[RR] North American August 2023 Round Robin - The Summer Forever Edition - Craig's Version - Closed

Hello all!

Welcome to the :beach_umbrella: August 2023 North American Round Robin! :sunflower:

This post replaces the one started by @LaurenceB. She did that to help me while sick. Please post all updates here after August 5.

The rules are the same as usual

As always, all in North America are welcomed to join, but the round robin is limited to the first 30 people who sign up, including myself. If you have not participated in the past, please be sure to send me your address when you sign up. I have the list of addresses from Craig, so no need to message me if you have participated in the past.


  • Sign up between now and July 28 by posting in this thread. Note: This round robin has been filling up within hours recently.
  • New participants must send me their addresses before I will add them to the RR.
  • Participants must be at least 13 years of age.
  • Only individuals may participate - no groups.
  • You may not sign up for a new month if you have neither sent your cards nor reported having received cards for any previous month. If you reported having sent your cards, but no one has reported receiving your cards in a previous month, you may not join.
  • Send one postcard to each member in the group, unless requested, please do not send in an envelope.
  • Send all postcards by Aug 15.
  • Do your best to send a postcard that matches the wishes of the receiver.
  • Unless requested, do not send free postcards, TouchNote cards, flyers or folded greeting cards.
  • Reports must include a description of each card received before I will mark them off as received.

Post in this thread once you have sent all your cards, as well as when you receive them.
When reporting received cards, it’s important to include both the number and name of the sender. This helps me to double check that errors were not made.

Remember, we are here to have fun and get to know one another. Always feel free to send me a message with any questions, or check out previous months to see how we do things. :smiley:

  1. @cawindt

  1. @CrimsonKing

  1. @Cruzin
    To receive: 21

  1. @LLAcademy

  1. @carolreader

  1. @mikeyz1
    To receive: 21

  1. @alcott1
    To receive: 24

  1. @Shesa-Renegade

  1. @RobinP

  1. @emotis

  1. @MuttleysMom

  1. @Yarn-Lady

  1. @ladybug513

  1. @Hazygirl
    To receive: 18

  1. @AccentOnHakes

  1. @jacieslar

    To receive: 15

  1. @LaurenceB

  1. @ellistrations

  1. @Angeldreamer

  1. @Beachyblonde

  1. @uconn

  1. @suatelier
    To receive: 25

  1. @roxy

  1. @anon20824321
    To receive: 11, 12, 21

  1. @sarahaeyo

  1. @France-Montreal
    To receive: 23, 25

  1. @TwoDoggies

  1. @melvnoble

  1. @RockyRoadTrip


#19 received

#28 @TwoDoggies - thank you! Wedding is in two months! I am as chill as I can be. There are moments that have had me frazzled, but I have managed. Whomever said wedding planning is fun, didn’t do it themselves, haha! Dreaming it up is the fun part.

How great to have five cards already show up for the month. Many thanks go to:
#6 @mikeyz1 for the great wine card. I haven’t had wine yet, but I did enjoy a nice margarita (thanks to William) last night.

#17 @YOIYUMTEWA for the awesome details in Grand Central Terminal. Glad you enjoyed the photos from my trip! I didn’t post as many as I thought I would, as I wasn’t really sightseeing most of the time.

#19 @ellistrations for the amazing D-Day stamp card from Royal Mail. Wishing you all the best with the wedding planning!

#22 @uconn for the fabulous Allen Ginsberg card. Man! I’m jealous of your sabbatical time. I wish we had that.

#28 @TwoDoggies for the intriguing “Drowning Hand” card. I love it! Have a great time on your cruise! Which cruise line are you taking? My trip was wonderful. I loved being in one place for three weeks. It allowed me to feel like I actually lived there.

Thanks everyone! It’s good to be back :slight_smile:

Oops! I missed one that got misplaced under my knitting. Thank you #11 @MuttleysMom for the great aerial view of the University of North Carolina. Wow! Being an exchange student in Venezuela must have been interesting.


#8 Shesa-Renegade reporting in with my first received card for August!

#7 @alcott1 sends a wonderful card of boathouses located in Canadaigua. Back in 2021 I rented a houseboat in Houston for my spring break. It was amazing, and the boat/pier culture was phenomenal, too.

