Scratch-and-Sniff Stamps?

Any thoughts?


very cool ! I love those when I was little

It’s a weird concept. But, a really awesome one!! I wonder if I could find any on eBay?

I noticed that they all smell the same…bubblegum.

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Those look fun! I had no idea those existed

I didn’t know they existed. I would love to know If they do smell different or all the Same.

I Just remembered that when I was a child there was paper with different smell and that was pretty fun. I think it was from diddl :smiley:

I’ve had some of those wonderful stamps on snailmail recently! I love the colours and the concept and ice cream is one of my favourite foods anyway! :purple_heart:

With Corona going on I don’t really feel like “scratching and sniffing” though! :crazy_face:


I loved sending those out. They smelled so fruity! I love it when the USPS does something cool with stamps, like scented, or 3D, or prismatic foil. :two_hearts:

Russia has a series of fruit scented stamps, too . I received the strawberry and pineapple.


You could also see it as a free corona test - if you can smell it, all is good :joy:


This old one from Finland had ginger bread smell:


A very cheap test too! :sweat_smile:

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Germany had a series of scratch and sniff stamps with fruits as well!

And these old roses are also scratch and sniff.


Switzerland had these in 2001

And these in 2017

I used both on postcards, although the one with the quince is huge and didn’t leave much space to write.


Whoa, I didn’t know there was a stamp that smelled of quince – how cool! :heart_eyes: I love them!


Now I have to search for the gingerbread one from Finland and the apple one from Russia. I know that I have them but I have never known that they are scratch-and-sniff! :heart_eyes:

eBay is where I saw this!
I think it was just the one sheet but, hey.

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Are quinces popular in Europe?? Most (young) American people don’y know what they are. Sometimes you can find a quince tree on an old property.

I’d say, that in central Europe most people know quinces as jam but couldn’t identify the fruit, when they see it.

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I have the same impression as @curry-king — I feel that they are perhaps slightly more popular in Southern Europe?

For many years growing up here in Portugal, there was never “jam” or “compote” on bread in our house — only quince jelly or quince paste. I remember my mom making both in Autumn, a pot of the stuff bubbling for hours on the stove (the sugar jumping and burning the hands of whoever was tasked with the dreaded job of stirring the stuff), filling the house with that amazing smell… :heart_eyes: To me, it smells like “going back to school”.

I also like to eat them raw (though they’re quite hard, acid and astringent), but I don’t know of anyone else who shares this taste. :sweat_smile:

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And with the leftovers from making quince jelly you could make amazing quince bread (doce de marmelo)!

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