Seven Summits Drammen meetup Saturday June 3rd 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Drammen
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Bragernes torg 1, Drammen
:calendar: DATE: 3 June 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 7am or 5.30pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Hike and have a celebratory dinner afterwards, or be our cheerleaders and join in for a celebratory dinner

Soooo I hope all of you are ready for a little bit of an adventure! :grinning: :grinning: :evergreen_tree: :hiking_boot: :evergreen_tree: :hiking_boot:

This is a 2-part meetup. The hikers among us do the Top 7 hike, and those who don’t hike have a beer, cheer for the hikers when we finish, and then we all have dinner and write cards together!

Top 7 is a 24 km all day hike. Estimated time is 8 hours. You don’t have to be an athlete to do this, but you should be used to some forest path walking and like spending time outdoors. Some crazy people run this event and finish in 3 hours, others like me take their time, take long breaks and just make sure to finish by the 6pm deadline! There is a participation fee that covers the bus from Bragernes torg to the starting point of the hike. The bus leaves at 7am. Signup for the event opens March 15 here. See some pictures and read a description of the hike here (in Norwegian).

UPDATE 15 MARCH: Signup is open now here. Note that deadline for signup is May 31.

This is the height profile (highest “summit” is 607 meters :joy: and the last 10km are almost all downhill):

This is the map:

The hike ends back where we started, at Bragernes torg.

There is not a lot of postcard shopping to be done in this town, but they have some cards at the bookstore at the downtown mall (Magasinet) if the non-hikers want to get some postcard shopping in. They also sell some postcards at the town museum, which also has free entry on Saturdays but unfortunately closes at 4pm. Please feel free to organize your own adventure while the hikers are busy being lost in the woods :grin:

UPDATE: I booked a table at the restaurant Pigen (a relaxed place with good food located at Bragernes torg) now from 6pm on Saturday. I hope we’re done with the hike by then :upside_down_face: Pigen is located at Bragernes torg 8, see map. If you’re not doing the hike, I look forward to seeing you at Pigen! I’m sure it’s fine if you show up there a little earlier and have some beers while waiting for the hikers to finish their adventure.

Please note the early start of the hike. If you don’t live in Drammen and plan to do the hike, you may want to arrive Friday night (and maybe stay till Sunday).


  • KAS +1
  • LeishaCamden
  • baguetta


  • Rundstykket
  • Perlia

There will be a meetup card if I manage to lure more participants to do this than just myself and Rundstykket :rofl: Watch this space.

Update April 3: so it looks like a few more hardy hikers will join this adventure, so here’s a meetup card.

The meetup card is the view from one of the 7 summits; from Lokkeråsen to be precise (summit no 3). Drammen fjord is seen in the distance and that’s where we’ll be going from here.

I couldn’t resist the alliteration, so went for “Finnemarka forest meetup” :smile:

Please let me know by May 1 if you want any cards.

KAS - 20
Rundstykket - 5
baguetta - 20
LeishaCamden - 10
Inger71 - 25
Perlia - 15

Finnemarka is this forest area between Drammen river to the west and south, lake Tyrifjorden to the north and Lier valley to the east. The red line in the map below is approximately the Topp 7 hike, so we’ll be skirting the southern edges of Finnemarka. But it’s still Finnemarka. Finnemarka nature reserve is the dark green blob to the north, closer to lake Tyrifjorden.

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Unless something drastic happens (like drenching rain on the day) I will join you! :smiley:

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Great, fingers crossed for All The Sun :sunglasses:

I will join the hike if I can borrow a guestroom

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You absolutely can :grinning:

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Thank you😊

I totally forgot that I will be in Italy that weekend, so I cannot be there as a cheerleader (and I was looking forward to a trip to Drammen).

So, unless something happens; I will cheerlead from Italy.

Aww bummer for Rundstykket, he was looking forward to having a beer with you :beers: Enjoy Italy!

We’ll have to make that happen this year. :smile: Maybe a trip to the museum on a Saturday (free entrance)!

Any Saturday is good (as long as I am not on tour :smiley: )

Signup for the hike is now open here. Note that deadline for signup is May 31.

Pre-Covid this event often sold out, so don’t hesitate to sign up if you know you want to do the hike. They limit the number of participants for safety reasons. I know that turnout was low last year though, so who knows what will be the case this year…

Just to be clear: I have signed up :smile::walking_woman::hiking_boot:

I’ve signed up too! :+1:

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They’ve even made a little promo video about this hike.

Nice video :slight_smile: Sponsered by a favourite brand of mine :smiley:

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See this post for meetup card info :slightly_smiling_face:

20 meetup cards please😊

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10 cards for me please :slight_smile:

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Please note: DNT Drammen og omegn (the organizers of the Top 7 hike) ask that everyone picks up their “deltagerbevis” (proof of participation) at their shop in Drammen the week before the hike. If you don’t live in Drammen, I can pick up yours for you, provided you forward the confirmation email you got when you signed up. Apparently they require that email if picking up the “deltagerbevis” for others.

Also meetup cards are now ordered. There are extras, if you need more cards. :blush: