Show stamps of places you have visited

As the topic, says share pictures of stamps of the places that you have travelled to. Show us some nice places and stamps :slight_smile:

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We have already a similar topic where peple show stamps at the appropriate location :arrow_right: #xtremephilately (or, putting stamps in the real world)

Or do you mean that people should show pictures from their vacations and a similar stamp?


No, I just meant stamps of places people have been to or live. Not their own pictures.

For example, here is stamp of beautiful stepwell in Adlaj that I visited before COVID :slight_smile:

UNESCO city of Ahmedabad, I lived here for 2 years

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Places I have seen on my latest trip to Ohrid lake in North Macedonia:

Ohrid old town

Struga village


Art-Nouveau in Antwerp :heart_eyes: