[RR] North American August 2023 Round Robin - The Summer Forever Edition - Craig's Version - Closed

All cards have been mailed by #24.

#9 reporting that the rest of my cards are now in the mailbox!


#28 @TwoDoggies sent a vintage postcard with a picture of the Montana State University building in my town of Missoula. This card made me laugh because the building site is now the University of Montana. Montana State University is now located in Bozeman, about three hours east of Missoula. They’re our rival in sports :slight_smile: Thanks so much Terri!

#8 Shesa-Renegade with a great selection of newly received cards!

#2 @CrimsonKing sends an awesome whale watching card from Cape Cod. Nothing exciting planned for this year. Maybe I’ll have a BBQ and invite some friends over. I am going to stay home from school that day though

#3 @Cruzin sends another handmade card. STUNNING! I am absolutely in love with this card. What a great use of temporary tattoos!

#6 @mikeyz1 sends a beluga whale card. I would absolutely consider this joy. Hope the PhD proposal was interesting. I think it would be a fascinating topic, and research that I would love to read.

#11 @MuttleysMom sends a gorgeous landscape from Clark Fort River in Montana. I love spending time in the mountains. The new video should be up this weekend. I have to get back into my rhythm now that classes will be starting again. Thanks for the unicorn sticker! IYKYK

#14 @CorinneJKS sends an amazing card of Cape Flattery. How lucky to be able to visit such a pristine environment. I love that it is practically untouched by human hands.

#17 @YOIYUMTEWA sent a great bottlenose dolphin card. I didn’t know that there were that many species of dolphin! Thanks for the fun facts!

#22 @uconn sends Portrait of a Woman by Roy Lichtenstein and the matching stamp! I wish the USPS would do more postcards, too. I’m so happy you had fun with your nephew. Mystic Seaport is a lot of fun. I spent a year in Willimantic and used to go there often.

#28 @TwoDoggies sends a fabulous Bob Ross postcard. You will have a great time in the British Isles. I’ve been thinking my next trip might be to Scotland and Wales. So funny about your hubby and YouTube. Tell him to be sure to leave time to explore the unexpected!

Received: 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 14, 17, 22, 28
Excited for: 1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30


Realizing I need to get busy, and report my cool received cards, here they are.
#17 has received the following cards so far this month

#5 @carolreader Barn swallows at the Ashumet Holly Reservation in Massachusetts. Cool!

#7 @alcott1 Flowers in bloom, Superstition Mountains, Arizona. I love flowers (inherited that love from my mom and grandparents, I guess) It would be great to have my yard full of flowers, no grass. Not sure how well the neighbors would like that, though.

#8 @Shesa-Renegade San Buenaventura Mission, Ventura, California. When I was a kid, we lived in Ventura County. I don’t remember if we ever visited any of the missions. Oh, to go back to those days, and see (and then remember) a lot of the things I’d like to see.

#9 @RobinP Harriman Glacier, Alaska. Looks inviting

#10 @emotis Mikoyan-Gurevich MIG-21F “Fishbed”. There are some museums in Ohio I’d really like to see. The USAF Museum and the Neil Armstrong are among them.

#14 @Hazygirl An alligator card. Just this last week or so: Some crazy person (yes, I’m being judgmental, but I don’t care) not too far from here (about 25 miles or so) had an alligator as a pet, It got to be at least 4 feet long. They decided, I guess, that they didn’t want it anymore, so they released it into the Kiskiminetas River (flows into the Allegheny). It was captured after about a week.

#19 @ellistrations British stamp card of Sir Galahad. I loved the King Arthur stories when I was growing up.

#22 @uconn portrait of Martha Washington by Charles Willson Peale. I’ve not been to Mount Vernon. Not sure why–I’ve been in the general area several different times over the years.

#28 @TwoDoggies A zany photo of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, 1951, by Phillipe Halsman. I’ve not seen any of their movies in a long time. The Burnett show or Perry Mason, either. I admit to looking up actors in old shows too
wondering if any of them are still around (and getting really old!).

#30 @RockyRoadTrip Coney Island, NY, 1983, by Mary Ellen Mark. Looking up at UFOs? Maybe. Or maybe an asteroid or comet coming to earth?


Four more cards have arrived over the past two days. Thanks to:

#3 @Cruzin for the card showing several of the wonderful Botanical Cat Stamp cards. I think I’ve received some of the individual cards from you in the past! I knew this card was from you as soon as I saw it.

#8 @Shesa-Renegade for the cool card from the Reagan Presidential Library. I need to start going to more of these!

#10 @emotis for the oh-so-true “Coffee is my catnip” card. While I haven’t been going to the bakery for pastries every morning since I’ve been home, I did make a blueberry pie and a cherry pie over the weekend that we’ve been slowly eating from :pie:

#30 @RockyRoadTrip for the funny lungs card. Oh I understand how important they are!

Thanks everyone! Great selection of stamps as well.



#22 @uconn sent a postcard of a picture he took. I really enjoy postcards of pictures taken by the sender. And yes, the lines do point to his head :slight_smile: Also loved the stamps!


#11 has two more to report

#8 @Shesa-Renegade sent a colorful windsurfing postcard that says “Enjoy California USA”. I’ve been to different parts of California many times and it really is a special place! Sounds like you enjoyed your last visit there. Hopefully your plans to return come into fruition soon :slight_smile:

#17 @YOIYUMTEWA sent a postcard of his town. The town looks a lot like many towns in Montana - beautiful! I enjoy James Stewart’s movies, I used to watch them on TV back when cable was popular and before steaming services took over the planet.

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Which cruise line are you taking? My trip was wonderful. I loved being in one place for three weeks. It allowed me to feel like I actually lived there.

We’re going on a Viking Ocean trip. I’ve been on the Viking long boats twice and really liked them. I think this is going to be a step up.

#28 @TwoDoggies reporting

All my cards were sent by 8/2.

Cards received:

#6 @mikeyz1 a guy on his flip phone for my phone challenge. Thank you for looking through 100’s of cards for me!!! I love it. I actually started about a year ago and just finished listing my cards in a searchable excel spreadsheet. I don’t list them individually of course but as set or in a topic. I include lots of key words to make it easier to locate a card. I decided to do that because I didn’t want to look through 100’s of cards and still miss the one I wanted. :joy:

#7 @alcott1 Love this Dog Museum of St. Louis card. Lots of buildings have been built around the world to look like something (like the Longaberger headquarters looks like a big basket), so a Dog Museum could look like a fire hydrant. Cute card.

#9 @RobinP sent an aerial view of Niagara Falls. We’ve made one trip there with our 3 kids (in 1999) and then on to Toronto. Great trip.

#14 @Hazygirl a red phone for my phone challenge. Trust me, I had no telephone cards which is why I picked that as a challenge. Now I have 3!

#17 @YOIYUMTEWA sent a pre-colored coloring card? Did you color my card? :rofl:I’m glad you did! You’re right about this being a little strange. Unsure why this random women is sitting on a rock on the beach in her bathing suit but the the two guys are in regular clothes. Maybe they shipwrecked.

#22 @uconn William F. Buckley in 1974 with his dog and his “portable” phone. Or is that just a gag? I don’t know if they had those in 1974?

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#5 reporting:

#2 @crimsonking – What a pretty postcard! Really, a great find - thank you!

#3 @cruzin – Thank you for the Barack Obama birthday card! I was happy when he was president, but I also have great admiration for Joe Biden.

#7 @alcott1 – Thank you for the “Lighthouses of Florida” survey – quite a variety. I’m not far from a lighthouse, living thirty miles south of Lake Erie. But I don’t go up to the lake very often.

#8 @shesa-renegade – So you’re from California! My mother lived in southern California for the final years of her life, and my younger brother lived there for over forty years (he’s in Texas now, to be near his daughter and her husband). I also had other friends in LA. So, I’ve spent time there over many summers. Thank you for the views of Oxnard!

#10 @emotis – I’m glad I put you on to the “Mincing Mockingbird” cards, too – because now I’ve received one of them! Thank you – I love these, too.

#14 @Hazygirl - The Montauk Lighthouse – thank you! We often don’t visit the places that are closer to us. Two hours is a healthy drive. We went to Presque Isle and Erie PA last week, also a two-hour drive. I was glad I went. Erie has a lot to offer – including lighthouses!

