[RR] The British Isles RR ★

193 from @tesc - this amazing Metropolitan Railway locomotive - slightly more exotic than the Underground trains that ply this route today. :metro: It’s nice to receive a postcard with a large and informative caption on the back but I dread sending them - how am I supposed to fit all of my stamps and waffle if most of the space is taken up with a lengthy description of exactly how many stones it took to build the castle?! :sweat_smile:

190 from @EmmaEirene who, tragically, likes radishes. Not a fan of them myself but I do really like this postcard :smiley: My father is pretty much a human dustbin when it comes to food but even he won’t eat radishes, apparently they give him indigestion


Group 197 - Surprise

Thank you @geo_ for the wonderful moon phases card that arrived yesterday, it’s beautifully decorated :sparkles:
I didn’t know about Boeings latest starliner mission, it was interesting to read up on, though it looks like it’s been delayed for atleast a week now!


After a few days away, I’ve come back to lots of lovely RR cards! :hugs:

Thank you @EmmaEirene for this colourful card for Group 190, I love your description of drinking red wine, most poetic! Some great stamps i haven’t seen before too!

For Group 192, 2 cards which are definitely not “trash” - goes to show we all have perfectly good cards that we just haven’t found the right recipient for!
Thanks @JamCrackers - how cool that your mother- in-law sent you cards from France! The stage costume display sounds wonderful!
Thanks also @tesc for this funny card! Was delighted to see Ipswich promoted and since my team (Forest) are almost certain to stay in the Premier League, I’ll look forward to playing the Tractor Boys again! :blue_heart:

Lastly for Group 194:
Thanks @EmmaG for a fab football themed First Day of Issue card, very special! Love how you can personalise your address labels (3 Lions!) and your new user name ink stamp is so cute!
Thanks @MoominMog for this adorable colourful My Little Pony card! Love it! :rainbow: Thank you for your kind words about my job hunt - never fun is it but i hope yours is going well - good luck! Love the book washi tape - do you remember where you got it?


Groups #190 & #194 have been completed :slightly_smiling_face:

New Groups no. #198 Night Scenes & Views :night_with_stars: and no #199 Bridges :bridge_at_night: have been opened.

RR Updated :blush:

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May I join Group #199 Bridges :bridge_at_night: please, @Maddymail ? Thank you!

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198 for me please!

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#199 Bridges for me please


Reporting in for Group 197 as I have some lovely cards to write thank yous for :love_letter:

Thank you @JamCrackers for the wonderful Donkey Sanctuary card, I am jealous you have visited as I have always wanted to go. I sponsored a donkey called Cocoa a few years ago so have some donkey postcards similar to the one you sent me, waiting for a postcrosser who likes donkeys to send them to!! I love the Jeremy Fisher stamp so much!! I hope you got your gardening done, I had similar plans to sort mine, and also study for my exams (a killer when it’s sunny outside!!)

Thank you so much to @geo_ for the fantastic Alexia Claire moths postcard and for the fantastic MogCherie washi tape too, I love the stamps you used too!! Thank you for the congrats on my job, not long until I start now :hearts:

Thank you @EmmaEirene for the fab ‘Donkey Ride’ music card, and the really pretty washi tape!! Oh my gosh I love your smelly sticker!! I want one!!!


Bit of a donkey theme going on there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Please may I join #199 bridges?

Many thanks


the best kind of theme :green_heart:

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Group #197
Two great cards from @JamCrackers and @EmmaEirene :smiley:

Thank you Emma for the beautiful Ducks & Swallows card :duck:

Thank you Jaymie for the card from the Planetarium postcard set :stars: I also love the cat washi tape :black_cat:


Hi @Maddymail
May I star-t (:woman_facepalming:) group #198 off :star2: ?

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Group #199 bridges please


Group #179 has been closed :mailbox_closed: and Group #197 has been completed :slightly_smiling_face:

@Chrisbonham11 @iliketrains @tesc @CEBooth & @EmmaEirene I have added you all to your respective groups. :slightly_smiling_face:

RR Updated


Haha :laughing: I saw what you did there!

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I try… and probably shouldn’t :rofl::innocent:


Group #196 Two Unritten Postcards in an Envelope :postcard: :envelope_with_arrow: has been completed :slightly_smiling_face:

Addresses for Group #191 Postcrossing Meetup Postcards :postcrossing: :postcard: have been sent :postbox:

Few spaces available for groups:
Group #195 Food, Drink & Recipes :coffee: :cake:
Group #198 Night Scenes & Views :night_with_stars:
Group #199 Bridges :bridge_at_night:

To mark the 200th group, a special enlarged Surprise Group of 8 participants, send 7 postcards and get 7 back! Group #200 Suprise :gift:

New Groups
Group #201 Cats :cat2:
Group #202 Shaped Postcards :diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside:

Please see post no.2 for more information.
RR Updated :slightly_smiling_face:


May I join Group 201 please, @Maddymail? :heart_eyes_cat::+1:

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Thank you @Maddymail Please could I join Group #200? Thank you!

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