[RR] The British Isles RR ★

Bumper thank you from me! Apologies for the delay in reporting… busy few days leaving my job and then bridesmaid duties :zzz: :crazy_face:

Group 201 - Cats
A gorgeous bunch of kitty cards…

Thank you @geo_ for the cute cat illustration amongst the vines. I love the stickers and washi as always. Sooooooo cute that you have a visitor who leaves little paw print trails on your car :heavy_heart_exclamation: :paw_prints:

Thank you @BriJN for the cutie grey cats. I love them! The grass in my back garden is also looking like a jungle for cats (woops). Finding the time to mow the lawn is hard work!! :ear_of_rice: :herb: :ear_of_rice: :herb:

Thank you @jobloggs for the super cute and v funny grey cat posing!!! Absolutely love the washi, where did you get that from? I’ve got a complete chill day booked in tomorrow, can’t wait!!! :cupid:

Thank you @Casehandler for the Blue Cats (!!!) postcard - definitely not in my collection! Did you buy from the website directly or is there a UK seller of blue cats?! Thank you, what a lovely card.

Group 200 - Surprise
So many lovely cards, all so relevant to me!! Well chosen, I really appreciate it :green_heart:

Thank you @iliketrains for the Matlock Bath postcard. I am going to another tourist honeypot site this week… the Lake District… Also, glad DofE was not just traumatic for me, mine was awful!!! Solidarity!

Thank you @chrisbonham11 for the very lovely cow postcard. Well jel you got to walk a cocker spaniel, my fave breed of doggo, so cute! V upset about the biro stamp cancellation Royal Mail!!! Hope you have had a fab weekend.

Thank you @mwntimperial for the most gorgeous map postcard. I will treasure it! A second mention for DofE in this stack of cards, I hope your child’s expedition went well (probs better than mine which got rained off halfway through!!!). I hope you have had a lovely half term and have had some nice outings. I am looking forward to my week off next week before my new job starts! Also, where did you pick up your postcard? I think I have been to the Driftwood Designs shop in Cardiff, it’s just lovely!

Thank you @tesc for the lovely illustrated Cornish cream tea card with all the fab stamps. Very glad you had a cream tea, it’s a must!!! I hope you are having better weather now in Suffolk. It is finally sunny here… but my head is a little sore from attending a wedding yesterday so I am not making the most of it… oh dear!!

Thank you @CEBooth for the fantastic NASA card, I love that set & collect it, one I have not received yet either so you have made me v happy! Hope you have had a fab weekend.

OMG THANK YOU @EmmaG for the really gorgeous Miffy postcard, you pick such lovely cards for me, and the Winnie the Pooh sticker is so special too. Where is that wonderful tulip washi tape from?! And did you get a label printer?! Which one did you go for? Love those veggie stamps too. Never get mine with the stickers though, that’s even more fun! x

Thank you @geo_ again for the stunning Hobbit postcard, that is going in my boyfriend’s study where I have made him a postcard wall of all of his nerdy fantasy and historical interests :smiley:. Googled the recipe book and it looks delicious, definitely going to have to try some of Emily’s recipes. Hope you enjoy the breakfast recipes! P.s. just love all of your washi designs, I need to up my game!!!


@MoominMog I go to the Driftwood shop in Aberaeron. I love their designs but they mostly have greetings cards rather than postcards. There are so many of their cards I’d absolutely love to see in postcard format including the periodic table in Welsh!

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From Group #200 Surprises :gift:

From @CEBooth a lovely set of pots, I too like the understated British Pottery Industry, I like to pick up postcards of pottery and fine china, a very unique theme for postcards, the last time I did pottery was at school, still fascinated by creating items, pottery wheels, kilns, glazing, etc. It is something I would like to do again, and from time to time my interest really does resurface.

From @EmmaG a lovely illustration of one the many incarnations of Lord Vishnu/Krishna, thank you for the colourful decorations and colourful pens, I hope your postcrossing swaps with India have gone well.

From @tesc a PHQ/Maxicard from nearly 30 years ago ‘Celebrating 100 years of the National Trust’ and indeed how the world has changed in the last three decades, what changes will be had in the next three?

Thank you all for the great postcards and stamps! :blush:


@MoominMog I bet you’re so glad to have finished your old job :partying_face:

I bought the cat washi here:

She does a very similar dog one you might like too:


@jobloggs Omg I had a sneaking suspicion it was Paula!!! Yes I have the dog one… oh gosh I might need to do another order when payday comes around :heart_eyes: thank you :kissing_heart:

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RR Updated :blush:


Many thanks to @BriJN for this great Group 201 cat card - great to know that Honey helped out!! :smile_cat::+1: Love the 3D sticker and ace washi tape too!


All of my cards have now been sent for group 200, apologies for the delay this time!!


Postcards for Group #200 :gift: have been posted :postbox:


Please add me to #198, thank you!

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Cards sent for #200 - apologies for the delay. I’m adjusting to a new medication at the moment and it’s been capping my energy!

Thank yous

I’ve received a gorgeous mix of cards so far - thank you!

@EmmaG, I love the Japanese cat illustration, thank you! It’s good to be back :blush:

@iliketrains thank you for the Welsh National costume card. The grumpy looks on the little girls makes me laugh - I imagine they couldn’t wait to run off and play!

@MoominMog - thank you for the giraffe illustration! We’ve definitely stocked up at the British Library too- they have such interesting cards.

@mwntimperial - what a gorgeous card, thank you! Our cat Honey loves to curl up on the windowsill in similar positions to make the most of the sun (and keep an eye on the birds that live in the hedge outside).

@chrisbonham11 - thank you for the well-dressed post women. Getting called duck is definitely less common now, which is a shame. It’s used quite a bit in tourist stuff here, second only to Robin Hood.

@geo_ - thank you for the lovely cows. There’s a little Robin that visits whenever I’m working on the garden who brings me a lot of joy.

@tesc - thank you for the lovely flowers and cliffs. I’m glad you had good weather for your Corneal trip!

@CEBooth - thank you for the beautiful garden postcard. It looks like the perfect place to sit with a book


Group #200
Thank you @MoominMog for the lovely Lake District card. We had a super holiday there a few years ago. One day we may get back…

Hope all is peaceful :v:


May I join Group #195 Food, Drink & Recipes :coffee: :cake: please, @Maddymail ? I’ve had a rummage, and I have enough postcards for this theme to get the group moving. Thank you!


Thank you @MoominMog for the incredibly cute Alexia Claire Scurry of Squirrels card that arrived while we were away this week (apologies for the slight delay in reporting) beautifully decorated with the loveliest message, thank you :blush::blush::blush: x


Group #200 Suprise :gift:: many thanks to @ZoeJN for your Mogcherie illustrated postcard! I’m a fan of her work, so I’m pleased to have a postcard of hers to keep. With stamps, I still find it fascinating that the UK is the only country in the world not to put its name on its stamps. That says many things about the UK, I think!


Many, many thanks go to Zoe @ZoeJN for this splendid PHQ card for Group #200 Surprise. Very well chosen, Zoe, thank you! Zoe shares she is seeing her fave (music) artist later in the year - how exciting, hurrah!


Group #200 Surprises :gift:

From @MoominMog a Jersey Post Maxicard of the Grey Herons, I hope you are having a great time in the Lakes, it’s a lovely part of the world, Thank You :blush:

From @ZoeJN a postal museum postcard of historic mail coach guard Moses Nobbs, in a lovely uniform and look at that mutton chop beard! Thank You :blush:


Addresses for Group #195 Food, Drink & Receipes :coffee: :cake: have been sent.
Group #191 Postcrossing Meetup Postcards :postcrossing: has been completed. :slightly_smiling_face:

RR Updated


@Maddymail, I’ve had a rummage and can fill the last spot on Group #198 :slightly_smiling_face::+1: :night_with_stars:


Thank you to @ZoeJN for this very cool card showing life at Zoë’s local monastery. So fascinating; I wish I could visit, too, Zoë! The ones I have been in the vicinity of have only admitted male visitors. (For Group 200.)