[RR] US Themes RR - Vote now for the groups you'd like to see

Sent two cards for 146 :grin:

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Mailed 146 today.


Hi! I hope Iā€™m doing this correctly. I havenā€™t participated in the Forums here. Iā€™ve probably collected postcards for longer than many of yā€™all have been alive. :blush: This RR operates a little differently from what Iā€™m used to (all sent in an envelope, about 20-25 cards at a time, take what you want, replace with same amount, send to next person on the list with an eye to their listed interests). So, Iā€™d like to play and see how this works. If these are still open, please add me to I-A, H-B, and W-B. Iā€™ll PM my mailing info.

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Hi @BellaCollectsCards and welcome! I bet you have quite the collection :grinning:

Yes, there are Round Robins that send envelopes of cards, but most of these are just single cards sent ā€œnakedā€ (no envelope). Except, as youā€™ve probably seen, we have one group open (W-B) that is three blank randomly chosen cards in an envelope.

Usually when one is new to the forum, you may join only one group until your cards arrive from that group. Itā€™s not personal - itā€™s done that way in just about every group here, and I apologize that it wasnā€™t clearly stated in the rules above. Iā€™ll fix that now.

I can add you to group I-A (because it will close when I add you, and you can start sending sooner) as soon as you PM me your address. To do that, just click my username at the top of this post and then click the blue message bar on my profile box.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, and I look forward to meeting you in a swap soon!


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Received a card from @SharonMI for group #146. Thank you for the cute kitty! :grin:

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Good morning, Sherri,

Thanks for the friendly welcome. I thought there might be a trial period, so Iā€™m fine with that. I was involved in PC several years ago. Then life happened, and I went inactive for a bit. A friend on Ravelry got me thinking about jumping in again, and here I am.

Yep, cards are coming out of my ears. Lol!

I PMed my address to you, so just let me know what to do next.


May I join group 1-A please? Iā€™ll PM you my address.

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Received a card for Group 146 from @pcronn. Thanks for the cute wine dog card! I didnā€™t know wine dogs are a thing but I love it!


146 headed out today


Breaking news - Iā€™m about to close two more groups, yay :grin:

:confetti_ball:POLL RESULTS :confetti_ball:

A slight majority of voters prefer 4 person groups, so the next groups I open will have 4 slots and we will see how that goes. Iā€™m a little concerned that we donā€™t have enough active members to fill 4 slots, so please tell your US friends about us and hopefully we can grow a little more.

Looks like half the voters like to send cards for this group twice a month, thatā€™s good to know. I will try to strike a balance to have at least one group closing each week, then you can work it out by how many groups you sign up for.

I see that a large majority of voters like wildcard groups - thatā€™s awesome. Letā€™s bring on the creativity. I can come up with ideas, but Iā€™d love to know what youā€™d like to see. Message me or reply with ideas if you have any.

Iā€™m not going to summarize the votes on themes, you can look here to see how that voting came out.

I didnā€™t ask about preferences for sending cards written vs. blank in an envelope, so Iā€™ll put up a poll about that next.

Thanks for joining and playing along!!

In this group, I prefer to participate in swaps with cards that are:

  • written and stamped (sent ā€œnakedā€)
  • multiple blank cards in an envelope
  • no preference - I would join either type of group, depending on my interest

0 voters

Group 147 cards are in the mail. But I missed todayā€™s post, so they wonā€™t go out until Monday.

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Join M-A Media please

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Please add me to:
I-A Wild Animals
I-B Beaches
W-A Eyes Closed

Thank you!

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Group 147 mailed today 3/20.

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148 are in the mail

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Group 149
Ready for Wednesdayā€™s mail

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Hi! May I join group H-B storyline? Thank you!

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Cards for Group 149 are going out today. Thanks.

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Happy Whenā€™sDay

First, a big warm welcome to those who have jumped in to play! @ayellowdaffodil @BellaCollectsCards @silentmagician @uconn @ellistrations @TwoDoggies @salemhouse @SharonMI So Glad to have you here :smiley_cat: :dog:

Second, groups are all updated and got some new groups open - mostly 4 person groups.

I-C B/W - by popular demand - send a B/W image postcard

M-A My week in one word/image per day. Each day for 7 days, write one word (or use one sticker or make one doodle) about the day on the card. Feel free to mix it up words/stickers/drawings

H-C Box sets - Love 'em or Hate 'em? Send any postcard from a box set, and donā€™t hold back - tell us how you really feel about them!

ANDā€¦ easy peasy postcard party time - like an open house in your mailbox :tada: :mailbox_with_mail:

W-C Postcard from my city or state challenge. This group will stay open through April 1, for as many people as sign up in that time

check them out!

Thanks for playing along here - this group is your group, I am just keeping the snack table stocked
:kiwi_fruit: :avocado: :cucumber: :carrot: :green_salad: :stuffed_flatbread: :shallow_pan_of_food: :olive: :beers: :clinking_glasses: :coffee: :tea: :matƩ::tropical_drink:
