[RR] North American July 2023 Round Robin - The While the Host is Away Edition - Closed

#24 reporting

#3 @cruzin sent an awesome new VW Beetle for my collection. I’m always looking at Temu … but really I don’t need to buy another sticker or roll of washi tape as long as I live… but I have some things in my cart as I type. :slight_smile:
Let me know if you find anything cool! :slight_smile:

#6 @mikeyz1 feeds my Nancy Drew collection with The Message in the Hollow Oak. It has been a crazy summer here too with the bad air quality. Very bad forest fire season this year.

#9 @robinp sent an excellent and glittery cart from Wright Brothers National Memorial Park. Very cool!

#13 @annazon (I love your user name) sent an amazing card showcasing the Third Bridge, Northfield, Vermont. Love it!

#26 @sarahaeyo sent a great music collage card! I have never been a fan of big festivals or summer heat so I never braved Warped but I bet it would be an amazing experience!


#13 @Annazon received from #10 @emotis

This card was particularly exciting because we found our first wild morels this year😄 Thank you

#9 reporting 3 new cards for today…

from #10 @emotis - the Mackinac Bridge. It is so muggy today, and the water in this view looks soooo inviting!

#24 @roxy - The Kawartha’s in Ontario. Again, it looks very inviting (although I know this is a fall scene), but the thought of no a/c right now is very much NOT my thing! :slight_smile:

from #28 @TwoDoggies - a llama picture overlaid on some maps. This is a really cool image!

Thank you all!

18 reporting - Many great cards have arrived already :slight_smile:

1 @WrenAtTheBeach Thank you so much for a truly gorgeous giraffe! I had never heard of this artist before, very cute illustrations. LOVE the animal washi too!

2 @CrimsonKing Thank you SO much for both a linen and zoo card! Love it, but you are right, it does look like quite a sad enclosure for the bears! And the polar bears must be so hot in the Chicago weather without water to swim in!

3 @Cruzin Thank you for the awesome Postcard shop!! Maybe one day AI will actually open shops for us with postcards? :stuck_out_tongue: For now, I just order from ALL the online stores! Most are small businesses, so I’m doing a good thing, right? :wink:

4 @jenhart Thank you so much for the Pony swim Lantern Press card!! Hope the trip goes well! I literally JUST finished 10 mins ago the book The Music of Bees, in which one of the main characters is using a wheelchair. It was such a feelgood read, I highly recommend it!

7 @Meirkat Thank you very much for sharing the Wes Anderson love! I used to follow the AWA page, so when they issued the cards, of course I had to get the set :smiley: Welcome to the group, it’s been great having you with us this month :heartbeat:

8 @Shesa-Renegade Thank you for the Amish Country card!! Love your postcard destash strategy!! I’m a huge fan of random number generators for many things :wink: Never been good at making decisions xD Next use will be to find my next book to read.

9 @RobinP Thank you for the wonderful library at the Biltmore house. Love it! But if I had to choose, my library would be much more sunny with HUGE windows!

17 @YOIYUMTEWA Thank you SO much for the 2-in-1 vintage cards! Motels and flamingo cards have been my 2 big subjects this summer. I have visited many flea markets and vintage shows and always manage to bring back tons of cards for these subjects. My most recent awesome find: a flamingo card with a pink feather glued on, dated 1907! I think to qualify as a motel you need an outside door in each room.

19 @ellistrations Thank you SO much my friend for the amazing Audubon flamingo! I’ve been trying to get my hands on this set for a long time! Lots of new cards for you in my stash!! :smiley: Hope you are having a wonderful summer :heartbeat: Thank you for all the extra stickers!

20 @Angeldreamer Hi friend! it’s been a while! Yes the wildfires are quite out of control in Quebec this year… I think it’s never been as bad. It is in an area very far from me, but we did have a lot of smoke on some days. I think the main issue is that we are getting a lot of rain in Montreal these days, but not in the wild fires area… Thank you for the great whale card!

22 @uconn Thank you for the vintage doll castle! Pretty stamps were scribbled through with a pen! How mean!

23 @suatelier Thank you for the amazing Montreal map! I love Paperole cards! Hope you had a great trip!! What ended up beaing your favorite part?

24 @roxy Thank you for the great Lantern Press with a camper!! LOVE the washi!! Just got my new washi order in :see_no_evil: :upside_down_face: Happy vacation!!! I’m still on vacation the next week too, yay!!

28 @TwoDoggies Thank you so much friend for the amazing colorful Charleston houses! I’d love to visit Charleston once!! It’s an amazing vintage card in such great conditions! I think we’ve just joined different RRs lately! I’m enjoying my summer vacation to the fullest :smiley: Reporting cards outside while the kids finish their naps, and then it’s pool time!

29 @melvnoble Thank you for the amazing Australian animals!! What a great find among your own things!! :smiley: Hope you are having a great summer!

30 @RockyRoadTrip Thank you for the AWA postcard! I have not seen the TikTok trend - I try to stay away from social media too much and the scroll of doom that ensues! And also have yet to see Asteroid City… I don’t think I have watched a movie in the last five years!


#5 reporting:

#3 @cruzin – Funny cow card – with a scale, a feather, and butterfly wings – but it all works. I like it!

#4 @jenhart – Classic Andy Warhol does Elvis – great art card!

#10 @emotis – A nice Inge Look bird card to add to my collection, without the old ladies. That’s great with me, I love birds, but I’m not fond of caricatures of “old ladies” – hah! Spending two weeks at a lake reading sounds like heaven. Have a nice vacation.

#13 @annazon – Early Matt Groening - a funny guy! I am a long-time fan of science fiction (written, not films). Recent favorites include “The Three-Body Problem” by Cixin Liu and “Babel” by R.F. Kuang. I read Ray Bradbury’s books years ago, but I prefer “hard” SF.

#19 @ellistrations – One of those “mysterious apparitions” that we hear about. Makes a nice vintage postcard!

#22 @TwoDoggies – I’ve never seen anything by Marion Peck before – this is nicely weird! I like pictures of snakes. They don’t bother me “in person”, but I’d rather not handle one.

#26 @sarahaeyo –Funny, funny shark card! I picked this theme at random, but I’ve received some great cards from it!

#29 @melvnoble – I really like giraffes, too, but I didn’t realize these were lanterns until I read your card. Beautiful!

Thanks to everyone for the great postcards.


#17 reporting in with 2 more cool cards received:

#10 @emotis An aerial view of Torch Lake, Michigan. Wow, what a view. And that blue. Looks like a great place to spend some time.

#24 @roxy card of a place that is no longer open, Temple Pastures Retreat Center. It looks like a really great place set in the country. It also looks like a great place to spend some time–mostly because of the setting. To bad they are closed, right?


@Angeldreamer #20 Silver Lake, MN (the lake, not the city) is new to my map. Thanks! The fire sounds pretty scary. Glad it sounds like no real damage was done.
@suatelier #23 Congratulations to your cousin! I am amazed you fit all that activity into one day.


**NARR JULY 2023 **
Report #2

#03 @Cruzin: sent this exterior shot of the Dare Haven Motel which is located on Roanoke Island in the Outer Banks for North Carolina. That would explain the lower left-hand corner shot int this multiview. Darn re-enactors wondering where they’ll tie one on at lunchtime! Believe it or not, this place still exists, and doesn’t appear to have changed much! Thanks!

#06 @MikeyZ1: sent a mockery of Frida Kahlo, known for her numerous self-portraits, showing Belgium artist Emilio Lopez-Menchero dressed up “trying to be Frida.” Nice dig! It’s part of a series Menchero did, where he self-portraited himself dressed as other artists. Very meta. A Klet & Ko card. Thanks!

#10 @Emotis: sent a vintage real photo shot of Bachmann’s Store in Central Lake, Michigan, which stands as a living testament to a mom-and-pop shop’s endurance in the face of big box stores and strip mall cancer. Essentially a throwback to the classic 5 & Dimes stores of yesteryear, this establishment just celebrated its 80th year in business. Have fun on vacay. Thanks!

#11 @RuhRuhRaggy: sent a gorgeous evening shot of Old Point Loma Lighthouse just outside San Diego, CA. Yeah, I hear you; lighthouse spiral staircases can be pretty intimidating. But the views are usually worth it! Thanks!

#15 @AccentOnHakes: sent this shot celebrating her new location: Michigan. Listen, you’re in Detroit now. You’re lucky you have any mail service at all! :blush: Thanks!

#20 @AngelDreamer: sent a drone shot of a naked couple, kinda spooning in the wilds. Who dreams this stuff up? Who lies there for the shot? Nuts. From the It’s Cool: 100 Postcards Collection. Yeah, climate change is really switching up our weather patterns. From wildfires, to tornadoes, to torrential rain. Hope your tree is finally “out”. Thanks!

#23 @Suatelier: Sent an excellent aerial view of Casino de Montreal, Canada’s largest. Doesn’t look much like a casino, but I can assure you it is; I’ve been there. And let me tell you, the French language card decks take some getting used to! Thanks!

All my July cards have been sent.


Rocky Road Trip #30


#19 received

#24 @roxy - thank you! Stacked signs and one is directional, it counts! The textured New Year stamp is so neat!

#3 received

#4 @jenhart :heart: Edition Tausendschoen!! Pink flowers! I like doing the challenges too!

#9 @RobinP AD Martha’s Vineyard! We are still in low temps for our average!

#10 @emotis Another Edition Tausendschoen :two_hearts:. Hope you are enjoying your reading time!

#19 @ellistrations Bond…James Bond! It’s funny trying to do the two combo stamps. It seems like 30 cents and below they skipped a few numbers!

#20 @Angeldreamer Great pink funky card! Damn, I wish I had hip bones like that (or end my knee like that, but that’s another story…).
Glad you got those trees under control - it’s always scary to smell smoke in the air!

#29 @melvnoble Pink pen on a pink stargazer lily card!! Love it!

Thank you all!!

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lol I like that comparison. I definitely live in the woods now, and I grew up in the middle of Cibola National Forest…I well remember it taking an hour to just get a gallon of milk. We went to town once a week, and in NM at that time I was able to drive at 14 1/2…so my job was to do the shopping and save my parents that task once I could drive! I was sent to the store with a blank check…the store manager only called my dad once to check if it was ok. haha

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lol I see that lady and just think…someone get that girl a cheeseburger STAT!! and a chocolate shake!


#2 reporting

#24 @roxy sent a Pantone card, thank you Brenda! How was your vacation or are you still on it? :smiley: Did you go somewhere not so humid? It’s humid here and I don’t like sticking to myself, ugh, haha!

#27 @beatriceh sent a family of penguins, thank you Charisse! I do like the Pantones, I wasn’t a fan at first, but then they grew on me and now collecting them, hehe. You can join the NA Colors RR to help use up those cards. :smiley:

#29 @melvnoble sent buttons, thank you Mel! I didn’t do anything for the 4th, I was working that night, but heard a lot of big booms, hehe. I’m glad you had a great night for your 4th. :smiley:

#30 @RockyRoadTrip sent a Black-Throated penguin, thank you Rocky! It’s hot here too and humid to boot! Last week, the winds blew the smoke away, but as of yesterday, it has returned and the air quality once again not so great. Let’s go visit this penguin and enjoy the cool air! :smiley:


18 reporting

12 @MissChristinaAnne Thank you very much for the great route 66 card! I can’t believe you moved 3x!! I keep telling my hubby that I never want to move from this current house haha! I love our location & home. We have tons of stuff too, but we’re planning a huge garage sale this Fall

13 @Annazon Thank you for the great vintage card!! Feel free to send with or without envelope any time! I hope to see you again in the RR the next months :smiley: I eat way too much pasta too - probably because I am 1/4 Italian :stuck_out_tongue:

16 @HaniMilei Thank you for the great Charley Harper fox, haven’t received one of those in a while!! Thanks for the book recommendations!



#4 reporting:

#6 @mikeyz1 : great Route 66 card. Why do they even make cards that you can’t write on??? Sometimes I give up and just puts lots of stickers and my name.

#10 @emotis : gorgeous Tausendschonen glittery owl. I hope you are loving life reading by the lake :books:

#20 @Angeldreamer : very cool reconstructed mining village. I’m certain I would die quickly if I lived back in time. I am so soft lol

#28 @TwoDoggies : wonderful illustrated square-card bird. I think my fascination birds makes me officially old lol

#29 @melvnoble : great graphics of western parks/landmarks. Enjoy Niagara Falls. I was surprised how much I loved it - plus a quick side trip to Toronto with its amazing food trucks.

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20- @Angeldreamer Sent all
To receive: 5, 14, 16, 18, 21 ,23,24,25,26,27, 28

3 @Cruzin sent a beautiful card full of butterflies from Pacific grove and continued the theme on the back. Thanks so much for this cheery card!! I wonder if the shop is able to buy just 100 cards for cheaper thru zazzle…they likely didn’t want to have 1000 cards sitting around forever. I did just order 1000 for my hometown as I had run out of the ones I ordered about 3 years ago and I think I bought 500 then…so I bit the bullet and decided it was worth it in the long run, tho it was more than I wanted to spend at the time! btw I LOVE when people send me the Will Rogers stamp!! when I buy on ebay I usually ask the seller if they have a stockpile of the 15c or 3c stamp as he is from my town. Sometimes I get very lucky!

6 @mikeyz1 a great card from the butterfly house in whitehouse, oh I LOVE butterfly places!! There aren’t any that I know of close to me…except in okc but I make a point to look when we are out and about! the plants they have there are wonderful to look at too!

10 @emotis a wonderful keep calm and check your mailbox card. love these!! I need to order some of these to give to my residents that let their boxes overflow! haha but they likely would never bother to check and see it! Are you planning on moving?! or is that your retirement destination? I hope the smoke was not too bad while you were there.

15 @AccentOnHakes a pretty sunset view over a lake in Michigan. it looks so peaceful!! Your cookies sound yummy! I have been meaning to make something good all weekend, I better get to it…or to the store…which do you think will win out?! lol

19 @ellistrations a closeup of some beautiful lupine flowers. I had a bedroom that color once…pale blue. It was so peaceful and serene. Yes, I got my cards out before the increase…tho a lot I stuck forever stamps on anyway. I am not sure hobbies like this will survive too many more postage increases.

29 @melvnoble a beautiful japanese double bearded iris in purple…my absolute favorite flower! Can you believe I don’t have any growing in my yard? I keep meaning to plant them and then things come up and well…I am sure some of the ones I brought with me from my grandmother’s house are all dry and will never grow now. I did keep them in the fridge tho in our garage, perhaps they just think it is the longest winter ever!

30 @RockyRoadTrip omg you made me laugh with this monkey faced baby and calling it my boss…no argument from me! If the numbers don’t swing back my way come October I will be looking for a different line of work. City carriers make a ton of money to move slow, paid hourly…rural carriers are paid a daily rate and by working fast we could go home and still be “on the clock” but since March most of us lost 4-8 hours of pay per week and also gained a lot of Amazon packages…we work for free all of those hours plus some. If the evaluations don’t come out more fair I won’t be sticking around and that is truly sad…it was a great gig until last fall…even if it does take over your life in other ways.


#16 reporting.


From #3 @Cruzin came a beautiful Korean minhwa “painting to bring about the reign of peace” featuring the Phoenix/Bonghwang (봉황). Also some pretty and colorful stickers.

From #22 @uconn came a shiny steel half-suit of armor from (possibly) Brescia in Northern Italy. It weighs 37 lbs and has been in the possession of the Cleveland Museum of Art since 1916. Also, a quartet of lovely stamps including Chief Standing Bear and a Hawaiian monk seal. To answer the question: we had a couple of days of lousy air quality air, but nothing now.

From #29 @melvnoble came a delightful Kliban’s Cats postcard by Bernard “Hap” Kliban (1935-1990). Four serious/bemused cats looking at cat art in a museum/gallery. Also several cheery stickers.


#19 received

#16 @HaniMilei - thank you! Oooh, Thai red curry sounds so good right now. If we make it to Canada, I wil have to look into your recommendation, thanks!

#23 @suatelier - thank you! I’m glad you had fun at the wedding! I know attending those can be hit or miss. I’ve been to one that was awkward since I was placed at a table with single people…

#28 @TwoDoggies - thank you! My mom thought this card was great, then I told her it’s for my luggage challenge and she started laughing. It’s perfect for this purpose, haha! But no, I wouldn’t be collecting them either.


#13 @Annazon received #16 #18 and #28

From #16 @HaniMilei
Charlie Harper The Animal Kingdom card
Thanks for the Toronto info, decorations and cool stamps. I was actually lucky enough to sleep at the foot of a T-rex skeleton in a museum multiple times.:laughing:

From #18 @LaurenceB
Adorable mushroom house card that looks similar to a painting I did for Game of Shrooms this year, great decorations and stamps.:heart_eyes:

From #28 @TwoDoggies
Neat local to me vintage card of the Old Coach Inn and nice stickers.:grin:

Thank you all😍