster and also easier for me to meet interesting people. Something about the pandemic changed this for me. I think a large part of it was because I’ve felt so online by necessity — having gone fully Zoom for my job and social life for the last year — that it has made me feel less of a real person.

With postcards, I feel like it’s helped me learn to be more present, and it genuinely has helped me combat a lot of the depression and anxiety I’ve been struggling with. There’s something really beautiful to know that small things like letters and postcards can have the potential for such impact; in a big world with objectively bad things happening, it feels in this realm of you can have some small power to make a difference. I haven’t gotten any cards back from this website but I’ve traded a couple in another group, and it’s definitely not about receiving or collecting anything for me. I simply enjoy sending something small out there that could make a stranger happy, no strings attached.

  1. why are you participating in postcrossing?
  2. why do you like postcards?

You can read in here


I stumbled upon postcrossing quite by accident. I was decorating my baby’s nursery, and was kind of disappointed by how generic and samey a lot of nursery art is. (Oooh, another set of canvases with pictures of animals that say “be kind/be strong/you’re unique”, how original… :eyes::joy:) Anyway I wanted an affordable way to show him lots of different types of art, and hit upon the idea of using postcards. While browsing, I kept seeing this term postcrossing, and looked into what it meant. I’ve always loved snail mail and used to delight in letter writing. Browsed for a while and slowly became hooked :relaxed: