[RR] North American July 2023 Round Robin - The While the Host is Away Edition - Closed

#11 received quite a full mailbox today from…

#10 @emotis a keep calm and have a nice day card. I hope you enjoyed your vacation. We have reached that time of year in Sacramento where we see more 100+ days than we don’t, so I have been dreaming all day of heading to a beach. I’m hoping to make that a reality this weekend with a quick trip to Lake Tahoe. Thank you!

#14 @CorinneJKS a greetings from Washington card. I hope to see all the beautiful sights shown on the card. With my job, I will likely be moving just outside of Seattle in about a year and I already have on my to do list to explore Olympic National Park and beyond. Thank you!

#23 @suatelier a city view of Montreal. I hope you had a nice time at the wedding. Thanks!

#26 @sarahaeyo a card from the lego set. Yay for BBQ season! My family came to visit a month ago and my brother in law is a grill-master. I love when we get to visit simply for the good food, haha. Thanks!

#28 @TwoDoggies a Kiss (band) card. Did you get to go to your concert yet? I enjoy going to concerts, though I sadly haven’t been since prior to the pandemic. I did, however, go to see my favorite comedian Bobcat Goldthwait a few months ago. That was fun! Thanks!

#29 @melvnoble a card of promotional buttons with Morris the Cat. The card is in tact and the picture completely fine, but the bottom half of your message got ripped off, like somehow the top layer only was removed. I don’t know what you wrote, but I thank you kindly for your card. :smiley:


#22 uconn

#10 @emotis I’d eat at this place for sure! Great hand cancel too. Thanks

#24 @roxy cool Star Wars card. Today I took my nephew to Mystic Seaport. So humid!
Nice stamps too. Thanks

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#17 received 2 cool cards today from:

#23 @suatelier A view of Montreal in the fall, day and night, from the top of Mount Royal. Congratulations on hiking to the top, and going to a wedding, all in the same day.

#28 @TwoDoggies an “art photo” (that’s what I’ll call it) from the James Gardiner collection of a man in a bathing suit, with his back to the camera. sort of flexing his back muscles. Great picture.

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#2 reporting

#10 @emotis sent Northern Lights and a wolf, thank you Erin! :smiley: How’s vacation and did you get to see the aurora borealis??! That’s on my bucket list.

#11 @RuhRohRaggy sent a gnome and bees, thank you Abby! :honeybee: For some reason I’m not a fan of lavender scents, but I’d go to see the bees. My husband has never been stung so there’s no way I’d get him to go out there.

#16 @HaniMilei sent a Charley Harper card, thank you Mickey! :smiley: The latest puzzle I put together was of Coca~Cola images in colors that pop, it was pretty cool to do and is still together on the kitchen table, but that’ll change tomorrow when I go to start another one. :grin: My parents did take us up into Canada one year for a family trip via station wagon and we did go to Alberta and Saskatchewan, loved both places. I’d love to see Lake Louise.

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Hey, All! #7 Received today:

#28 @TwoDoggies - Hello, Terri! Thank you for the postcard of a vintage airstream in a lovely autumn setting! I have a good friend who’s airstream gets dressed up as a toast every year for our Halloween camping trip. Watching us wrestle two 4’x8’ sheets of plywood “toast” up onto the camper must be hilarious to watch. I don’t see myself ever “living” in an RV like your brother does but I sure do enjoy the getaway factor.

#29 @melvnoble - Hi, Mel! Thank you for the cool postcard of a fantastic photo of patrons at the bar of Clark’s Hotel circa 1900. The mustaches on these fellows! And the glass one man is holding looks more like a pitcher-size to me. But like you mentioned, these men had hard jobs so it’s easy to understand why they’d need a wind-down at the bar.

#1 - Full mailbox today!

#3 @Cruzin Beautiful watercolor card with a green vintage typewriter, a bouquet of flowers and a cup of tea. And AMAZING manual typewriter washi! Oh my goodness! I’ve never seen that before! I adore the Bugs Bunny stamp! Thank you!

#4 @jenhart A wonderfully illustrated Sand Island Lighthouse card, located in Mobile Bay, Alabama. It’s looks so tranquil and serene. I would love to see it in person. Thank you!

#6 @mikeyz1 A beautiful card of The Old Mission of the Sacred Heart in Cataldo, Idaho. There is such a rich history there. I love the Pueblo stamp, too. I’ve never seen that one before. And I agree with you. I hate that the doors are kept locked these days. Back in the day, whenever I was stressed out, I used to love to sit by myself in churches… any church, and just think. Thank you for the card!

#9 @RobinP A fun Route 66 card with 1955 photo of a young couple at a diner and an awesome vintage car. I hope you got the rest you needed before summer camp! Thank you for the card!

#15 @AccentOnHakes A lovely Michigan beach scene with sand dunes. I love the stamps you chose, too. Thank you!

#20 @Angeldreamer A wonderful card of Basilica di San Marco in Venezia, Italia. Grazie! It’s a stunning cathedral. You definitely had some excitement over the holiday! That had to have been scary! I’m glad my little post office only has 200 boxes. The middle of your label was completely gone. Only the city, state and zip code remained. I’m the only one who gets postcards there so they knew immediately who it was for. Thank you for the card!

#26 @sarahaeyo An amazing Living American Flag from Glovers High School, New York circa 1914. I is just so cool…Thank you! It’s perfect…and I love that it was hand canceled!

#29 @melvnoble A fun Wilhelm Stafhie Silhouette Masterpiece card of Awkward Americana. I love it! Thank you! I hope you had a wonderful time at the amusement park!

#30 @RockyRoadTrip A majestic Lady Liberty card. It was perfect for the challenge. Sweltering is right. It’s been in the 90s here with the heat index around 105°. I’m over summer already. We just came back from a week long camping trip over the 4th. No other plans yet. Thank you for the card!

Received cards to date: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 26, 29, 30
Looking forward to: 10, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28


#11 received from…

#16 @HaniMilei a fine art card, “Woman Reading a Book”. I appreciate you sharing some of your favorite waterfalls and music suggestions and for the cute mouse stickers. :mouse: Thanks!

#24 @roxy a dragon card from the mythic creatures postcard set. I had to chuckle at the little sticker with the woman peaking out of the mailbox - super cute. Thanks!

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#17 reporting three more cool cards, from:

#14 @CorinneJKS Washington illustrated map card. I like all maps, but these ones especially remind me of the ones I really enjoyed in some of the books I liked to read, and some of the kids’ encyclopedias I’d use.

#16 @HaniMilei a Hiroshige postcard, of an Iris Garden. I’ve never seen this one before. Thanks for the movie and book mentions, too. One of my favorites: Rear Window (James Stewart, Donna Reed). And one of my favorite books: The Shadow of the Wind (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

#18 @LaurenceB vintage card of Luzern, Switzerland. I love old cards. Hope you were successful in your hunt for cards.


#9 reporting cards arrived for the first half of the week…

from #5 @carolreader - a really cool image of hundreds of bats flying around the entrance to a cave at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. That would be so amazing to see in person!

from #16 @HaniMilei - a pretty painting of Georgian Bay on Lake Huron. I looked up the legend you mentioned. It was a great read, thanks!

from #18 @LaurenceB - a pretty nighttime image of Great Sand Dunes National Park. I wish my kids still did nap time. They are both at their school for the next 2 and a half weeks for their summer program. I’m so nervous about my youngest surviving both the program and the school. She is all pepper and spice and does NOT like to follow directions.

from #23 @suatelier - a view of Montreal’s old port. It looks like a very nice place to spend the day. I hope you had a wonderful time at your cousin’s wedding.

Thank you all for the wonderful cards!


#23 reporting

#3 @Cruzin Thank you for the Korea art card! I hope you managed to organize your pantry

#9 @RobinP Thank you for the Juneau, Alaska card! I’ve been looking at Alaska cruises yesterday and this might be a sign I need to go, haha

#11 @RuhRohRaggy Thank you for the Loupaper sushi card! A lot of travel plans! Sounds fun. I’d love to visit Iceland. My coworker is going this August and I’m jealous!

#18 @LaurenceB Thank you for the LP Starry Night card! And simply gilded washi haha! Thankfully the winds are cool so disappearing into the shade feels great!

#20 @Angeldreamer Thank you for the meetup card! Hope you had fun at the meetup! It’s always great to see old and new faces

#26 @sarahaeyo Thank you for the M&O USA card! I’m so excited for my New England cruise coming up and can’t wait to see/eat all 3 things represented on the card!

#28 @TwoDoggies Thank you for the LP JFK card! Enjoy yoga! It’s always great to be able to be active even if it’s through instructions via the computer screen


#21 BeachyBlonde

I have mailed all of my cards! Sorry I ran out of time when to post!
I have also received so many cards:

#1 @WrenAtTheBeach Thank you for the fun US flamingo postcard! What an interesting quote, thank you for sharing!!
#2 @CrimsonKing Thank you for the awesome Pantone postcard! This is the first week since school let out that I feel like I have had time for PC! haha
#3 @Cruzin Thank you for the Postcrossing postcard! I hope you got those cushions done! I just wish my kids would leave the cushions on my couch! :laughing:
#4 @jenhart Thank you for the epic beach postcard! AK would be amazing too!
#5 @carolreader Thank you for the fun USPS author postcard!
#6 @mikeyz1 Thank you for the funny postcard! I will pass on that cold of weather! haha
#8 @Shesa-Renegade Thank you for the fairy postcard! I may try that next month! I love the challenges that some of the groups has though so I might still pick those! haha
#9 @RobinP Thank you for the stunning waves postcard! I love the sound too!
#11 @RuhRohRaggy Thank you for the awesome LEGO postcard from the set! I love them! I did make The Art of Waves boxed set purchase! So pretty!!
#12 @MissChristinaAnne Thank you for the Wild Eagle postcard! How fun that you were living here! We could have had a mini-meetup! haha
#13 @Annazon Thank you for the sweet VT black bear postcard! I love the decorations too!
#14 @AccentOnHakes Thank you for the LOVE from MI postcard! I hope the AC is fixed!
#19 @ellistrations Thank you for the lovely SC map postcard! Yes! The humidity has been horrible!
#20 @Angeldreamer Thank you for the funny egg kid from the It’s Cool postcard set!
#22 @uconn Thank you for the fun CT map postcard! I love these with all of the little pictures!
#23 @suatelier Thank you for the pretty Montreal skyline postcard! Such a fun time!
#26 @sarahaeyo Thank you for the fun LEGO postcard! I hope work has settled some!
#29 @melvnoble Thank you for the fun dino skeleton postcard! How cool!
#30 @RockyRoadTrip Thank you for the Montana map postcard! It’s such a but state and the sunsets are gorgeous!!


#6 reporting

#1 @WrenAtTheBeach sent a great Van Gogh painting of a windmill. I love Steinbeck and have read much of his work. I love Travels with Charley and the bus one, as well Grapes of Wrath. I’m on an Upton Sinclair summer, reading as much as I can by him, working on a scholarly paper plus just having fun!

#2 @CrimsonKing sent me okra! A beautiful photo!

#5 @carolreader sent a great vintage Gettysburg card!

#15 @AccentOnHakes sent a great Detroit card. I hope you’re finding secret cool spots!

#16 @HaniMilei sent me Tom Thomspon from the Group of &. I love their work!!

#20 @Angeldreamer sent me a great painting card by a mystery artist. This smoke has been really thick here on and off. It’s hard not to feel like humans have reached the end.

#24 @roxy sent a great church interior from St. Josephs in Toronto

#28 @TwoDoggies sent me a card by a Highwaymen Artist, Alfred Hair. I have heard of them and love the story and how they are now collected in museums, when previously sold on the side of highways.

#29 @melvnoble sent a great card honoring librarians! LOVE IT!


26 received: 10, 12, 13, 23, 24, 29

10 @emotis - thank you so much for the great lakes postcard - you can just make out the michigan mitten lol :gloves: great the sun science series stamp (say that 10 times fast!) too! :sun_with_face: i hope you are having a wonderful trip so far!

12 @MissChristinaAnne - scotus justice sonia sotomayor from rad american women - thank you so much! :woman_judge: i am a little embarrassed to admit that i pass by the “cheers” bar almost everyday on my commute, but have never been inside :see_no_evil:

13 @Annazon - selma and patty! thank you for this great simpsons postcard from my favourites (as well as MCR stickers - omg i used to have a huge crush on mikey lol :upside_down_face:) vermont is so gorgeous~ we enjoy driving up to go hiking (sort of? haha) around mount holly :national_park:

23 @suatelier - adorable illustration, thank you; i hope you enjoyed your time in montréal~ omg i kind of love montréal bagels?!?!? :see_no_evil: they always toast up perfectly~ i moved down to the states before they started selling them online but whenever we go up to montréal we buy in bulk, individually pack them and then freeze them; it is a process (sesame seeds get EVERYWHERE) but well worth it haha :bagel:

24 @roxy - thank you for the commemorative stamp card featuring the D10 class 4-6-0 type locomotive, as well as the great stamps (i cant stop touching the year of the dragon stamp haha)! :steam_locomotive: i hope you enjoy(ed) your time off as well~ :two_hearts:

29 @melvnoble - thank you so much for the black and white postcard of the daschbach family of pittsburgh; talk about a family business! five generations is very impressive :flushed: in comparison, my career trajectory is/was wildly different from the rest of my family lol :sweat_smile:


Much mail today! Yay for me! :wink: #7 Received:

#10 @emotis - Erin, thanks so much for the Doug Murdick Fudge shop card! I wish it was scratch-and-sniff! Yay for lake time! I’m looking forward to a bit of that myself, next month in Minnesota.

#16 @HaniMilei - Hi, Mickey! What great stamps on this Hiroshige postcard! Love the bugs! And the Firefoxes! That’s one of my favorite Hiroshige prints. It’s on one my journal covers. I hope your Parker pen turns up shortly. It’s very distressing when pens go wandering. Yay for Purple Mojo! I’m on my second bottle of it. And those Private Reserve jars are great for storing nibs, etc, once empty.

#21 @Beachyblonde - Hey, Whitney! These Nathan Pyle cards are a hoot! And that’s funny, your canine-acting feline! I have one of those too. My black cat, Merlin, actually plays ball and tag with my puppy. They are hilarious to watch. Hope you’re having a great summer!

#23 @suatelier - Hello, Charlotte! Montreal is very high on my To Visit list and I love this long shot of the old port with the clock tower. I hope your cousin’s wedding was smashing! Yay, TWSBI! I’ve been collecting the jelly colors for a while. They just hold so much ink!

#24 @roxy - I hope you’re not melting, Brenda! It’s just too hot, isn’t it? I’m definitely a winter person myself, although, as a native Georgian, I doubt I could handle your Ottawa winters. The Art Canada stamp on your card is just incredible! Is it part of a series? Love that! And the Yellowstone Lower Falls, absolutely gorgeous! Have you been? My son drives through Yellowstone fairly regularly but I have yet to get out that way.


Hi all!

Sorry I have been a little bit behind in updating… Covid has invited itself in my household and it’s been rough!

I will be opening August tomorrow or Friday as Craig doesn’t have Wifi where he is.

