Scratch-and-Sniff Stamps?

We have some in India!
Floral and perfume scents - and actually, they are still fragrant even though the roses were issued in 2007 (the perfumes in 2019).
Here are roses:

And sandalwood and jasmine:


Oh, thanks for the info and I wish I had known this before! I had a set of the “fruit” stamps in with some old inherited ones and already sent them off without knowing they were scratch-‘n’-sniff. Too bad!

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I had the lemon and strawberry and still have the rose ones. I was very surprised that they actually smell like what they’re meant to smell like, haha. :smiley: So if you can get your hands on them, definitively sniff them!

How great would it be if a northern African country produced a scratch and sniff stamp that smelled like frankincense? :heart_eyes::astonished::+1:t3:

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These are great! Reminds me of my old sticker collection! I never knew they existed! Thanks for sharing!