#19 @ellistrations – What a cool postcard! I love what the Royal Mail comes up with. Thanks!

#30 @RockyRoadTrip – A great vintage card relating “The Cowboys’ Prayer”. Thanks! Thank you, too, for the tip on Hugh Howey. I had not heard of this author; I looked him up on Goodreads, and he’s popular. I put his books on my ever-growing “To Read” list. Right now I’m tied up with “David Copperfield” (900+ pages). I’m reading it as an adjunct to “Demon Copperhead”. I like to have one print and one audio book going – for the audio book, I just embarked on R.F. Kuang’s “Poppy Wars” trilogy. So, I’ll be tied up reading these two for awhile!


#22 uconn

#5 @carolreader included instructions on how to shrink a head :joy: I will skip trying them. Thanks for this different card!

#23 @suatelier neat Inkognito card, thanks!

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We’re taking Cunard’s Queen Mary 2 :ship:

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Oh no, I’m so sorry about your uncle. I’m thankful your dad and aunt have you to be there for them during this trying time. Our hearts go out to you.

#15 lots of cards to report!

@alcott1 #7 Haha, yes, I have a very Detroit address. There are a few other roads here named after people that I need to look up who they are.
@RobinP #9 Snowbird, UT! I love the photo they used on this card. I recently read “The Kid” by Dan Savage. I had never really thought about what the process of adopting a child looked like in the daily details, so it was an interesting read for me.
@emotis #10 Thanks for the great Sleeping Bear card! Definitely–let’s meet up again some time! My schedule is a little difficult, I typically get 1 day off a week and find out 1-2 months in advance. November or later is best for me
but I can make something work, I’m sure! 
maybe we could try for WPD if it works out? I don’t work that day!!!
@Hazygirl #14 Thank you for this Franklin, TN card! I like peppers, like your husband. I like them sauteed with soy sauce, maybe you can try that for him? Or just sliced raw, maybe with ranch or hummus.
@YOIYUMTEWA #17 I love this wild turkey card! There were lots of turkeys where I went to undergrad, sometimes I could hear them.
@ellistrations #19 Tell your dad thank you for picking such a lovely card to share! I think it’s so sweet that you are including him.
@suatelier #25 Another meetup card from the super cool train meetup! I hope you get to go to the WPD one!
@TwoDoggies #28 I LOVE this Roswell card! I am so glad you finally got your husband to bring some home. Excellent choice!

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18 reporting that all my August cards have been mailed!

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#2 @CrimsonKing – Oaklawn Manor – it would be lovely to live in a house like this and sit on the balcony and watch the world go by!

#5 @carolreader – Bright, beautiful colors, but I wouldn’t want to wear dresses like these in the middle of July!

#14 @Hazygirl – Beautiful gifts from the garden!

#19 @ellistrations – Gorgeous orchids! I love Royal Mail postcards.

#22 @uconn – Manicuring the Elephant c1928–Not a job I’d like to do!

Thank you!


#2 reporting

#3 @Cruzin sent a squirrel with chipmunk stickers on the back, thank you Lori! Oh man, I had voles digging tunnels in my backyard last year, I just stomped the tunnel mounds back into the ground, making them have to work harder for jacking up my yard. I didn’t kill them, but I did take out things they would possibly make a home under such as tree limbs I haven’t cut up yet, pine needles that had fallen and were a couple of inches deep and the likes. Luckily we don’t have a deck they can hide under. Hope you can get them under control.

#4 @LLAcademy sent a Cathedral from Argentina, thank you Loutfi Family! Wow, Texas has quite the variety of names for their cities and towns, like Bacon, as you mentioned. Is Noodle near Bacon? :smiley: Make a great combo with cheese in the mix! :grin: It’s okay that you misspelled my name, it’s been happening my entire life, but I thank you for correcting it. :blush:

#6 @mikeyz1 sent an art print, thank you Mike! How old is your daughter now? Two weeks left before school, the mad dash for supplies and getting things lined up correctly for the new school year. :slight_smile: Oh and school for you as well since you teach! Gah, the planning!

#8 @Shesa-Renegade sent a squirrel card, thank you RenĂ©! We have tomato plants growing still and they have yellow blossoms on them, but no tomatoes yet, haha. I’m sure the destructive Japanese Beetles will eat holes into them. We didn’t get one tomato a few years back when we tried last, it was frustrating. We threw them into the lot next to ours where the deer, squirrels and beetles could eat them some more. :slight_smile: D

#14 @Hazygirl sent a D&D card, thank you Jo-Ann! I’m afraid to write cards outside, I feel like I’d be eaten alive by all the bugs that bite, they love my blood! The wind would irritate me because my cards would try to fly away, hehe. Just need a few paper weights out there I suppose. :grin:

#22 @uconn sent a donkey, thank you James! These are one of the super old postcards that say the backside is for the address only, these are neat and I have a few myself. :smiley: I hope to find some cool cards at the next postcard show at the end of the month.

#28 @TwoDoggies sent chipmunks, thank you Terri! Haha, I’ll take the whole postcard book of animals! :smiley: My summer is hot and humid, but today wasn’t so bad which made it nice, albeit still a bit too warm for my likes (85*F). What book are you reading? I’m currently reading “The Yellow Bird Sings” by Jennifer Rosner and I’m liking it.


#19 received

#5 @carolreader - thank you! Love this card, sea turtles are so majestic! How long will your trip be? I tell people that you need at least two weeks and even then, you won’t be able to see all of an island and each one is unique to itself. I’m planning one more trip to Hawaii before I decide not to travel as much by plane.

Wow so many excellent cards to report from yesterday!! What a happy mail day for #4!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @CrimsonKing (#2) for your General G. Meade Meade card! :military_helmet:We all really enjoyed this card and look forward to digging deeper into our Civil War knowledge this year. Since my husband is a public school teacher, we “officially” begin when he gets students next week and more or less keep that schedule, but we’re learning everyday around here. The curricula I choose and assignments fit into a standard 36 week school year, but we tackle it at our own pace. Since it’s an oven outside right now, we’re actually knocking out quite a bit so by the fall we can spare to enjoy nature days. Around Christmas I evaluate how we are doing, maybe they are ahead here and I need to get the next level’s materials ready, or maybe we need to be more intentional over here to finish on time for “summer”.

Thank you @carolreader (#5) for your great stamps and Cuyhoga Valley National Park card! :national_park: We’d love to visit all the national parks someday, I hear they even have Junior Ranger badges kids can earn. Thanks so much!

Thank you @mikeyz1 (#6) for the horse carousel card and super cool stamps! :horse: We love to dig into not just the cards, but the stamp info, you can learn so much! My daughter is using the horse cards to build a collection on her wall :sparkling_heart: You’re absolutely right about the beauty and craftsmanship of these works of art!

Thank you @alcott1 (#7) for your North Grand Circle Water Tower card and candy darter stamp! :potable_water: We just did a little experiment with a straw about how these work, so this is perfect timing! I love that they made something functional into something beautiful. I knew St. Louis had some, but not that it was about a 1/3 of all remaining in the U.S.!! Thanks so much :heart_eyes:

Thank you @Shesa-Renegade (#8) for your amazing Geological Map of Arkansas! :rock: Not only was this our first Arkansas card for our 50 States collection challenge, but the first I’ve ever seen of it’s kind. WE LOVE IT!! Definitely plan to “dig” into this one even more!! So curious about other states now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @Hazygirl (**14) for your Edmund Fitzgerald card! :anchor: Last time we covered the Great Lakes we read Paddle to the Sea, so this year will be the perfect time to go over this tragedy. I know they’d probably want to spend the year on it too, there’s just so much you can explore with a topic like that. Thank you so much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @ellistrations (#19) for your D-Day stamp card with historical stamps! :military_helmet: :heart_eyes: WW2 has fascinated our family as well, not only do we have American soliders in our family, but French & Syrian as well as encamped Germans.

Thank you @uconn (#22) for the cool Bowling roadsign :bowling: This is too perfect for this week! My 8yr old said in lieu of a bday party, he wants to go bowling since he doesn’t really remember the last time we went. This was brought on by a discussion of New England candle pin bowling and we realized they don’t really know about REGULAR bowling much haha. They loved the cool stamps too, thank you!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: