Shame we don't get many African countries taking part

No one’s reported any issues, but I’d be using PayPal as a safety measure in these transactions, so your card info isn’t shared directly & is processed on a secure site.

And btw, sometimes our browsers are correct in IDing a site as non-secure, but often they are not - mainstream NA websites sometimes get that designation regularly I find. In any case, use PayPal.


Good advice to use PayPal. It might be nothing but I just thought people should know so they can determine their comfort level.

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Beautiful cards there :smiley:

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Thank you Lena for your kind support :grinning:


I just saw that many collectors are interested in getting a postcard for a small donation. I know a person from Eswatini (former Swaziland) who doing the same.

I got this postcard from him and his service is great.

He is only available on Facebook. This is the link if anyone is interested.


There is a Facebook page run by Alena Machalkova called Postcards from Africa & other rare countries.

She offers a variety of country cards (it depends on availability) & most cost €8. Please remember costs are higher for cards & stamps in many countries & some of the price goes to community projects or groups.

" They are for sale, the profit will be used to support various projects and NGOs in Africa. One of the main benefiting organization (not always) is Bookfeeding Project (East Africa, Zimbabwe) or Save []. But there are also individual beneficiaries."

Please read the pages Group Rules & be prepared to be patient as cards can take several months to arrive. And remember these cards benefit community projects & the cards are organized & sent by volunteers - it’s not a store.

I’ve received lovely cards from this page from: Burundi, Cameroon, Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Sierra Leone, Zambia & Turkmenistan so far. And she offers other countries as well.

You have to join the FB group to have access.


Good, you be blessed

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The economic problem is also one of the factors. The cost of postage has increased to a 100%. we no longer could afford to send a postcard. In addition, we could also not post to some countries as the Ukraine and Russia war started. I am from Ghana and my name is Farakhan.


As of early last year 2022, I did send a lot of direct swaps but our economic instability has made things worst. During those times I realized there were few people who knew nothing about Ghana or Africa so I decide to send postcards of our culture, tourism, and others. I’m open to direct swaps.


why would you like a postcard from Ghana and Mali? I’m in Accra the capital city of Ghana.


I think because it’s a place that not many people have been to. It’s extra interesting if it’s not as common of a destination perhaps. :slight_smile:


Love these images!


Currently, I am doing a postcard giveaway to people in Africa from Japan. I saw your PO box address in your profile so I will send you a card for free of charge :slight_smile:

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Thank you

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Please do not mention it :slight_smile:

The postcards I saw on the wall were impressive.
The woman is arranging the dishes on the sand… Is there less wind over there?
trip plan that I can’t go.

I donated Prince and Princess Foundation Academy project and I received cool postcard with nice message. The postcard traveled only 2 weeks from Ghana to Poland. I can recommend it. The guys do the great job there!


Last month, I received the postcard that I had ordered from Timbuktu. They were having difficulty getting the mail out from Mali due to the situation there. The postcards seemed to be stuck there. So they tried sending mail out a different way through Senegal. I originally ordered the postcard in August 2023. A replacement postcard was sent out October 2023. The first postcard arrived February 5th and the replacement postcard arrived February 8th. When I emailed the organizer to let him know that both postcards arrived, he was excited to learn that the mail finally left Mali and maybe the mail situation was improving a bit. I appreciate all the hard work the team went through trying to get the postcards out to me and others. And it makes me realize how lucky I am that I am able to send and receive mail on a regular basis. :smiling_face:


Yes, they’ve really worked hard to get around some of the problems with sending mail in Mali given the political situation there. It’s such a good project & does so much for their community.