Sending postcards to Russia and Belarus

I only want to send an encouragement message to all postcrossers from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.
Let’s hope the friendship of Postcrossing will be stronger than wappons.
I send love to all of them and to all postcrossers.


This is what I mean, I was in shock of what they wrote!


Frankly, I cannot understand this “business as usual” philosophy. Sure, we are writing to people, not to countries. But people are attacking Ukraine at the moment, Russian soldiers keep killing innocent men, women and children in Ukraine. It is a horror for me to send “Best wishes” to someone in Russia who might support Putin.
Sports was always said to be unpolitical. And look what is happening now (FIFA, IOC). I think a boycott would be appropriate.


I think this has been talked dozen of times lol. Imagine if postcrossing is taking a stance on this matter and boycott Russia because of this. Postcrossing isn’t endorsing any government and their country in the world and what can be sent or not right now is because of postal monitor updates

If I postcrossing would boycott Russia because of this I certainly would ask the same on boycott on USA, Israel, and many other countries with their foreign “wars” . But I’m not going there and I’m not going to use the same energy being given to Russia for any political or conflict issues.

Perhaps taking a break from official Postcrossing site can be nice and use the tag game in this forum to send cards out :slight_smile:


“keep in mind that regular people and postcrossers in Russia (or Belarus) don’t have anything to do with the awful things that are happening in Ukraine” - Really? In fact, the invasion is not carried out by a single man or even a handful. Many, many people in Russia support Putin. They might not have an appropriate access to independent information - but a boycott of postcrossing postcards may help them to start thinking of what is going on in their country and in Ukraine.


That’s not totally correct. We have many media sources that provide information from western point of view. And they do it in russian language.
That kind of press doesn’t get jailed, but they are marked as foreign agent media (when you go to such site, you see a warning text about it, but it doesn’t block the content).
I am also worried that outside Russia our channels are being forced to close (as I heard). And not many Europeans know Russian and have interest in watching our media.


“Big sports” is a money making machine, also an important branding/advertising and image projection tool.


I cannot move on without leaving - at least very briefly - my personal thoughts.

I deeply feel with the Ukrainian people who have to go through the worst, terror beyond imagination. I cannot help but thinking also about those young Russian soldiers being forced into this war. Even if they survive they and their families will pay a price for it, probably for more than one generation. As Germans not too long ago brought war and utmost horror over large parts of the world, many might know what I am talking about. And to be honest I am also worried about the rest of the world.

I have friends in both countries in real life, also sent cards via postcrossing to people on both sides. I am so sad that we have come to this point, a point where people kill other human beings because of their leader and nations block not only postal services but almost all forms of contact within Europe. We cannot do anything about that but postcrossing should definitely not exclude users from whatever nation. They are all individual human beings.

Stop this war.


you don’t even have to put the word wars between quotes. there are actual wars going on right now, with loads of innocent people being murdered daily. but they’re not white, european countries so people don’t care. but it is very hypocritical to only be against russia right now.
then again there already were quite a few topics about not wanting russian addresses way before any of this so.

@paulo i really appreciate your post but maybe just leave it with that and close this topic? now we have the 43th topic this week with the same discussion


Would you wish them ill, then? Maybe think about it this way: there’s no reason to suspect that the person whose address you’ve been given supports Putin or war, and if they for whatever reason happen to do so, by writing “best wishes” you can at least wish for that person to come to their senses. Of course you wouldn’t mention that or write anything like that, but if thinking it that way helps you forget about political issues, it might be worth trying. I would never ever wish anyone ill, not even those whose opinions are way different from my own - I would wish that they came to their senses, and I would keep that to myself, because Postcrossing is not a platform to argue about political issues. It’s about connecting with people. I don’t see why we couldn’t write to Russian postcrossers just the way we normally do - about hobbies, culture, common interests…

I’m not saying that there aren’t people in Russia (or elsewhere) who support Putin. I’m saying that there’s no reason to blame ordinary people, just like me and you, who just happen to live in a country with a very flawed government. I’m fairly sure that most people here on Postcrossing do not support war in any way.

Moreover, I don’t think that a boycott by Postcrossing would have much of an impact.


@paulo, reading your statement warmed my heart. :heart: Thank you so much - I love this project.


We’re going to turn on the slow mode on this topic, and remind everyone that Postcrossing is not the place for country bashing or political wars, which are not allowed here.

We already tried to open a space on a different topic for discussion about the ongoing conflict, but it naturally devolves into fights between postcrossers, and it’s impossible to moderate. If this topic continues to break the Forum Guidelines with unfriendly comments, political fights or country bashing, I’m afraid we’ll have to close it.


If so you should report this to admin. There’s nothing to justify such a behaviour to you or other Russian postcrossers.
Even if you (or others) would support Putin it’s not ok to bully you.
Discussing, yes. And trying to understand the other persons’ point of view. But bullying, no.


I’m still sending postcards to Russia no matter what but I’ve noticed that it’s taking a little longer now :thinking:


Make mine your words !!!

I agree with you, Paulo, but today I received a message from a postcrosser in Russia (Moscow) who told me:

"I was sending you a postcard, but it came back(( I would try to send it again, but I’m not sure if I can do it and can it come to your destination at these period of time((( Sorry(( Stay safe!”

just fyi


I understand your point of view but then this should apply to everyone else.
If there is a possibility that someone I write a card to is homophobic, racist, misogynistic or supports something I’m very againts, this hobby wouldn’t be possible for me.
(I don’t call these “disagreements” or “political differences” as that’s just bull****. I take mine and people’s human rights seriously and they are not just something we can look past to. But well, most people don’t advertise these things in their profiles so I will assume they don’t think that way.)
But it’s in my best mind to assume the best of the people. Overall I find most postcrossers open minded and genuine so I think that about everyone, doesn’t matter what country they’re from.


If someone is uncomfortable or upset that you may draw an address in Russia, Belarus, or wherever, perhaps it is time for that person to take a break from Postcrossing.


You are right: there is a difference between reality and media reports. Always and everywhere. And the difference between opinion and facts is very important.
I personally will continue to send postcards to Russia if I draw a Russian address. Maybe I will keep the text a little more general, but I would still send good wishes. Everyone needs good wishes and one should not wish anyone bad. One should at least remain neutral. And I’m so sorry you were bullied. I would never think of doing that. And if someone from Germany did, I am ashamed and apologize.


But isn’t that always a risk at something like Postcrossing? Imagine you send “best wishes” to someone who beats his children or is someone with a criminal record or whatever.
And wasn’t this the same problem with Trump voters or people who think Orban or Erdogan are great leaders?
There is always the danger that a person who is “on the wrong side” gets your card. The only way to be sure that this does not happen is not to send anything.