[RR] US to US Themes RR



Can I join group 383, 394, 398, 401, and 404ā€¦thank you

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4 more cards received for group 400:

@kanosis This is a perfect group for finding a new home for weird cards! And a scale card is definitely not a great one, but I do appreciate the written note and washi tape of the postcard :slight_smile:

@sarahaeyo Iā€™ve never heard of Asajj Ventress from Star Wars! Iā€™ve read a lot of the books and donā€™t recall her name, so I wonder if she is from one of the shows or movies that I havenā€™t seen yet! She definitely looks like a baddie to not cross!

@Hazygirl The Boston card is beautiful! Iā€™ve never been there, but Iā€™d love to go one day to see all of the historic places, and Iā€™m sure plenty of museums.

@architeuthis The Miss Polish Job postcard is interesting. This looks like they were protesting something!


Group 392 @Triol Thank you for the crab cake recipe! I have never actually made a crab cake, although I do like to eat them!
Group 389 @Triol Thank you for the St Patrickā€™s Day card and stickers!

Group 387 @virgomar0918 Thankyou for the beautiful bald eagle card. They are truly beautiful birds!

Group 385 @ayellowdaffodil Thank you for the beautiful New Jersey Lighthouses card. Living near the water, I have visited several lighthouses in Virginia and North Carolina over the years!

Group 390 @nursegarry Thank you for the beautiful portrait. I love the tones in it.

Group 387 @Yarn-Lady Thank you for the lovely, but very different patriotic postcard!


401 mailed!

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Group 400
@kanosis sent a great card with beautiful poppies. I love it! Thank you, Maria!



@sleepyhippo1 ā€œHappy Puppy Dairy Plogā€ Wut?!


Mailed: #395 History

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Group 392 @Triol Thank you for the Savannah Country Boilā€¦I must say, Iā€™m a bit in Awe of your collection of cookbooksā€¦300 you say. Thatā€™s an impressive collection. Whatā€™s your favorite?


Join 308 and 403 please :slight_smile:

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My group 402 cards are in the mail!

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Welcome to the RR, @Sunhilde! :smiley:

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Iā€™ll join 311.

Received for 400
@sarahaeyo Czeslaw Milosz. I havenā€™t heard of this poet. Iā€™ll have to look up some of his poems.

@StephofYorktown Death Valley by Ansel Adams. Beautiful work.

Thank you both.


Received three great cards from @TeachLittleKids for group 393, Three In One. Thanks so much!

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Received this lovely card from @uconn in group 395 today.


Group 389 - St. Patā€™s
@TeachLittleKids Thank you Judy for this card! :four_leaf_clover: I can imagine little battles break out with all the pinching on St. Patā€™s in class. Has anyone ever gone home with an accidental bruise from another child pinching too hard?

Group 308 - Pantone headed out 4/9. :green_heart:

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Received a card from @StephofYorktown for group 400. I love the Mainz card! I lived in Germany for about 4 years when I was a kid, but I donā€™t remember if we ever visited Mainz, although Iā€™m sure we did at some point.


393: 3 in 1
@TeachLittleKids Thank you for the cards Judy! :smiley:

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308 has been dropped in the box!

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Group 400
@StephofYorktown sends Harry Potter! This was the first series I really loved and had to wait for new books for. I remember pre-ordering books 5-7 and going to the bookstore on release day with my grandma to pick them up! We went to see the movies on release day as well, which was always a fun time, back in the day.

@TwoDoggies sent this colorful card! Iā€™ve actually found that a lot of people on PC have lots of in-common! But it certainly is strange our commonalities include dogs named Jax (although I bet your grand-dogs full name isnā€™t ā€œJackson, Floridaā€ like my dogā€™s name is)!

Thank you both for the great cards!