Received: 7
Excited for: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

#15: cards #17-30 waiting for pickup

All my cards were mailed today.

And I have received three cards already:

#17 @YOIYUMTEWA - sent me an “autographed” picture of Gene Autry, in response to a cowboy challenge. Thanks, Rick, and happy trails to you!

#22 @unconn sent the cutest mouse eating a raspberry. (There were a lot of raspberry-related commemorative days in August, oddly.) I’m a sucker for little animals - thanks!

#28 @TwoDoggies sent - in honor of Obama’s birthday in August - the oddest picture of him I’ve ever seen. Great fun! Thanks, Terri.

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Hi there! I’ve sent a good chunk out but hope to wrap up the rest tomorrow for Monday’s mail. We’ve already received two cards!

Thank you @Cruzin (#3) for your Lou Paper Minnesota card!! These are so beautiful and informative! Hope you had a great time at the aquarium! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @yoakenokami (#17) for the beautiful horse card and Jimmy Stewart! My dad always did a pretty great JS impression, so this is perfect on so many levels! Of course my daughter is adding the horse to her collection on her wall. Your author’s list is great, some we’ve read and others you suggested we’ll have to check out. We have a few read alouds going right now and just finished “The Horse and His Boy” by C.S. Lewis. Thanks so much for your kindness and thoughtfulness :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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#22 uconn

#8 @Shesa-Renegade sounds like a fun trip! Thanks for this Santa Barbara card

#14 @Hazygirl cool Montauk lighthouse, thanks!

#19 @ellistrations cool PHQ card with a skull, thanks

#28 @TwoDoggies quite the photo of Dalí! Great choice!

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#25 magicmanders reporting received cards. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

#1 @cawindt I’m obsessed with this black and white card. Keys and goats, two of my favorite things! :black_heart:

#2 @CrimsonKing Thank you so much for this awesome card! My favorite animal to rehab has always been possums and raccoons, but I adore anything! :black_heart:

#3 @Cruzin Amazing witch card, she is stunning! :star_struck:

#4 @LLAcademy This card made me laugh, my friends and I have a huge inside joke about the jackalope! It has resulted in me having numerous taxidermy ones throughout my house! :rofl:

#5 @carolreader This card looks like my big rooster named Roocifer! He looks mean but is a big teddy bear. Thank you, I love it!

#6 @mikeyz1 this chicken card made my day, I LOVE IT! :star_struck:

#7 @alcott1 I love this card and yes, I would consider this folk art!

#8 @Shesa-Renegade
It is a small world! I was born and raised here and ran the roads of Lenoir as a teen. I’m sure I’ve bumped into or know your family! This card is hilarious and I absolutely love it! :rofl:

#9 @RobinP These are Polish Crested chickens, and I actually have 12 of this exact color! They are beautiful show chickens, but sadly the dumbest creatures on earth lol I love them :laughing:

#10 @emotis I literally screamed when I saw this possum card! I follow Sesame on social media and I’m OBSESSED! Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

#13 @ladybug513 I collect all things witches and absolutely love this!

#14 @Hazygirl
Thank you so much, it is extremely hot and weird weather in NC today!

#15 @AccentOnHakes A beautiful vintage card, I would love to go hiking there!

#16 @jacieslar I love this card, thank you so much!

#17 @YOIYUMTEWA I love this vintage card. I agree with you though, I would never attempt to climb these stairs!

#18 @LaurenceB absolutely love this Pokemon card, it’s one of my favorite characters. Perfect! :snake:

#19 @ellistrations I love this one so much. Please tell your dad thank you again!

#20 @Yarn-Lady This is a very cool card from Oklahoma. My first one from there!

#22 @uconn I love swapping with you, you always send the best cards and that stamp has me dying!!! :rofl: Thank you! :spider_web:

#23 @suatelier Another awesome Halloween card, thank you for sending this even though you don’t celebrate!

#24 @roxy beautiful card, Cardinals are the state bird here in NC!

#26 @sarahaeyo Thank you so much for this awesome Halloween card :jack_o_lantern:

#27 @France-Montreal amazing card with some of my favorite witchy things! Perfection! :herb:

#28 @TwoDoggies this one is going in my Halloween room, I love him! :black_heart:

#29 @melvnoble looks like a beautiful place to visit.

#30 @RockyRoadTrip
I literally screamed when I saw this card! Type O Negative is life! I also LOVE Skinny Puppy and Ministry! I hope we can swap again in the future :metal:


Report #1

The first cards of the month have come rolling in:

#07 @alcott1: sent a fascinating vintage linen shot of her hometown Main Street from 1938! Interesting that most of the buildings are still there. Our town is considering proposals to gut our downtown and “modernize” the main street. A real shame. Glad yours is still intact because it’s a beautiful strip. Thanks!

#09 @RobinP: sent a shot of Floyd’s Barber Shop in Mt. Airy, NC – Andy Griffith’s boyhood town and the inspiration behind Mayberry, in his popular ‘60s sitcom. A little bit of a hike just to get a haircut, but it would be fun to see if they could give me a high-top fade! Thanks.

#14 @HazyGirl: sent a scary shot of Thunderbird, the mythic, winged cryptid said to be using Alaska’s Katmai National Park as its hunting ground – though, it’s a case in Illinois that seems to be the best documented, featuring a number of witnesses. The thinking goes it’s a leftover pterodactyl, though, with its giant size, you’d think it would be pretty difficult to hide. Thanks!

#17 @YoiYumTewa: sent a vintage chrome, nighttime shot of the Howard Johnson’s Motor Lodge serving Atlanta’s airport. Sporting such guest services as a 24-hour rental car booth in the lobby and the Rum Keg Lounge. Laugh all you want, as a young Rocky just starting out on my career, I spent a lot of time at airport hotels – never really getting to see the city we were in. Thanks!

#22 @Uconn: sent a hilarious shot of the “porpoise-powered boat”, a feature of South Florida’s Theater of the Sea. You’re right, the family looks miserable. And I’m sure the dolphins aren’t in the best of spirits either! The place still exists, though it looks like they have ditched the ill-conceived boat rides for true “swim with the dolphins” experiences that can generate more cash. Thanks!

#28 @TwoDoggies: sent a shot of the South Middlesex Supply Company, a hardware store in Framingham, MA. The place now appears to be a restaurant (The Corner Cabaret). But the exterior of the building looks very much the same today - though, sadly, the clock sign appears to be gone. Thanks!

As of tomorrow (Monday 8/7) all my August outgoing cards will have been posted.


Rocky Road Trip #30

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all of my cards are picked, stamped and addressed. I had planned on finishing them in the next few days but my Uncle in Utah has been in the hospitable and was declared brain dead this morning…I have to hurry and make some preparations for my dad to travel and possibly for my Aunt to be at our house for a while after. Not sure I will get them done before the 10th but they will go out in spurts.

18 reporting

My first card arrived today! From

23 @suatelier Thank you so much for the COWS ice cream card! My favorite flavor has always been chocolate - in ice cream and everything else. I cannot ever choose another flavor because I feel like I’d miss out on the chocolate!

@Angeldreamer oh no, I’m so sorry to hear that. Thinking of you!

#9 reporting a massive haul in today’s mail…

from #2 @CrimsonKing - a beautiful view of Ecuador! The only country I’ve been to in South America is Peru. Maybe someday. :slight_smile:

from #3 @Cruzin - the California coast near Carmel. OMG the blues on this card are amazing!

from #7 @alcott1 - a life-sized statue of Robert Wadlow, the tallest man on record, in his hometown of Alton, IL. I always love showing these Alton cards to my husband. Thanks!

from #8 @Shesa-Renegade - an LP card of Channel Islands National Parks. So pretty!

from 310 @emotis - an LP card featuring a montage of Fairbanks, Alaska images. Love it! I have 3 loooong weeks until my kids start school. My youngest will begin kindergarten. Not gonna lie, I can’t wait!

from #11 @MuttleysMom - a very pretty Montana scene. Summer has been good so far. But no one lives in the South for the summers, lol.

from #14 @Hazygirl - a very pretty view card of Montauk Point Lighthouse. I love the colors on this card!

from #17 @YOIYUMTEWA - Trusal Covered Bridge in Indiana County, PA. I remember visiting one or two covered bridges here in NC back in the day. They are indeed a cool thing to see.

from #23 @suatelier - a beautiful travel poster style card for Yellowstone National Park. I haven’t been to this one either, but hopefully will before the decade is over (nice and vague, I know). Have fun in Acadia! I’m going to be exploring Cape Hatteras National Seashore later this month.

Thank you all for the very busy mailbox today!


#19 received a wonderful bundle today!

#8 @Shesa-Renegade - thank you! It’s amazing you found two bottles with messages. How fun to read them, too!

#14 @Hazygirl - thank you! I feel like my challenges are getting harder, though I am having a harder time picking one, haha!

#22 @uconn - thank you! I can only imagine what all went on in this hall. So much history.

#25 @anon20824321 - thank you! I would love to be on a farm, it’s a dream!

#26 @sarahaeyo - thank you! Haha, I look forward to hearing how your stress-free, say ‘no’ venture goes. I’m too tired to say ‘yes’ to people, or if I do, I sometimes hope they change their minds, haha!


#12 - My cards went into the morning mail…

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#22 uconn

#2 @CrimsonKing not sure what time of year I’d go, still to far off! Cool Octoberfest card, thanks

#6 @mikeyz1 cool van Gogh painting and interesting fact about where he painted it. Thanks

#9 @RobinP I was reading online why they think it got the name Graveyard Fields. Interesting card, thanks

#10 @emotis they have a booth with great fried cheese curds at The Big E fair in September. I’ll have to get some when I go!

#26 @sarahaeyo I’m sure my nephew was into these. Thanks for the cheese!


Welcome back @cawindt and thanks for covering @LaurenceB !

My first update for this month. This is early in the evening for me to be on the computer but since its raining the garden can be ignored.

#2 @CrimsonKing pretty LP Carlsbad cavern card. And yes, I’m loving this summer!!
#3 @cruzin Such a pretty EIffel Tower card and I love the stickers you used too. Your cards are always decorated so nicely!
#7 @alcott1 A Pennsylvania Amish view in Lancaster County. Can you imagine living a life without modern conveniences? I’m happy to give up my cell phone… but electricity (and air conditioning!) is hard to imagine.
#8 @Shesa-Renegade Fun LP geometric card of Channel Islands NP. I have never been there! (I’ll add it to my neverending ‘to visit’ list)
#11 @MuttleysMom great Montana Lou Paper card. I didn’t know pasties were a MT thing too. They’re a bid deal in the UP of Michigan too. And a few more vacations planned for 2023… including Disney around the holidays.
#14 @Hazygirl DUmbledore! And I agree… if I see a HP movie then I’m immediately sucked in.
#19 @ellistrations a Labrador PHQ card. AND a Mr. Zip stamp! I just love him!

Thanks so much everyone!!!

To send: 2, 11, 12, 18, 19, 25, 29
To receive: 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30


#15 all cards now written.

#14 hazygirl - Many good things filling my mailbox today

#8 @Shesa-Renegade sent The Rose Bowl, which apparently is the “Grand Daddy” of all bowls. I’m glad you got something out of your conference. We have had so many teacher workshops that are just ridiculous. I always go in with an open mind and more often than not leave disgruntled lol

#9 @robinp sent Mabry Mill in Virginia. No I haven’t seen Futuro House but now I must! I’m heading to the Smokies soon and I believe there’s a few mills there too.

#10 @emotis sent Alice! I love this artwork. We’ve got more tomatoes than we know what do with too. It’s fun though

#19 @ellistrations sent an EXCELLENT HP card (that I will never tire of btw) that of course the post office had to postmark on the picture side. OY

#22 @uconn sent old school Rolling Stones. They were so so young in this one. Good Choice

#23 @suatelier sent Blue Cats! yay yay Blue Cats and a “Favorites” Blue Cats Double YAY YAY!! :heart:

#28 @TwoDoggies sent an awesome Alice card. This artwork is amazing too!

#30 @RockyRoadTrip sent Safeco Field. I know the whole naming stadiums thing is just out of hand. If they ever change Yankee Stadium, it quite possibly would incite a riot around here.