Sorry for the delay!


#19 received

#14 @CorinneJKS - thank you! I love these guys! It does seem like a sweet Happy Birthday message!


And August is open here: [RR] North American August 2023 Round Robin - The Summer Forever Edition

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#2 reporting

#18 @LaurenceB sent puffins, thank you Lau! You did so much on your first day of vacation and then you get slapped with covid, ugh, sorry to hear that. :frowning: I hope you and your family bounce back quickly. :slight_smile: Did you find anything at the antique sale? :smiley:

#21 @Beachyblonde sent Emperor penguins, thank you Whitney! :penguin: Are you enjoying your deserved break from work/school? :smiley: Soak up the sunshine or have more glasses of wine after you put them to bed. :grin: :wine_glass:

#23 @suatelier sent Montréal, thank you Charlotte! Ohhh, I’d love to visit that church in the background, love old churches. :smiley: I hope your cousin’s wedding was a blast!


#8 Shesa-Renegade reporting in after my lovely vacation with my son and his family. California is my home state, so it is always good to go home.

#3 @Cruzin sends a gorgeous handmade card with a photo of her Grandmother. I love this “celebrate” selection. I bet she was a great woman!

#4 @jenhart sends a brown pelican Lantern Press card. I have a friend who goes to see the Tour de France every year. It’s an awesome event!

#6 @mikeyz1 sends a card of the University of Illinois Library. I loved hearing about your advisor. This October I am leading a “Legacy of…” session at the geology conference for my advisor. She is still alive and is so excited to see some of her former students.

#10 @emotis sends a card of the northern lights in Michigan. Oh goodness, I do love fudge!! You are so lucky.

#11 @RuhRohRaggy sends an illustrated recipe card for Irish Beef and Stout stew. I love stew and am going to have to try this recipe this winter. I just had memories of my Ireland trip from a few years ago show up on my Facebook feed. I have noticed that I seem to travel at the same time every year…haha.

#18 @LaurenceB sends a fun whale/map card. I love the colors on this card! Your vacation sounds great! Sometimes I like to stay home for vacation. Traveling is awesome, but I always arrive home tired.

#20 @Angeldreamer sends a funny “Today’s a new day!” card. I don’t know the last time I woke up with this much energy. That is really scary about the tree smoldering for that long!

#21 @Beachyblonde sends an alien card with “Tiny Trash”. Your card reminded me of all of the trash left behind after an event. My new rescue didn’t seem to mind the fireworks one bit. I was shocked!

#23 @suatelier sends a multi-view card from Montréal. It sounds like you had a great time at the wedding…ringing ears and all.

#24 @roxy sends a card of dogs playing cards “The Reunion.” I hope you are having a great vacation!

#26 @sarahaeyo sends a birthday card! I love the pastel colors. YouTube is so addicting. I can stay there for hours watching because I am “learning” something new vs. mindless tv.

#28 @TwoDoggies sends a Fleur-de-lis card from New Orleans. The only NO celebration I have been to was for Saint Patrick’s day back in 2005. I found a U.S. Marine graduation ring in the gutter. Three years ago I was able to track down the person after years of trying and return it to him. Thank goodness for the nice lady that works for the veterans office who “hinted” at where he might be located after I found a few promising addresses on the internet.

#29 @melvnoble sends a funny postcard of Uncle Sam wanting us to eat more hot dogs! Hot dogs are my favorite food. Yes, seriously! I could never eat like they do in competition, but I actively seek out hot dog joints when I visit new cities.

#30 @RockyRoadTrip sends a vintage graduation scene. It is a lot of pomp and circumstance, but I won’t lie - I do love being called “Doctor René” by my students. I attend graduation at the end of every semester. Those velvet robes are heavy, but I am so proud of them. Also, you had me at cake and alcohol…HAHA.

Received: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 30
So excited for: 14, 16, 25, 27