Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

Hand-made envelope:



I love the one at the bottom

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I made some more cards. I am more creative in winter than in summer I guess.


Some more postcards I’ve made and sent


wow,your fruit stickers are so many and so different!!!
jalous, jalous, jalous…
we have only very rarely these stickers…
and it takes sooooooooooooooo long time to finish still
my first one…

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My latest semi homemade cards with stamps given to me from postcrossers.

Can’t wait for a profile that doesn’t mind handmade and loves stamps.


I really like this idea

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This is a beautiful use for these Pantone postcards, which can sometimes feel a little empty for non-designers! :heart_eyes:


Big thanks @SamMax and @meiadeleite for this idea and inspiration. I had to give it a try after seeing this post with a rough sketch/watercolor. I’ve only sent one so far, but definitely will have to send some more when I can find more time to make them. I admire both of your handmade designs!


That turned out really great! And then even painted, my talent wouldn’t be enough for that. I think it’s great that everyone always brings a new idea into this kind of stamp art! Good job! :+1:t2:

l just buy some beautiful shiny stickers!they are really special!


This is my perfectly original handmade christmas postcard!


Looks so cool! :heart_eyes: Like @SamMax, I don’t have enough talent to make drawings like this, but yours turned out brilliant! I’m happy to see new stamp art being created and making its way around the world.

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Done with paper and glitter. I'm thinking of turning them into prints

I was lucky and could made three handmade postcards with my selection of postcards to send!

The single X-mas tree will go to someone in Germany who loves everything about X-mas. The other two postcards as one will go to USA and Finland.

I used mixed-media and the prints are from a cereal box. Santa Claus was too large as a print, so I divided him onto two postcards! :upside_down_face: The wax seal were my first attempt…still need to practise a bitt…

I hope they will arrive safe and sound. The pod modge layers should keep the image intact I hope…


Niceee! You used an old book as background?!

I have sometimes very old books in my little library and still had my old Bos Atlas from elementary school. I kept that one for making postcards out of the pages one day!


Yes, I used an old book :blush:
I also use Bosatlas for my cards, as a geography teacher I have enough old ones :wink:

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Hello–I’m new here! I make handmade greeting cards and may be interested in making some postcards to send!
If you add embellishments or another layer of paper to the base of the postcard, how do you adhere it before mailing so it will arrive relatively in one piece? Mod podge? All of the handmade postcards in this thread are beautiful…but how do you send them?


Hello @klr64114 and welcome to the forum :slight_smile: I hope you will have a lot of fun here!

Check this thread out:

It’s all about glue. And depending on what you stick on your card you can also use an envelope to send.

You should always check the profiles though. Some people don’t like Handmade cards and others prefer cards without an envelope. A lot are fine with both though :slight_smile:

If you want to go all in there is also a handmade RR where we exchange cards about different topics in small groups of about 4 people.