[RR] North American July 2022 Round Robin - The Summertime Edition - Closed!

18 reporting

11 @alcott1 sent a wonderful vintage card of the dining room at Jefferson Hotel! I love those, I’m always wondering if dining room pictures would work on postcards nowadays! What year did your mother win the champagne? Thank you so much!

@mere5oh #7 Thanks for the great digestive system card! I’m finishing up my month on GI right now, so you sent the perfect card! Did I tell you that, or are you just psychic??

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Thank you #25 @teddypostcrossing for the fantastic Top Gun postcard!

#29 - I was on vacation and my mail was on hold, but I’m back with the rest of the postcards for the month!!

#4 @jenhart - Thank you Jennifer for this postcard “Girls Just Wanna Have Fundamental Human Rights”! I am so bummed because the back of the postcard got ripped up and all I can see from your message is something about the state of the world and the Tour de France. :biking_woman:t2: I appreciate the card though!

#7 @mere5oh - Thank you Meredith for this postcard from Albuquerque, New Mexico! A balloon museum sounds very interesting! I am a sucker for fireworks, so my partner and I did go see a local fireworks show. :fireworks: Other than that, I agree, not much to celebrate this 4th of July.

#9 @ljbbauer - Thank you Laura for this postcard of the Galilean moons of Jupiter! I did have to reverse google the image to figure out that’s what it was! :laughing: I’m excited for you both and your camper-trailer! I would love to go to festivals with a camper. That sounds so fun!

#10 @emotis - Thank you Erin for this postcard from Fort Napoleon! How neat you sent this from Belgium! :belgium: I can’t wait to go out of the states. I got my passport in 2020 since no one could travel anyway, and I’m itching to use it to go somewhere fun!

#14 @dnrhott - Thank you Delia for this postcard of Turkey Vultures! I just got back from Philadelphia and it was H-O-T! :hot_face: Such a great trip though! I also went to an amusement park for the first time in probably over a decade and conquered so many fears with the coasters! :roller_coaster: Fun times!

#23 @suatelier - Thank you Charlotte for this fascinating Canadian propaganda postcard from 1906! :canada: Oooooh mango cream sponge cake is making my mouth water! I’ve been obsessed with lemon desserts lately. :lemon:

#25 @teddypostcrossing - Thank you Kristine for this adorable Frenchie in some fashionable undies! I’ve never done water aerobics. I took a line dancing class a long time ago but I don’t often think about group physical fitness classes! Hopefully you can find the perfect instructor for your needs! :swimming_woman:t2:


#10 @emotis thank youa structure.

#8 Shesa-Renegade received a card today from #10 @emotis who sent a card from Belgium! I love this seal card so much. I hope that you had a fabulous trip.

Received: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

@TheHassFamily - somehow I missed sending out your card. I must have been drinking that day…haha. It is in the mail tomorrow morning.

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#19 ellistrations received

#23 @suatelier - little gardeners, thank you! This is so sweet and the stamps are beautiful, I love it all.

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18 reporting!

6 @mikeyz1 sent an amazing linen large letters card from Warren Ohio! Love the vintage stamps to go with it as well :grin: Our little family getaway starts in a few days. Might have to bring the whole house for the toddler + baby’s first vacation!

9 @ljbbauer sent an AWESOME linen hotel!!! Thank you SO much for sending me your lottery win LB :pleading_face::pleading_face: Never have I more related to someone’s work haha :joy: I do not want to go back after mat leave :grimacing::grimacing:

10 @emotis sent a card from Antwerpen zoo, sent from origin!! Awesome, thank you so much :grin::grin: How amazing that you are visiting a Postcrossing friend :heart_eyes: I have a dream to meet so many of you one day!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

25 @teddypostcrossing sent all the lemonade essentials!!! This is the cutest card!! I can’t believe I sent you all the winter vibes, and you sent me summer vibes haha :grin::grin: Thank you my friend!

Received all but 20


#19 received

#10 @emotis - thank you! I hope you are having/had a blast on your trip!

#9 reporting received from #10 @emotis this groovy Belgian beer card from vacation in Brugge. My husband and I try every beer we encounter that is made with Belgian yeast or in a Belgian style. Thank you!

#26 received: #10 - received all!

10 @emotis - sends a breathtaking view of the atomium and the brussels skyline at sunset! omg what a WILD building - a cluster of nine steel-clad spheres (one of which is a restaurant with a panoramic view of brussels) in the shape of crystalline structure. i also love the stamps commemorating la tonneau :office: and belgian fashion :dress: - thank you so much!


@emotis #10 Thank you for the wonderful card from Brussel! Lovely Belgian stamps as well! I hope you took lots of chocolates home to share!

#19 received

#16 @TheHassFamily - thank you! Haha, it’s definitely organized chaos when it comes to all my Postcrossing supplies. I have organized and reorganized but to never find the least ‘messy’ way to do so.

#27 reporting

Received lovely Route 66 card from #7 @mere5oh I don’t know why, but there’s something about this road. When I was younger, I thought it was only in IL, but now I know we share it. It’s such a great American icon. Thank you!

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#3 received

#10 @emotis Great card from Brussels! Awesome stamps! Thank you!

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Report 4 from: Rocky Road Trip #30

#04 @JenHart: sent a beautiful shot of the American Falls up at Niagara. Do you think the Falls worry about health insurance, income, and contributing to society? No, it just does its thing. I think you’ve found your answer! Thanks!

#07 @Mere5oh sent a colorful view of the Albuquerque hot air balloon fest in yet another attempt to get me to come visit the Land of Enchantment. It was nice meeting you and your family as you made your sojourn through the Northeast. It looks like you had quite the adventure! I hope things have calmed down (just a little!) Thanks!

#09 @ljbbauer: sent a shot of the Ambassador Bridge that connects Detroit to Windsor, Ontario. Yeah, it’s ridiculous that an international crossing is owned by a private company. I hear Canada is building its own bridge to compete with this aging structure. But it’s horrible. Each year the family that owns the bridge took the Canadian project to court, they raked in another 60 million in tolls. Talk about a major homeland security risk! Thanks!

#10 @emotis: sent a funny “Beer, Helping White Guys Dance” card all the way from Belgium. Oh, it’s been helping them do a lot of silly things beyond that, too! How can a beer museum get smaller?! There’s so much more history now to tell. Hope you had a great trip. Brussels is one of my favorite cities, and just for the cherry beer! Thanks!

#14 @Dnrhott: sent an art card featuring a Monet view of the Gardener’s House at Antibes. Yes, very summer-like. I’ve never heard of artificial beach sand. Where do you go to “enjoy” that? I hope to get to the real beach this August, only it might be closed because of Nature-made sharks! Interesting stickers, too. Thanks!

#23 @Suatelier: sent what’s my favorite card of the month, a vintage Canadian propaganda postcard warning us that thousands of settlers are moving into Western Canada in search of homes and livelihoods. Shows Uncle Sam at the border watching a wagon train head into the country. Holy Manifest Destiny. Fortunately, the US didn’t do the Canadians what they did to their own Native Americans! Great card, thanks!

#25 @TeddyPostcrossing: sent a double-wreath edition of the American Flag produced for the country’s centennial. You don’t see one of these every day! I can’t believe your HOA prohibits flag poles! Almost everyone on my block has one. Mostly hanging “Let’s Go Brandon”, Trump 2024, and Blue Lives Matter flags… but at least they’re allowed to hang ‘em! Good luck with your house hunt! Thanks!

#27 @Beatriceh: sent a Fifty-Nine Parks card showcasing Mesa Verde National Park. Nice new addition to my National Parks collection. Yes, I enjoy getting out to these wonderful sites They put our dreary lives into perspective. Thanks!

View all these July cards at my Flickr account.

That completes the month. ALL CARD RCD! Thanks, everybody!

Rocky Road Trip #30


Thank you #10 @emotis for the great Moules Frites postcard for my potato collection! :slight_smile: I hope your Europe trip is/was a blast!


7 @mere5oh - Annie Leibovitz portrait of Eudora Welty - I think most of her books have pictures of her in her younger years - love this one of her as a senior. interesting writer! Thank you.

10 @emotis - A great card from Belguim! I hope this trip is an wonderful as it sounds!

I have received all of my cards. Thank you all so much!

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#9 @ljbbauer a cute VW bus. Great story about a client. Fun stuff!
#10 @emotis Card from The Atomium Museum in Brussels. Good for you sending out cards while you were on vacation. Looks like we may have crossed paths at some point. It would be interesting to see how close we were on any given day. I saw that you got some of the same postcards I did! LOL.
I didn’t have the time or resources to send out cards while I was on the road. At the end of each day, I was in the lounge socializing!

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