Smail art Project

Hi there,

I read about LetterMo / Incowrimo at postcrossing blog and accepted the challenge, and enjoying this I started a small project also.

Community made art trough the mail, do you want to participate?

I send you a blank sheet or started with something, you add whatever you want to it and send to the next participant (of your choice, could be your next postcrosser for example - if they like postcard in an envelope :stuck_out_tongue: ).

I create an instagram profile to post the pictures: @smailartproj

If like to participate :smiley: send me a DM or message. I will be glad to add you!!

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This is a great idea! I would love to participate. Sending PM.

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@breeze2902, thanks for the interest! I already sent you one :smiley:

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