[RR] US Themes RR - Vote now for the groups you'd like to see

US Themes Round Robin (US Themes RR)


  • Welcome to the new Round Robin US-Themes! Thanks to @angeldreamer and @lrp124 for hosting previously.
  • Any members located in the US (sending/receiving US domestic rate mail) may join.
  • If you are new to the group please pm me with your address. Users that are new to sending cards in the forum may join only one group until your cards arrive.
  • Post in the thread which group number you would like to sign up for; postcards sent must relate to the group theme.
  • Once a group fills up it will be assigned a group number and you will receive a PM of the group participants and their addresses.
  • You have two weeks to mail postcards from the time you receive group addresses.

Remember to write on your postcards: RR US Themes (or RR US~T), Group #, and your forum username.

For example, all of my cards will say RR US~T, #500 redyelllownow if the group # is 500

  • It is OK to send multiple cards to the same person in an envelope to save postage. If you would rather someone did NOT do this you may ask that I note that when I send out addresses.
  • Please post in the thread when you send your cards and once you receive cards and the user name you received from so that we can keep track.
  • Send only professionally published postcards. Ad/free cards or handmade cards are only allowed if indicated in the group description.
  • New themes are always added so check back often. Have a theme suggestion? … post in the thread or pm me.
  • If you move please PM an updated address.
  • Have fun!
  • Flickr Group NA Themes RR <~~~~~ to share photos of postcards you receive from the round robin.
    (I didn’t start the flickr group and know nothing on how to maintain it, but I am going to try to use it)
1 Like

Open Groups

All About the Image

These groups are focused on the postcard image matching the theme of the group. Your message can relate to the image theme, but it’s not required.

I-A Wild Animals
  1. ellistrations
I-B Beaches
  1. ellistrations
I-C B/W - by popular demand
  1. BellaCollectsCards

All About the Message (back side)

These groups are about the backside of the card. You will match your message and/or decoration to the theme of the group. The image may or may not relate.

M-A My week in one word/image per day. Each day for 7 days, write one word (or use one sticker or make one doodle) about the day on the card. Feel free to mix it up words/stickers/drawings
M-B Let’s get acquainted A few notes about you and why you are postcarding (in general, or in the forums specifically)

Image and Message Harmony

These groups have themes that include both the card image and whatever you put on the backside (postage does not have to match - forever postcard stamps are a-okay)

H-A Spring is in the air! A card that says springtime to you, and please write about springtime traditions or memories or thoughts you have about it now.
  1. Angeldreamer
H-B Storyline Pick a card and make up a story about what is happening in the scene, or why you bought it/inherited it/found it….maybe this should be called Bullsh!t Be outlandish and creative and hope to make the receiver’s day!
  1. SecretCityGrl

  2. ayellowdaffodil

  3. BellaCollectsCards

H-C Box sets - Love 'em or Hate 'em? Send any postcard from a box set, and don't hold back - tell us how you really feel about them!
  1. Angeldreamer

Wildcard Groups

W-A Eyes Closed single - single card sent with stamp
  1. salemhouse
  2. ellistrations
  3. jaqueposts
W-B Something that **grows** Here's a chance to get creative - it's your interpretation.
W-C Postcard from my city or state challenge. This group will stay open through April 1, for as many people as sign up in that time
  1. Angeldreamer
  2. silentmagician



Traveling Groups

:email: is when the addresses were sent out

:pen: indicates the cards have been sent

:mailbox: indicates all cards have been received

= = ============

Group 146 (was I-C) Animals as Pets
:email: 3/10/22 :pen: 3/18/22

  1. Angeldreamer SENT 3/18/22 1* 2 REC’D 3 REC’D
  2. pcronn SENT 3/11/22 // 1 REC’D 2* 3 REC’D
  3. SharonMI SENT 3/12/22 // 1 traveling 2 REC’D 3*

Group 147 (was I-A) Spectacular Skies (sunrise, sunset, clouds, lightning, etc)
:email: 3/19/22

  1. lyndylou5 SENT 3/21/22 1* 2 EC’D3 REC’D
  2. SharonMI SENT 3/21/22 1 REC’D 2* 3 REC’D
  3. TwoDoggies SENT 3/25/22 1 REC’D 2 REC’D 3*

Group 148 (was W-B) Eyes Closed multi - 3 blank cards in an envelope
:email: 3/19/22

  1. Angeldreamer SENT 3/22/22 1* 2 REC’D 3
  2. BellaCollectsCards SENT 3/26/22 1 REC’D 2* 3
  3. redyellownow 1 traveling 2 traveling 3*



Incomplete groups

Do Not Delete Please


Group Number, Theme, Participants
  1. Maps - DeeDeeQ5724, carlissa904, Hyshu65, hootnoodle
  2. Red - AccentOnHakes, DeeDeeQ5724, hootnoodle, koyohtay
  3. Animals -DeeDeeQ5724, carlissa904, alm74, koyohtay
  4. Flowers - koyohtay, VeniceSunrise, sleepykitty, iwritedeb
  5. Touristic City Name - lrp124, DeeDeeQ5724, AccentOnHakes, alcott1
  6. Black and White, lrp124, Hyshu65, hootnoodle, AccentOnHakes
  7. Lighthouses - koyohtay, Savagepink, cj23, carlissa904
  8. Illustrations - Steresem, alcott1, iwritedeb, dariasmith
  9. City views at night - lrp124, alcott1, Hyshu65, DeeDeeQ5724
  10. Montages - AccentOnHakes, cj23, lrp124, (DeeDeeQ5724 did not send)
  11. Vintage - alm74, DeeDeeQ5724, koyohtay, sleepykitty
  12. Wishlist - lrp124, woven, nowaglas, DeeDeeQ5724
  13. Colorful - DeeDeeQ5724, hootnoodle, gbnaabennett, Blue_Fox
  14. Not my Country - lrp124, woven, gbnaabennett, AccentOnHakes
  15. National, State/Territory Parks - koyohtay, technoruby, lrp124, (DeeDeeQ5724 did not send)
  16. Fantasy/Imaginary - technoruby, woven, sleepykitty, DeeDeeQ5724
  17. Sunrise/Sunset - boyana, dariasmith, iwritedeb, spicyricecake
  18. Green - Carlissa904, AccentOnHakes, VeniceSunrise, alcott1
  19. Movies - technoruby, iwritedeb, Steresem, Gbnaabennett
  20. State/Province - AccentOnHakes, alcott1, Steresem, cj23
  21. Tell a Story - technoruby, sleepykitty, Steresem, AccentOn Hakes
  22. Last Vacation - boyana, lrp124, VeniceSunrise, AccentOnHakes
  23. Wishlist - woven, lrp124, iwritedeb, Maliciaguilucha
  24. Large Letter - alcott1, cj23, alm74, Gbnaabennett
  25. Water - ChristineC, AccentOnHakes, Carlissa904, CMSnailMail
  26. Book Related - books, authors, libraries, people reading ChristineC , dariasmith , technoruby, sunnydays - didn’t send
  27. Cityviews - AccentOnHakes, koyohtay, lrp124, dariasmith
  28. Dogs or Cats - dariasmith, sleepykitty, Gbnaabennett, stinkypaw
  29. Maps - mikeyz1, Gbnaabennett, dariasmith, austen777
  30. Mountains ~ dariasmith - (missing alm74), alm74, hootnoodle, angeldreamer
  31. Not My Country - cj23, lrp124, woven, mikeyz1
  32. Lantern Press - spicyricecake, technoruby, cello15, AccentOnHakes
  33. Disney-cj23/ technoruby / angeldreamer / kyvintage
  34. Famous People mikeyz1, alm74, hootnoodle, dariasmith - (missing alm74)
  35. Wishlist - mikeyz1, woven, stinkypaw, sleepykitty

Group 36 - Night Views AccentOnHakes/ alcott1/ Steresem/ Jocrafts /Angeldreamer

Group 37 - Special Effects - cards with special features like lenticular, 3D, holographic, glitter, metallic, foil, etc// woven (assumed all rec), Kyvintage, alcott1 , butterfli75

Group 38 - National Parks Angeldreamer , AccentOnHakes , koyohtay (missing angeldreamer), Kyvintage

Group 39 - Local Culture Angeldreamer, AccentOnHakes, Kyvintage

Group 40 - Your State/Province Kyvintage, AccentOnHakes, Savagepink , cj23 (missing kyvintage)

Group 41 - vintage photos (before there was color film) Savagepink, Angeldreamer, AccentOnHakes, kyvintage

Group 42 - Entertainment (books, movies, sports, games, festivals, famous people) Kyvintage, Angeldreamer, jocrafts

Group 43 - Books, Libraries Angeldreamer , Savagepink, Radala, jocrafts

Group 44 - Cartoons Angeldreamer / Savagepink / Kyvintage

Group 45 - Dogs Angeldreamer, Savagepink, cj23

Group 46 - Animals Angeldreamer / AccentOnHakes / koyohtay / Kyvintage / Savagepink / Alcott1

Group 47 - People Kyvintage, Angeldreamer, jocrafts

Group 48 - Art Kyvintage , Savagepink, mikeyz1, Angeldreamer

Group 49 - Map of your state/province Pezimaniac , koyohtay, mikeyz1 (missing koyohtay), Kyvintage

Group 50 - Large Letter “Greetings From” your state/province Pezimaniac, Kyvintage , koyohtay, Angeldreamer

Group 51-Flowers Angeldreamer, AccentOnHakes, Kyvintage (missing AccentOnHakes), VeniceSunrise

Group 52 - Roadside Attractions SavagePink, jocrafts, angeldreamer, alcott1 (missing Savagepink)

Group 53 - Disney/Pixar Angeldreamer, Kyvintage , cj23 , emotis

Group 54 - TravelPosters AccentonHakes/ Kyvintage/ Savagepink / Angeldreamer

Group 55 - Dreaming of a Vacation–where would you go? Angeldreamer , alcott1, Radala, jocrafts

Group 56 - Cats Angeldreamer , Savagepink, tandemStoker, Radala, jocrafts

Group 57 - Handmade - Valentines DorH / Angeldreamer

Group 58 - Handmade - Try something new// jocrafts, Shesa-Renegade, Savagepink (missing Shesa-Renegade), GigiDegas (assumed received all)

Group 59 - Spring Radala / jocrafts / Angeldreamer

Group 60 - Dogs Savagepink, Angeldreamer, jocrafts

Group 61 - How to spend a rainy day Radala, Savagepink, Angeldreamer, jocrafts, mikeyz1

Group 62 - What makes you happy? Angeldreamer, jocrafts, mikeyz1, femamerica13, sleepykitty

Group 63 - Tickle my funny bones … any funny card…or write a joke on a card jocrafts, angeldreamer, AccentOnHakes

Group 64 - If Life had a do-over switch, I would… jocrafts, Angeldreamer , mikeyz1, SavagePink

Group 65 - I’m stuck at home, but not without my… Radala (missing alcott1), AccentOnHakes, jocrafts, alcott1, Angeldreamer

Group 66 - Homemade–homage to Warhol art (your interpretation of his many shades painting) TandemStoker, Angeldreamer , jocrafts, Radala

Group 67 - Vintage things femamerica13 / angeldreamer / jocrafts (missing angeldreamer) / Shaack (missing femamerica13)

Group 68 - WWI or WWII related Radala, AccentOnHakes, jocrafts, Angeldreamer

Group 69 - Sports related Radala, Angeldreamer, SKlenotic, SavagePink

Group 70 - Food related jocrafts / savagepink / andgeldreamer / radala (only reported jocrafts…assumed rec’d all)

Group 71 - Homemade-- I’m dreaming of… :email: May 21 **cards should be :pen: by June 4

1 Radala (USA) :pen: :mailbox:

2 NikkiCanadian (CAN) :pen: rec 1 *angeldreamer resent

3 Angeldreamer (USA) :pen: rec: :mailbox:

Group 72 - Homemade-- This Summer :email: May 21 **cards should be :pen: by June 4

1 Radala (USA) :pen: :mailbox:

2 NikkiCanadian (CAN) :pen: rec 1 *angeldreamer resent

3 Angeldreamer (USA) :pen: rec: :mailbox:

Group 73- Something on my bucket list… jocrafts, Angeldreamer, Shaack, Radala

Group 74 - Something local to your city/state/region jocrafts, AccentOnHakes, Radala , mikeyz1 , SKlenotic

Group 75 - Quotable, has a quote on the card, or take a nice card and write your favorite quote on the back jocrafts, tandemStoker, Radala, alcott1, Emilyann, Angeldreamer

*RAK accentonhakes got jocrafts

Group 76- Spirit of '76 (in any era) jocrafts, Angeldreamer, Radala, Savagepink

Group 77 - Virtual Vacation–a postcard of where you will be going and maybe a tale of what you did Radala , emotis, jocrafts , angeldreamer (missing emotis) , AccentOnHakes (missing jocrafts)

Group 78 - Domestic Animals (any animals of North America) alcott1, angeldreamer, Radala , Savagepink

Group 79 - Thank goodness my delivery person brought me… jocrafts, mikeyz1, angeldreamer , femamerica13

Group 80 - Let’s remember the 80’s–postcard showing an 80s trend or write of your memories Shaack, jocrafts, angeldreamer, Radala (missing jocrafts)

Group 81 - SURPRISE! anything goes AccentOnHakes , femamerica13, jocrafts, Radala, axiomatic , roxy

Group 82 - Cats Radala, Savagepink, angeldreamer, sleepykitty

Group 83 - Disney/Pixar SKlenotic , jocrafts, cj23, femamerica13 (missing SKlenotic)

Group 84 - Movie talk (any nice card related to entertainment and write about a movie you have seen recently) SKlenotic , jocrafts, Savagepink, femamerica13

Group 85 - Book related SKlenotic , Savagepink, mikeyz1 , femamerica13

Group 86 - Architecture mikeyz1, Savagepink, Angeldreamer, Radala (missing savagepink)

Group 87 - Anything goes… Angeldreamer, jocrafts, roxy , ellistrations

Group 88 - Sunrise/Sunset AccentOnHakes, jocrafts , Angeldreamer, ellistrations, Radala

Group 89 - Oceans (from above or below) AccentOnHakes, femamerica13, Angeldreamer, Radala

Group 90 - What should I see when visiting your home town? Angeldreamer / Jocrafts / Radala (never reported-assumed all rec’d)

Group 91 - What I miss most… mikeyz1, femamerica13 (missing mikeyz1) , mcquay , jocrafts

Group 92 - Moments of wonder–what have you noticed while having this free time? femamerica13 , jocrafts, Shaack, Angeldreamer

Group 93 - My favorite tv show growing up… femamerica13, jocrafts, Angeldreamer, MeaganMS

Group 94 - Hot summer days…love’em or hate’em? femamerica13, jocrafts, Angeldreamer , Radala

Group 95 - Magic of Summer (making memories, lightning bugs…what will you tell your grandkids etc) femamerica13, alcott1, Angeldreamer, Radala

Group 96 - In honor of June being PRIDE month (rainbows or LGBTQ themes are appropriate) femamerica13, sleepykitty, Angeldreamer, Radala

Group 97 - Where were you in 1997? Angeldreamer ,ellistrations, sleepykitty , jocrafts

Group 98 - Summer Foods – it wouldn’t be a BBQ/Picnic/Get-together without your favorite foods, what can’t you pass up? femamerica13 / jocrafts (missing femamerica13/ MeaganMS / EverettGal

Group 99 - Secret Addictions (old or new, what are you secretly…or not so secretly…addicted to…food/activity etc) femamerica13/ jocrafts/ angeldreamer

Group 100 - 100box (send a card you got in a box of 100 cards) CrisB, femamerica13 (missing CrisB) , alcott1 , jocrafts , Angeldreamer , ellistrations , AccentOnHakes

Group 101 - Food-- what is your signature dish or means the most to you and why? femamerica13, Savagepink, MeaganMS, JannCady

Group 102 - Movies/TV–What is in your binge watching lineup? Savagepink / Angeldreamer / mcquay/ femamerica13

Group 103 - foreign cards…depicts a foreign place or is a card you bought or swapped from a foreign country mcquay, AccentOnHakes, alcott1, EttaHenry, CrisB (missing EttaHenry & JannCady) , jocrafts, JannCady (missing Savagepink) , Savagepink

Group 104 - “Four”–open to interpretation…4 views, 4 items, a list of 4 things about you… AccentOnHakes, jocrafts , alcott1, sleepykitty, femamerica13

Group 105 - Autumn EttaHenry / jocrafts / CrisB (assumed rec all)/ angeldreamer

Group 106 - Disney/Pixar jocrafts/ yelena / CrisB (assumed rec all)/ angeldreamer

Group 107 – my favorite xxxx (send a card that repre:pen:s something that is a favorite to you…color, flower, tree, state, city, activity JannCady (missing jocrafts) / femamerica13 / sleepykitty / jocrafts

Group 108 - What if there were 8 days in a week…describe your idea of 8th day, how would you spend it and what should it be called? MeaganMS / angeldreamer / femamerica13 and JannCady (missing MeaganMS)

Group 109 - Let’s talk Breakfast…yes/no? cereal? full on meal? MeaganMS , jocrafts, femamerica13 , EverettGal

Group 110–Foreign locations AccentOnHakes , femamerica13 , angeldreamer, EverettGal

Group 111–A celebration of the number 1 – find a card with only 1 thing/subject of focus // Angeldreamer / femamerica13 (assumed rec all) / JannCady (missing femamerica13) / EverettGal

Group 112–Back to School memories –happy or sad day? MeaganMS / Angeldreamer / ellistrations / femamerica13 (missing MeaganMS and angeldreamer)

Group 113–Labor Day plans, how are you spending your extra day off …assuming you get one // Angeldreamer / femamerica13 (assumed rec all)

Group 114–Autumn themed homemade card angeldreamer, EverettGal, EttaHenry

Group 115–Memories of 2015 jocrafts / MeaganMS / femamerica13 (assumed rec all) / angeldreamer

Group 116–Sunrise/Sunset AccentOnHakes / Angeldreamer (missing Cinpy) / Kyvintage / Cinpy

Group 117–Mountain views AccentOnHakes /Angeldreamer / Cinpy

Group 118–Ocean views from above or below ellistrations / AccentOnHakes / femamerica13 (assumed rec all) / angeldreamer

Group 119–Birds EverettGal / yelena / JannCady / angeldreamer (missing JannCady)

Group 120–Scaly animals jocrafts, ellistrations, angeldreamer

Group 121 –Winter themed cards coleandjojo / angeldreamer / jocrafts

Group 122-- Scavenger hunt -5 cards in one envelope — MeaganMS (assumed rec all) / jocrafts / Angeldreamer

Group 123-- homemade Christmas themed Ckip / Angeldreamer / AlbertaGirl / CrimsonKing

Group 124-- The letter C savagepink / angeldreamer / scooby39 / katie333

Group 125 – My favorite Halloween costume was - jocrafts / Angeldreamer / MeaganMS never sent

Group 126 – Valentine’s themed coleandjojo / andgeldreamer / jaqueposts

Group 127 – humorous jocrafts / alcott1 / angeldreamer

Group 128 – Botanical….anything that grows jocrafts / alcott1 / purplepiccolo / angeldreamer

Group 130 – Christmas themed cards (:email: Dec 9)

1 Savagepink (USA) :pen: rec 4

2 MeaganMS (USA) ** never sent

3 CrimsonKing (USA) :pen: rec 1 4

4 Angeldreamer (USA) :pen: rec 1 3

Group 131 – Snowmaggedon alcott1 / Angeldreamer / MonkeyBrain / jewelldelis

Group 132 – Foreign Places any card not from North America MonkeyBrain (missing angeldreamer) / coleandjojo / AlbertaGirl71 / angeldreamer

Group 133 – Beachy Let’s take some virtual vacations to warmer places! Dnrhott (only reported jewelldelis–assumed rec all) / angeldreamer / GeoJosh / jewelldelis

Group 134 – Multi-views melvnoble/ AlbertaGirl71 / BarbL / dnrhott (only reported AlbertaGirl71–assumed rec all)

Group 135 – Dogs vs Cats…which are the best pet MonkeyBrain / FrogSalad / alcott1 / angeldreamer

Group 136 - Storyline pick a card and make up a story about what is happening in the scene, or why you bought it/inherited it/found it….maybe this should be called Bullsh!t-outlandish and creative will surely make the receiver’s day! Alcott1 / angeldreamer / coleandjojo / dnrhott

Group 137 – Freaky cards jewelldelis / uconn / alcott1 / angeldreamer

Group 138 – National/State/Provincial Parks dnrhott / JasonDavid / scoutingbear / angeldreamer

Group 139 – Wishlist – give 3 categories you would love and sender will pick one (if categories are too specific sender will send something as closely related as they can but will not be specifically restricted) alcott1 / angeldreamer / Agneau / Allayne22

Group 140 – Something FUN funny card, funny story on the back, something fun to do…whatever scoutingbear (only reported angeldreamer–assumed rec all) / TwasBrilig / GrammieSuz / angeldreamer

Group 141 – Sunrise/Sunset :email: nov 21

1 Cmleonard630 didn’t send or report

2 kanosis rec 3

3 susaninutah sent all rec 2?

Group 142 – Autumn Scenes…let’s beat this heat and dream of cooler days AbiG / angeldreamer / susaninutah

Group 143 – If $$ were no object…my next vacation would be to …… (choose a card that corresponds :email: nov 21

1 jewelldelis didn’t send or report

2 dnrhott sent all rec 3

3 angeldreamer sent all rec 2

Group 144 – Patriotic, have some red, white, blue–or just red/white on the card, or even the flag! TwoDoggies / angeldreamer

Group 145 – Something Local What is your town’s claim to fame, fortune, misery or boredom alcott1 / angeldreamer / scoutingbear

Group 149 (was M-A) Media, oh Media Write about what you are watching these days. TV? Movies? Streaming? Send a media related postcard image if you like, not required.
:email: 3/21/22

  1. SecretCityGrl SENT 3/23/22 1* 2 REC’D 3 REC’D
  2. silentmagician SENT 3/25/22 1 REC’D 2* 3 REC’D
  3. uconn SENT 3/23/22 1 REC’D 2 REC’D 3*

updated 3/30//2022

reserved for host, thank you

reserved for host, please and thank you

reserved for host, please and thank you very much

Hello Beautiful Humans!

I am Sherri, the new host of the RR US-Themes. I am excited to be here, and hope you will join in on the Thematic Fun. Many thanks to @angeldreamer for hosting this group previously, and agreeing to let me give it go. I am new to hosting. I see my role as a steward to your experience, just keeping the lights on and the refreshments flowing so we can have a good time.

You will see that we have changed this to be a US domestic postage rate group, and I hope that will encourage you to jump in. There are lots of opportunities on the forum for international RRs and tags, but not as many that will help us keep costs down and (hopefully) have shorter turnaround times (I know, I hope I’m not jinxing it!)

I am here to host the groups you want to see, so please (really, truly) let me know what sounds like fun to you.You can message me, or put it in the thread. I aim to have a mix of groups from traditional to creative to (just about) anything goes.

There are some new open groups posted. Take a look and sign up for what moves you. Don’t see what you want? Drop me a message. I am also opening some polls (below) so that you can vote on some ideas.

To begin, and help us keep things moving, I’ve set the groups to have 3 participants. Once we get busier, or if people feel strongly that they want 4 participants in a group, we can make them larger again.

Looking forward to a postally good time with you soon!

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What size group do you like? Choose all that apply

  • 3 people
  • 4 people
  • 5 people
  • 6 or more people

0 voters

How often would you like to send cards for this group?

  • 1x per month
  • 2x per month
  • 1x per week
  • more than 1x per week

0 voters

What kind of groups do you like?

  • Image Only (any message will do)
  • Message Only (any image will do)
  • Image and message
  • Wildcard groups (eyes closed, special challenges, etc)

0 voters

What Themes sound fun to you?

  • Animals - Pets
  • Animals - Wild
  • B/W
  • books/literary (images or quotes or book reviews or ??)
  • botanical
  • box or book sets
  • flags
  • food
  • geographical/maps
  • handmade
  • landscapes
  • location (my state or not my state or other)
  • nautical
  • touristy
  • transportation
  • vintage
  • water related (oceans/lakes/rivers)
  • writing challenges

0 voters

Hi Sherri! Your enthusiasm and ‘voice’ is so refreshing! I am so happy to see this will be a well taken care of group and I think it will be very popular as soon as people find it!

I would love to be a part of WB, HA, an IC…I didn’t vote yet…only because I couldn’t make up my mind…I like ALL the options! haha

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Thank you, Sherri, for taking on the hosting duties. This RR sounds really fun! May I join M-A and H-B? Thanks!

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Hi Sherri! Thanks for taking on this group!
Please put me in group I-A and I’ll PM you my address :grinning:

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Hi there! Brand new here, can I join IC please? Thanks!

1 Like

Happy, Happy Monday all!

Thanks to @Angeldreamer, @SecretCityGrl, @lyndylou5 and @pcronn for jumping in to join some open groups!!


Thanks for being here, let the party begin :grinning:



Thank you for hosting!

I’ll join W-A (and will PM my address).

1 Like

I would like to join 1-A and 1-C please.

I’ll message you with my address.

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Whee! It’s our first full group!!

Sending addresses soon.

Thanks @Angeldreamer, @pcronn, and @SharonMI for jumping in to play :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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I’ll join M-A please! Messaging my address.

Welcome @silentmagician!!

all update