[Resolved] Please help me find the sender of this postcard


So a few days ago, I received a postcard from Russia written on September 20, 2022. It is quite lovely with unicorn stickers and a lovely cake drawing, but I have no idea who sent it— if they sent it through the official postcrossing service or if it was through one of the tags on the forums. I looked at the tags I did around that period and no one’s name appears to match, so I’m led to believe it might be a case where the writer forgot to write the travel code.

In any case, I’m not sure what to do here, so I decided to make a post for advice.

Thank you,


Update (November 3): Postcrossing ID not found with postcard, so it’s likely through forums instead. Will try asking the Russian speaking members of Postcrossing for help.

Also, in case it’s helpful, the front of the postcard looks like this:

Update (November 4): The postcrosser and tag have been identified, with my gratitude to @Kahina86 ^^

You can ask Postcrossing admins for help in searching the missing postcard ID through this form. If indeed this is an official card and not from a swap/tag, they should be able to help you.


The unknown ID form @delenn_mir mentions is available from the register postcard page too.

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You can try to ask here

Good luck :slight_smile:

Thank you to @Norway_girl and @delenn_mir for the recommendation to ask for Postcrossing ID through admins. Unfortunately, the postcard was not found, so from that, I conclude it was through the forums.

I’ll go through my PMs again just in case I missed something, but if not, I’ll try the Russian help thread as @Aina-the-unicorn suggested

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Hey. I can see, that you have been tagged in the “draw me this” tag by a Russian member.

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Thank you! After going through PMs, they are indeed the sender of this postcard. Thanks again for your help!

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