Sending to Russia during this crisis

Edit for typos and to add Has anyone mentioned this invasion in postcards that are in envelopes*

My country has recently halted mail to Russia. Before our mail to Russia stopped, I was thinking about what I would even say if I were to be assigned to Russia. I have heard that many of the Russian people have no idea what is happening, and are told they are providing aid to Ukrainian citizens. For those of you still permitted to mail to Russia, do you write about this very sad situation (in an enveloped card)

Also, I have a card that has been traveling to Russia since February. Do you think my card will still arrive since it was sent way before the USPS halt? It is just a card, and I know bigger things are happening but I was just curious.


I don’t know about Russia, but I have a family in Belarus. My cousin always says people there know not to talk too much. My guess is that the postcard should not mention matters related to the war directly. Anyone can read what’s on the postcard. There is no need to make trouble for others. You can write about the weather or a photo on a postcard or just anything else. I receive just such postcards from Belarus. Not dealing with “difficult” topics. Remember that Postcrossing is meant to unite, not to divide.

And probably yes, this postcard to Russia is still traveling. It’s not unusual that it takes this long.


I’ve sent several postcards to Russia since the war started and I don’t mention it. There are two reasons why:

Possibility (slight, I know) of censorship;
Sometimes it’s just nice not to think of the terrible things that are happening, both for me and the person receiving the postcard in Russia.

However, I do finish the postcard by saying something like “Sending you very best wishes in these difficult times”. I am alluding to the war there. They can read it however they like. Some, I’m sure, will realise that that is what I’m hinting at.


I think it has a good chance of arriving.


I think there’s a good chance of your card getting registered! :slightly_smiling_face: It might take some time, but if it was mailed before the halt, it has most likely been forwarded normally.

I don’t. For me personally, Postcrossing is about spreading joy and happiness, so I wouldn’t really feel comfortable writing about the war. Postcrossing offers me (and many others probably too) a little break from all the horrible things that are happening in this world right now, so I tend to write about normal things: myself and my background, the theme of the card, hobbies, whatever we have in common… Just normal everyday things, and I keep it positive, because I think that’s what we all need during these times. :love_letter: Sometimes I finish the card the same way as @Florallle, though - it’s a subtle way to address the situation, and the recipient has a chance to interpret it the way they want.

Many Russian postcrossers have expressed their gratitude for receiving such happy mail in their hurray messages, and quite a few have mentioned the war in that context. It leads me to believe that Postcrossing really is a great way to bring a smile on someone’s face, even if it’s just for a tiny little moment. We all deserve that, no matter which country we live in. :slightly_smiling_face:


You have to realize a few things when conflicts and political upheavals are involved:
â–  Members want to enjoy their hobby; they appreciate getting information about postcards.
■ The Russian Federation isn’t the only authoritarian regime on earth. You’d be surprised that in such countries, people have a way of getting accurate information without relying on governmental filters.
■ We need to be careful when writing about subjects that causes us personal pain. For example, beginning in 2017, the Russian Federation has outlawed my religious organization, labeling it as an extremist group. Many have been given long prison terms. The average Russian may / may not know about this. But that isn’t the point. I keep it focused on postcards.


Thank you for sharing! I may try to use a similar ending next time I write to a Russian postcrosser.


It’s interesting you can find the same discussions in the Russian Postcrossing-themed message boards and social media groups. People ask the same questions:
What should I write when sending a postcard abroad? Should I mention the war? Do the people in Europe still want to get mail from Russia?

So far we do not have any sort of (postal ) censorship. Two days ago I received some cards with explicit anti-war messages from Germany and France.

I’d say that many people still prefer to get nice “feel good” cards without any political references

I would say that the majority of the Russian people know what is happening very well. Although 99% of the anti-war media outlets have been blocked or destroyed, we can find unbiased news on the Net.


Thank you for sharing your perspective from Russia.

I’ve been worried about writing anything that could be construed as political, in case it causes trouble for the recipient… I like @Florallle’s wording too :+1:


I don’t write, unless they mention it, or somehow tell they want to write about it. But not always even then.

In the end I have written “I wish a peaceful future for both of us/all of us” so I think it’s a sign I know what is happening, but as I refer “both” or “us”, I hope it feels more like we are here together, and I don’t see any Russian postcrosser as bad, and I wish them equal good as to myself.

EVillalba, I think your card will likely arrive.
(Suddenly I had many cards registered, so I think they go in bigger “lots” than normally. )


Thanks for this discussion.

