[RR] US to US Themes RR

Received from 400
@Hazygirl Costume calf. I love this card.
@uconn Titina in the USA. I just bought some cards from this series. But not this one. They were out.
@Cynovian A cub blowing a bubble. I had a Great Dane at the shelter knock me flat the other day. My leg is black and blue. From my knee to my ankle. She wasn’t trying to be mean, just doesn’t know her size.
@TwoDoggies Wall-E. I have a couple of box sets that are lasting forever too.
@kanosis Love in the air. What a fun memory.
@architeuthis Pomegranate card. I think this is a great card.

Thank you everyone


Group 400
@kanosis sent this lovely sarcastic card. I think this is the second time you’ve sent something you thought was bad and I have loved, lol. I mean, look at that cute dog?? Regardless, I am also excited for spring! My daffodils have been blooming for a couple of weeks, and my phlox is starting to flower as well! It’ll be so pretty in the yard, soon!

@architeuthis sends this old photo card! I can’t speak for how well the AC would work in this photo, but those curtains sure are something else. Florals and frills? Yikes! I’m also giggling about the extremely tiny photo frame on the wall - they’re so small!

@sleepyhippo1 sent a bookstore! We had our false spring at the start of February. We’ve recently been dealing with a lot of rain though; it’s particularly annoying when the temperature is nice! I can’t go out and do yard work when it’s pouring buckets all the time!

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@blubay2021 nice blue cat reading card. Thanks

@StephofYorktown cool card, I never heard of the Smallwood Store. Thanks!


Group 400 - Roulette
@blubay2021 sent a LA gator. I’ve never been to Louisiana, but New Orleans is on my list of places I want to visit. The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Louisiana is the Waterboy movie. :rofl:
Thanks for the cool card! :crocodile:

@Hazygirl sent a beautiful purple boat on the water scene. Unfortunately, it’s a little worse for wear from its postal journey. But I still love it! Thanks! :canoe:

@architeuthis sent a rug. :rofl: I’m going to have to agree with you that a rug is just not too exciting. But I totally laughed about what you wrote, so thanks anyway for the boring textile. :joy:

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Please add me to 342 (feminism)

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Received for group 400
@blubay2021 Blue cats. Love it. I like the washi tape too. Thank you

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:blue_heart: :smile:

Grp 400

Thank you Ruth. The not-so-nice card does have a family theme. That W could be a changed and make more sense . Thank you for the stamp, too.

@TwoDoggies -

Thank you, Terri, for the night sky. I agree the card is beautiful ! We also had lots of rain affecting our freeways. We are expecting another downpour this weekend.

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Please add me to 395 History.

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Welcome to the RR, @marymiller1066! :smiley:

May I join Grp 404, thanks!

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Postcards sent for group 395.

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389 received
@Triol Thank you Olga for this St. Patrick’s Day card!

Join Group 403 please, thanks Barb! :green_heart:

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I’d like to join 401 please

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I would like to join group 402, books, please!

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Group 385 - Lighthouses
@ayellowdaffodil sent me a card with three of New Jersey’s beauties! The challenge sounds like great fun! let me know!

This completes the group for me.


387 Flags

@Yarn-Lady cool flag card, thank you


Group 400
@kanosis sent Skiing. I missed his “snowsuit” the first time I saw it
@blubay2021 sent 3 cute kitties. I have 2 niece cats, they’re cute but crazy!

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Group 389 & 392

Thank you Olga for both great cards. I like Key Lime Pie and enjoy St Patrick’s Day. The woman looks so pretty in her green dress and red hair. :four_leaf_clover::green_heart:

Group 402 Ready for mailing!

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395 mailing today

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