[RR] The British Isles RR ★

Thank you @jobloggs for RR #190 Beautiful card & stickers. A bit like politics & religion… I can’t comment on jam and cream :rofl:


Group #190 Food & drink have just posted. Sorry for the delay, I was waiting on cards :postcard:


Two very welcome cards from @jobloggs today!

Firstly, for #190 - Food & Recipes this recipe for Bara Brith. I do like it and I used to especially enjoy it with a bit of Welsh cheese and an apple. I have been saying for ages that I need to make a vegan version as it’s so easy to do - I think I’ll make that a project for this next week. As always, lovely stamps, too including a very nice William Caxton, as well as some on-theme stickers. Diolch iawn!

And, for Group #192 - Unwanted cards a card that I definitely want, the tomb of Katharine of Aragon in Peterborough Cathedral, a place I haven’t yet visited, although I’ve been to nearby Alwalton. Fabulous stamps, too! The Christmas angel is gorgeous and the bluebells so appropriate for this time of year. I had a lovely walk in a wood full of them this morning!

Thank you, Rhiannon!


My cards for Group #196 - 2 unwritten postcards have been posted this afternoon :slightly_smiling_face::+1: Enjoy the sunny weather if you have it!! :sun_with_face:


Sent out my envelopes for group #196

Also realised I don’t think I’ve reported @Maddymail’s card from group #174 sorry! Thank you so much for this cat postcard!


Some Group #196 postcards arrived today :slight_smile:

Thank you @chrisbonham11 and @Potatosium for the wonderful selection and variety!


Group #177 Leap Year Surprises has been closed :mailbox_closed:
Groups #174 Feb Writing Prompt, #180 Spring & Easter and #187 Commemorative Stamps have been completed :incoming_envelope:

RR Updated :sun_behind_small_cloud:

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Group #196 Two Unritten Postcards in an Envelope :postcard: :envelope_with_arrow:

Two envelopes of postcards for this group were waiting for me when I arrived home from work today:

  • Thank you @hcross2015 for your S.S. Titanic and Buses at Piccadilly Circus postcards! The former is apt after the recent passing of Bernard Hill, who played Captain Smith in the 1997 film.

  • Thank you @Potatosium for your spotted eagle ray and wave postcards! The Easter Meet-up postcard with your message on the back is a lovely bonus.


Two cards today :smiling_face:

Thank you @EmmaEirene for this wonderful die card for Group 197 - Surprise. I think this is the first card I’ve received with dice on it :slight_smile: I’ve actually banned myself from buying dice for a little while, but I broke this last month when I couldn’t help but buy a miniature version of a set I already own :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Thank you @tesc for the Warhammer card for Group 192 - :wastebasket:. My brother used to be into Warhammer when he was younger. I can appreciate it from an art / model paintknftpointtof view, but never really understood the point of the battles :sweat_smile:
Your hubby is providing a vital service :saluting_face: there has to be one house who knows which bins go out each week so others can follow suit, otherwise it’s chaos!


My cards for 197 Surprise are on their way :postbox:


Thank you @Casehandler for my Group 196 postcards :love_letter: on my profile I have that I like cats, dogs, elephants and penguins and Carol made sure to fit the bill :wink:


Thank you @tesc for the fab elephant card for Group #193 it was a lovely surprise to see him drop through the letterbox! I hope you had a great birthday yesterday & are enjoying the sunshine, it’s been beautiful weather here since Saturday :sunny: x


Thank you, @tesc for this joyeous card forGroup 192 - it really brightened my day! :blush: :rainbow:

I love the Jane Eyre stamp, too!

Great news about Ipswich! I hope they have a fantastic next season.

And thank you, @EmmaEirene for this vibrant picture of one of Emma’s favourite coastal dishes for Group 190 - gorgeous colours. There is really nothing like eating a meal by the sea. Sardines are one of my Dad’s favourites, too. Wonderful stamps as always.


A wonderful snowy beach scene from @tesc for group 193! And some lovely stamps and washi too. I hope the project goes well!


Thanks to everyone in group #196. These are some wonderful cards.

Particularly loving the potassium card!! I’ve not seen one of those before that’s great. The Joshua Tree national park postcard might have to stay in my collection.

Loving the bookshops! This looks like such a nice set. I’m going to have a look at how it was curated.

Not seen many orange cards that aren’t from the Pantone sets!

Also where did you get those envelopes from? I feel like I look high and low for pretty envelopes but can only find the air mail ones.


You’re welcome!

I got a pack of brightly coloured envelopes from a high street branch of WHSmiths.

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Glad you like them! The potassium card was too good to pass up! I make my envelopes from scrapbooking paper pads - The Range have a good selection :+1: Have a good weekend :hugs:


Thanks all, for your great selection for Group #196 - Two Unwritten cards. Thanks to @Potatosium for your fab cards, and I love the covering card too, thank you! :heart_eyes_cat:

And thanks to @chrisbonham11 for these two floral design cards…

And thanks to @hcross2015 for these fab cards…

Thanks guys - have a lovely weekend! :hugs:


The group for #197 ~ Surprise! Arrived today. I love it when that happens.

@MoominMog vintage London view. I know this bridge so well. I really liked the Civil War stamp too.

@geo_ card from Wallington ~ with her lovely natter of strawberry picking (loved the Daisy stamp TTTE)

And @JamCrackers vintage view of Eastbourne pier (I ll also be gardening this weekend)

Big thank you to all of your thoughtfulness.


Group #196 Two Unritten Postcards in an Envelope :postcard: :envelope_with_arrow:: Many thanks to @Casehandler for your black and white postcards of Trafalgar Square (now Charing Cross) Tube station entrance and Lewis Carol! Both lovely, and with added sunshine from the cover postcard!