Recipient with no name, my postal office doesn't accept it.

Thank you all for your responses. I will try again today with other post worker.
I think maybe now I should do a publication asking for fake name suggestions with some clues :thinking: something like “is a she, asia continent with not latin alphabet” :sweat_smile:

I don’t know if this works in Chile, but here we are allowed to put “Current Resident” instead of a name. This is a legal way of sending mail to a specific house number, regardless of who lives there.


This reminds me of the story of the avant-garde band “The Residents.” When they were just starting out, they mailed a tape of their music to a record label, which rejected the tape. Since the band hadn’t included a name on their return address, the rejection slip was addressed to “Residents.” Hence the band’s name.


One of friend only uses her name on mails and all my mail reaches her, so no problem or write username or something so they can identify

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I do not mention my family name in my postal address, because it is of totally no use…even my given name, but just in case. The addresses written in English or pinyin are translated into Chinese characters at a special office and they never translate names, only what is necessary for the postmen to deliver. On the mailboxes are only written the numbers of the flat and building, it is sufficient. But instead of my given name if I wrote Mickey Mouse or Emmanuel Macron, it would arrive as well…


Omg, that’s maybe why my one card to the USA didn’t arrived, I sent 2 replacement cards to a user only with the first name in the adress… :')


For cards going to the US, I’ve heard the best way to guarantee it gets there is to follow USPS postal guidelines and from what I know those do include a last name :slight_smile: I’ve had relative success with following them for sure. But yeah, if it didn’t arrive I would message and maybe ask them if you can put something there as a last name? Or ask them if they have other ideas why it might not arrive?


I will wait, 'cause 3 cards are already traveling to the sender XD (I sent a 2nd replacement card, because I had a postal code stamp to use). But then, if none of them will arrive in the next time, maybe I will try it with a random last name :sweat_smile:


I have been on Postcrossing almost 7 years and I never put my family name/last name in my address. Just my first name, and the initial of my last name.
During all this time, I lived in countries where the name makes no difference, because the mail is delivered to Apartment X.

In my native country of Italy instead, we don’t use apartment numbers so much, and there is a family name on the mailbox, like the German example above. So the postman wouldn’t know how to find me, e.g. at my parents’ place where I grew up, without a full name (or sometimes postcards from friends are addressed to “Family Smith” or whatever the name). And yes if you move, you get a name tag at the new place, and the people moving into your old place replace your name with their name. Sometimes you see just a sticker on top.

Exactly this happened to a Postcrosser some years ago and it was a hard fight to get the card.
The sender wrote “Lieschen Nickname” instead “Lieschen Müller”.


Has that person been registering other cards since you sent yours? USPS delivers mail with just first names, no matter what may be written in the official rules.


The postcrosser didn’t registered anything since a month, but I sent the first one about 3 months ago

Just chiming in to say that the USPS definitely delivers to addresses, not people. You could address it to

123 Main Street
San Jose, CA 95123

And as long as the zip code and street address were right, it would be delivered.

Coming from that, I was baffled living in Italy, where I lived in an apartment and there were just names rather than apartment numbers for the mail slots so the name was definitely important there! (The same is true with my current address in Germany.)

But in general I just don’t understand why the post office of the sending country would get involved in imposing their own standards onto something going to another country.


I’m thinking about this quite a few days now and I find no answer.

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In Austria it would be the same. Mailmen do not match up the name, only the address is important. Here in Austria not everybody has their name on their mailbox, and even if they do, it is not compared to the mail that gets delivered.

But if I would need to go pick something up from the post office (registered mail, mail that did not fit into the mailbox, etc.), I would need to identify myself, and would not be able to retrieve the card/letter/etc. unless the name on my ID matches up with the one on the postal item.

@yui_isabel As others already have suggested, I would make something up as a first and last name, and maybe explain on the card why you did it (if I was the recipient I would take it as an interesting fact learning about other countries postal systems). The recipient would put their full name if they’d needed one for delivery in their country, so I’d assume you’ll be fine by just putting anything.

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And perhaps Tallulah Johnson would work.
You can’t get any British than that! :rofl:

In the US we often receive advertising mail addressed to Occupant or Resident

Sorry, I don’t understand the joke here.

Thank you everyone for your comments and recommendations :heart:. You all should know that I finally went to another post office and sent the postcard with the 2 letters the recipient indicated as their name + the user name :+1:t2:. In any case, the postcard have been travelling for 52 days, so I have the feeling is going to be an experired card :woman_shrugging:t2:


I tegularly get mail addressed to ‘mum’ and 'grandma ’ :grin: