September 14, 2024 - Rochester (SE MN) meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rochester, Minnesota
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Rochester Public Library (101 2nd St SE, Rochester MN 55904), 2nd Floor Meeting Room
:calendar: DATE: 09/14/2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1:00-3:00 pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Doctors Mayo USPS stamp in the hometown of Mayo Clinic!
Optional: At noon, we will meet at the Feith Family Park (1st St SW between 3rd and 4th Ave) where several statues tell the story of Mayo Clinic. I’ll narrate the rest. On the way to the library (a 10 min walk) there is an opportunity to stock up on MN/Rochester themed postcards at the Eagle Store.

Like last time, I reserved the 2nd floor meeting room of the Rochester Public Library from 1 pm - 3 pm. The 2nd floor is connected to the Civic Center Parking Ramp (on 1st Ave SE) and all of downtown by Skyway, parking is free on weekends. We’ll sign cards there and chat. Bring your favorite postcard(s), washi tape, stickers, stamps, pens. And your best postcrossing story! We’ll have a space to trade/recycle as well. During those two hours, I am asking everyone to mask up and I will do the same:

A meetup postcard has been designed in two variations! It will be available for purchase at $0.25/card to offset my printing costs. Every attendant is invited to create and print their own postcard design following guidelines, but all attendants should be able to order postcards from them.

After 3 pm, feel free to stick around for coffee, beer, pizza, ice cream, etc. (tbd) in Downtown Rochester (optional).

“This event does not occur in partnership with, nor is it endorsed by Rochester Public Library or the City of Rochester."

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Tagging previous attendees:
@jdkreuter @KristinaGisela @caseycat @debim @nancy-ann @Ravenofsunshine @erdnerd

# postcrosser attending # of cards preference?
1 @sannah82 20
2 @SilverHare 20 beige
3 SilverHare’s daughter
4 @Green_Heron
5 @nkbartel 15
6 @judgejudicious
7 cathybest’s +1
8 @cathybest 20 beige
9 @jafferty
10 @salemhouse 20
11 @adna55906
12 @DeeMN
13 @mlubbers 20
14 @pogo19
15 @rothko 10
16 @CarrieJoJo 20
17 @sleepyhippo1 20
18 @Maslover12
19 @MOJoSmiles 20 mix
20 @yarenicolee 10
21 @Indreni 10 beige
22 @Carol1 20 (25 if possible)
23 @KristinaGisela 15 white

My daughter and I plan to attend! Thank you for hosting @sannah82 !

I’ll be there! Looking forward to it :partying_face:

I’ll be there! Thanks for having again. Looking forward to it!

I have it on my calendar! Thanks so much for organizing this again!

Thanks for letting me know! I’ll be there!

I will be there! Thanks so much for all you do!

Great news! I am looking forward to attending. Thank you. Dee

I’ll plan on attending. Thanks!

I have it on my calendar. I will be there

Would love to be there, but I’ll be out of state. Please keep me on the list for next time. You guys have fun!

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Thank you for organizing and inviting me! I’ll be on a trip out of the country so I won’t be able to attend this one :smiling_face_with_tear: Have fun!!

Looking forward to attending

I can’t decide which one to print (or both). Please let me know! White background or not?

@adna55906 - you have offered your help in the past … :wink:


They’re both great but I like the one with the beige background.


I like that one better, too, but my perfectionism dislikes the fact that I couldn’t remove the small white border around the stamp …

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I also like the beige :slightly_smiling_face:

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I split my postcard order 250 to 100 in favor of the beige background.
Cards will be available at $0.25 per card or a bundle of 20 for $5, payable at the meetup (cash or venmo). I am asking everyone to limit themselves to 20 cards max. to sign (more for taking if there are still leftovers at the end).

There will be door prizes or maybe even a bingo game. Not sure if i can pull the latter of yet, it’s still a while out …


ooh! i could probably make it down to rochester for that… excellent!

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