[RR] The British Isles RR ★

My cards for 198 have plopped into the postbox today.


Please may I join group 202? thank you.


Group #200 Suprise :gift:: Many thanks to @Maddymail for your postcard of the Welwyn Viaduct in Hertfordshire! I’ve travelled over that viaduct many a time, most recently yesterday (twice) on a return trip to Cambridge to visit my parents.


My cards for Group #198 have been posted today :postbox: Have a lovely weekend everyone!

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Group #195 Food, Drink & Recipes :coffee: :cake:: thank you @geo_ for your nanaimo bar recipe! Having arrived in an envelope I thought it was a letter from a penfriend when I found it among my post when I got home from a pub quiz last night, so I’ve only opened it today. I shall get around to making the bars at some point!


Thank you @iliketrains for your lovely atmospheric Group #198 card of a view from the Potomac River :+1: Your open gardens story made me laugh; I can imagine the owner printing her pamphlets out into the small wee hours! :laughing: Good luck with the ‘babysitting’… hope it grows well (ba dum tss!)


From Nathan @iliketrains this cracker shows the Kimmel Center on South Broad Street, Philadelphia. South Broad St is known as the Avenue of the Arts and the Kimmel Center is the home of one of the ‘Big Five’ US symphony orchestras, the Philadelphia Orchestra. AsNathan says, a nice bit of culture for you!

The card is for #198 Night Scenes


For group 200 - surprise

I received my final two cards for this group and they are lovely!
Thank you @ZoeJN for the fantastic Moomin postcard, obvs very well suited to me!! I love the ridiculous philatelink stamps lol, big fan of the Corrie stamps. I do wonder what the interna
tional postcrossers think of the wacky stamps sometimes!!

Thank you @Maddymail for the wonderful rose postcard from the British Library!!! I am pretty sure I bought this card and have sent it to someone so I am very glad to have it in my collection. Love the rose stamp too. Lovely for me as my middle name is Rose!!! Our roses are doing well here as well, wish they didn’t have so much black rot though!!!


Group #195 Food, Drink & Recipes :coffee: :cake:

As I’m feeling somewhat better & thankfully still covid free, I’ve just taken the short walk to the postbox in time for the 7am collection :postbox: x


Glad to hear that @EmmaG . I hope your husband is on the mend, too. X

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Thank you @mwntimperial he’s better than he was, but still not great, it’s hit him harder than when we had it the first time (December 2022) hopefully he’ll pick up over the weekend x


There was signs on the doors of many of the hotels in Thailand saying :no_entry_sign: No Durian :no_entry_sign: we were a bit baffled initially! x

Thank you @geo_ for the very pretty recipe card that arrived yesterday (in a super cheerful envelope) for Group #195 Food, Drink & Recipes :coffee: :cake:

I think I must be one of the few people in the UK who’ve never tried biscoff spread! I can’t be trusted with a jar of Nutella so I’ve never dared buy any! x


Two cards arrived for Group #198 Night Scenes

Thank you very much @Casehandler for the wonderful night lights of Blackpool :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The stamp was perfect too x

And to @iliketrains for more night lights :star2:
Have a wonderful time in Japan :jp:

I have posted my cards for this group today @Maddymail


Thank you @Maddymail for the beautiful May ‘Wild Months’ postcard for group #200 :heart_eyes: Another brilliant UK artist whose postcards I’ll have to check out!

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Thank you @Maddymail for this excellent '80s card from Jersey Post! I like '80s culture a lot but not the fashion so much - too many memories of very odd hand-me-downs and Quality Seconds dresses my mum used to put me in! :rofl: Thank you also for my favourite Dog Stamp! I’m so pleased to have received the Jack Russell. (#200)


Thank you @EmmaG for this feast of Food for #195! I’m so touched you chose these cards for me; I love them! The pictorial postcard stamps is a perfect match, too. This sort of illustration always reminds me of the old Twinkle Annuals I had when I was little and then the girl to whom the written card was sent was called Bunty! I think I was the last Bunty reader in the UK!

I think Elsa Beskow’s illustrations are so sweet so it’s great to have a postcard with them on. I am really pleased to hear about your front-row seats for Seagull Watch but hope they move swiftly through the night-feeds stage. I don’t blame the mum for kicking out her adolescent last year! :rofl: Thank you, Emma, and hope you are both feeling much better now.


I’m so pleased you like them :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

There’s definitely two this year, I’ve been watching them through my binoculars since I wrote the card (not sure how our neighbours feel about that! lol) the worst part was last year, after all the early morning wake ups, he braved his first flight & left us while I was in hospital, I was so sad he’d gone when I got home x

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@EmmaG Oh, that’s such a shame, Emma. I really hope you can see them at that stage this year. A few years ago, the tree at the end of my parents’ garden had woodpecker chicks which we could see poking their head out of the best. Later, my parents saw the parent bird feeding the chick on their lawn. :heart_eyes: They were much quieter than seagulls on the whole, though!

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Some Yummy food postcards :yum: and some lovely pictures of ice cream and some fabulous recipes, will definitely pin them and hopefully make them soon!

Ah Durian, my mum is from Malaysia! :malaysia: There are plenty of signs for ‘No Durian’ I remember seeing the signs on the Kuala Lumpur LRT (Metro), eating the offending fruit carried a 1000 Malaysian Ringgit Fine (£140), A local Chinese/Asian Supermarket, keeps the fruit in a locked fridge, because…

It smells horrendous, has a strange texture, but tastes like CUSTARD!! so weird, I must confess, the smell doesn’t bother me, and I love eating the stuff.