[RR] US to US Themes RR - CLOSED. Join NEW RR!

Group 121 I have received all!
@Angeldreamer a lovely Denver postcard. The snow tunnels sound wonderful!

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For group 124, I received cards with great stamps from @katie333 and @Angeldreamer

Thank you ladies for the C cards!


her name art is certainly something to admire…I try to copy it and it is never as nice!

congrats on the new job!!! I am struggling with the work/hobby balance as well especially when I throw in house chores as well! haha

traveling groups is updated

Group 128
@alcott1 a postcard from the Peabody hotel! So nice :slight_smile:

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Group 123

Thank you @Angeldreamerfor the gorgeous old truck and puppy dog fabric Christmas card! I love it so much!

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Group 128

@Angeldreamer – Beautiful columbines in the San Juan Mountains. I used to live in Colorado; so beautiful, but so many people and perhaps too much vibrance. I was very disappointed when I was there a couple years ago.

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Received a springtime crocus from @scooby39 for the NA theme group 124 - it’s so pretty, thank you!


Group 128

@purplepiccolo – Beautiful forest around the Capitano Suspension Bridge in Vancouver. Thank you!

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brrrrr who else is freezing their tail off this week? I was so hoping this was the week i would get caught up on everything I owe people, but this ice storm has caused people to call in (imagine that!) and I am being pressed into service to at least ATTEMPT to deliver a half route a day. I pressed my dad into service as a driver for our 4 wheel drive and between the 2 of us, I sure got a lot more delivered today than yesterday (I was out for 3 hours and managed 1 parcel and 10 boxes. lol took me an hour just to get back to the post office after I was given the ok to stop. … I was nearly in tears!!) I haven’t forgotten I owe some cards, and I will get them out just as soon as I get a little settled.

Definitely freezing up here in Alberta! It was -40C overnight on Saturday & Sunday, and has only been about -25 as a high temperature the past few days. We’ve had a mild winter, so this is a rude awakening.

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Group 121 thanks @Angeldreamer for hosting this rr and also for this lovely card that also made me literally LOL :rofl: the moment I saw it I thought postal.worker so I laughed more when I saw you were having same thought!


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received from group 128 botanicals:
@alcott1: I love seeing plants thriving in ponds and other similar ecosystems. It seems like a much better place than dirt, to me. I would love to one day have a small pond garden (and a regular dirt one, as well).

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Hi :cupid: I would like to join 126 (Valentine’s)

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Reporting in for group 134 ‘C’ items received a Christ of the Ozarks card from @angeldreamer, looks interesting. Appreciate the nice stamps, thank you!

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hahaha…it does tickle me every time I see that! with this bad weather those words are so appropriate!! We have only been getting half routes done daily, so strange…but also refreshing to just work at a safe rate and get done (or not) at a decent time. We MUST be back by 430pm every day right now.

I will do an update tomorrow or sunday and close a few groups most likely :slight_smile: Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!! We are expecting a ton of snow in OK…stay safe and warm all!

yes the new marijuana laws have transformed Colorado a bit :frowning:

this is the first real winter we have had in at least a decade and it is a record breaker. Luckily I lived up north for a while and have some proper clothing for it, many do not! brrrrr, stay warm @AlbertaGirl71!!