Show your Food Packaging cards

Aw this is really cute!!

Hi, another addition to this thread.
This is from a package of popsicles.


Ok, so thanks to this thread, I looked in our paper trash (my county is very good at recycling, we have a bin for almost everything), and found three food packages I have cut into postcard sizes :heart_eyes: Now I just need to join a tag or draw a profile who likes food packaging postcards.

This thread was very inspiring, so thanks to the OP :heart_eyes:


There are these tags:
Your idea of salvaging packages from the recycle is great!


Here’s my first packaging DIY postcard, currently traveling to one of the postcrossers:

It’s cut out of a beautiful golden box of coffee liqueurs barrels. The sweets are from the chocolate factory founded in 1851 and known since the very beggining for their artistic packagings designs. I was hestitant about the idea of DIY upcycling cards but I’ll definitely do some more :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If you like any first come first serve pm me.


These are the ones I sent so far


Could never believe people really want these cards … but … with these packages I had to start creating foodpackaging cards!

I found it quite difficult to cut the sides accurately, though I have a good cutter. Could you advice me on how precise the card has to be cut out, so the recipient really enjoys the card? (Would not send, if not wished for in the profile though.)

A bit of a story: The left one is quite known, it’s in some posts in this topic already. The right one is one of the three most delicious pralines I ever tried.


Such a cool thread! I’ve recently been wanting to increase my sustainability practices so liked the idea of upcycling old food packaging or old greeting cards. I’ve definitely been inspired by this thread and went directly rummaging through my kitchen for any possible interesting packaging… will also shortly be adding food packaging cards to my profile.

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I would say as precise as possible. Maybe take a normal card and compare after cutting? (So you see it is’t like you want.) In the photo your cards look well cut.

If I make card like this, I use a guillotine cutter, and make sure the card doesn’t move. Sometimes it helps to draw or mark the lines, so you will know when it’s slanted. (For example with a ruler and a pencil, or just with knitting needle, so it doesn’t leave a mark, but you’ll see where it should be cut.)


But please remember official postcrossing is for new/unused cards.
I think there is a thread where members swap used greeting cards.

One of my worst ever cards was a badly cut “card” from food box, which I thought was my cardboard recycling and almost throw it away. And the sender thought they were enviromental friendly, when they had bought multiwarpped product and used plastic in it :smile:

Or to get a used greeting card part where I still can read the original greeting in reverse :frowning: (this I didn’t need to register).

But back to topic, here is food packing card made out of tea package:

I mostly don’t like how food looks like in images, so this is perfectly my style :smile:


My first food packaging card was the following one from the USA:

I love blue and I love the winter. Perfect surprise! ^-^


Just made two more foodpackaging cards:


I love the colors and the popsicle :yum:


This one was cut out from a box of fruit snacks (unfortunately I did not have any Arnold Palmer stamps to go along with the theme :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)

I started rounding out the corners of my food packaging cards and have received some good feedback so far.


Oh I didn’t know they made those gummies in the half & half flavors too, I been buying the fruity and green tea boxes, Ill have to keep a look out for them

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3 more packages … the dancing-card needs some cutting though, it’s oversize.

1641_sweet dance


I find the place for me to brag:)

I didn’t make it perfect because I didn’t have a guillotine. In order to make the shape of it rectangular, I repeated cutting off its edges until the length of the longer side was even shorter than 15 cm… Then I stopped trying to make it perfect. How glad was I when I met a profile welcoming the food package! :tada:



I just bought them for the package but they were also delicious :yum: it was an Easter edition