I was very sad after this “crisis” started and I was thinking a lot how to deal with it. I’ve decided to uncheck the “repeating countries” flag (before the “crisis” began, I had a lot of postcard exchange (~25%) with Russia).

Then - if I have to send the postcard to Russia or if I receive the postcard from Russia (or Belarus) and I have the feeling that the person is against the “crisis”, I try to be as supportive as I can. Otherwise I try to be “professional” avoid any emotions and I send / receive the postcard with some general message. Of course, my impression can be wrong, but I hope I won’t hurt anyone with this approach.

I was also thinking about some message against the “crisis”, but I’ve deciced not to express it. If the person is already against it, there is no need to write it. And if the person supports it, then there is no point in expressing my different attitude.

However, I would like to support Ukraine people and Ukraine postcrossers. Of course, I sent some money to NGO that help the people in need, but I would like to also show them some support. If you have any idea how to do that, let me know!


I REALLY like this. Thanks for the idea.


Thanks for your reply and thoughts. I noticed the quotes on “crisis” a few times, which leads me to believe you know why I am wording it this way, but in case anyone in this thread is wondering why I am it, it is because I heard (but have not verified) that calling it a w*r is banned and anything with that word is not allowed in their media when discussing Ukraine. I know Russia’s biggest search engine is not google, but one set up to understand the Russian language’s layers and multiple meanings, so I was careful in the event it was a keyword. That could be very unnecessary, but I dontt know what they can see.


What should I write when sending a postcard abroad? Should I mention the war? Do the people in Europe still want to get mail from Russia?

I am still happy to receive postcards from Russia. Actually, my current favourite card arrived from Russia a few days ago (unfortunately our post has suspended and I cannot send to Russia).

On the other questions, I wouldn’t mind if they mention the war, if they want to, but the don’t have to. It’s a postcard afterall. The last cards I was able to send, I wished for peace for everyone. I can’t see how that can be bad, so I think it’s ok. :slight_smile:

In essence, I think that a person who is choosing stamps, sticking washi tape and writing postcards, is usually not what is wrong with the world, in any country.


Thank you so much for a Russian perspective! I really appreciate it so much. When you say most people support it, do they think it is a delivery of aid and supplies to citizens or do most know about all the civilians getting murdered and losing their homes and getting their towns destroyed?

Also, does the word w@r try to be filtered out, by Russian news?


I also have postcards travelling to Russia since February. Some cards, which I had sent to Russia in February, have already arrived and last week a card was registered, which I had already sent in January. It all depends on where in Russia the card has to go, I think.

  1. yes, the word “war” is officially banned, the Russian media uses “military operation in Ukraine” instead

  2. I’m sad to say it but many people actually support the war. It’s a very very very complicated difficult painful situation. The relationships between Russia and Ukraine have been strained over the past 20 years (lots of reasons, long story…something like China and Taiwan, Spain and Basque country). Many people believe that Ukraine wanted to attack Russia and they would have attacked us if we had not attacked first…:frowning:

Yes, people know about civilians being murdered but claim it to be provocation and sabotage staged by Ukrainian Secret Service

Fortunately there are no war supporters among my friends and co-workers

I think this whole situation is a result of bad communication. There are many unresolved issues between our countries but they must be discussed, talked about… good communication can solve many problems but the Russian Government did not want to talk…


Thanks so much for your words. I think if someone don´t want to have mail from your country simply can put her/his account inactive. I feel only good receiving mail from Russia. Everyone who I send mail to, I assume want to have mail from me. I write my messages with respect and a thought the receiver is a human being with same value as I have :sparkling_heart: .
I don´t know a lot about political interest between U and R but to me it feels very weird why in a world in your country anyone believes someone would want to attack R? No need to explain here, it´s just rhetorical question. Love to all people in every country.


Thank you for yor reply! I am very new to postcrossing and though I understand that postcrossing is not “politcal”, I am a very political person, this war is what my occupies my thoughts, and it is completely impossible for me to write to Russian or Ukrainian nationals without mentioning the war. Naturally, I do not want to get a postcrosser into trouble, but Children are dying - and for me, that is an essential message. I certainly do not blame Russian civilians for war crimes, though!!!


Please bear in mind that there may be children on postcrossing too… I recently wrote to a 12 year old Russian boy. It certainly didn’t feel appropriate to talk about war or conflict. I talked about my school days (in the 1990s) and what was my favourite subject instead.

I saw a post on the forum where someone said they’d mentioned the war in the “hurray” message and it then turned out to be a 14 year old child…

I’m not saying to avoid any political message, but just to make sure you are aware of who might be the recipient and whether it is appropriate :grinning: