Recipient with no name, my postal office doesn't accept it.

I have a problem… mi latest recipient had no name registered, this person only got the same 2 consonants letter as a name in their profile. I don’t have a problem with that, but the issue is that I had trouble today trying to send their postcard, because my postal office didn’t accept to send it without a name in the recipient (in my country there aren’t post boxes). What would you do in this case? Would you write a message to the recipient asking for their name? I mean, because I suppose they didn’t put their name for a reason, maybe they don’t want to reveal it… I don’t know what to do, so, I want to know your opinions.
Thanks in advanced!
Have a nice day.


Just make one up and add a note so they aren’t too confused. They can be John Smith for the day.


I would ask via messages and just explain that the post office wouldn’t accept it without a name. But yes, if they don’t want to name themselves they can be Name Smith for a day! :stuck_out_tongue:

I now wonder what’s going to happen with my one card I sent recently… that has no last name, just the first name. I didn’t think much of it at the time and neither did my post office!


Bernardo O’Higgins is a great name for anyone!


2 consonants can also just be a name in other regions right? I know people with family name Ng

Indeed I would not ask the recipient for their name, just make sure there is something written on the ‘adress line’ where name is expected.
And if they still refuse to send it, make them aware than names work differently over the world


When I joined postcrossing 4 years ago, I provided my full name.
2 years ago I decided to only use my first name. And my first name is not a common name worldwide.
I still receive postcards from Australia and everywhere.
I only provide my last name when I do swap with new country.


Huh! This is interesting to me :open_mouth: It makes sense, but I just never really thought about it as I’ve always been taught that a full address has both first and last. I can see how it would still get there though, as really all you need is the home address… things get to my house just fine as “The Recipient”!


What if instead of a full name you write something like Receiver N.N. or N.N. Receiver (or what ever their initials are)? Then you don’t actually make up a name, but it resembles one. Maybe your post office would not pay attention to that and it would not cause any confusion in the receiving end, either.


In Indonesia, we dont have family name. My last name is not my family name. Let’s say my name is Andrew Goodyear, I can name my son Jackson Wallen and my daughter Julia Fritz.

Many Gen X and Boomers in Indonesia only have 1 name, just like my mother and her siblings. When they go overseas sometimes they have difficulties because of their name. Because of this, our government made new regulation stating that Indonesian newborns must have at least first name and last name. But still it’s only a last name, not a family name.


Or maybe N.N. Postcrosser.


Aah, I see! I’d not heard of that, thank you for explaining :open_mouth: I’m sorry to hear that some of you have difficulty going overseas :frowning:


To make it more interesting: that works for you, but if I understood correctly in Germany the post can only be delivered if the postal item is addressed to the same name as is on the mailbox.

So I’m guessing the topic starter did not get an address in Germany :wink:


Huh! That is interesting too! What happens when you move somewhere new, do you have to get a set of stickers or something with your name? :open_mouth:

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Yes, using stickers while you wait for your pretty little engraved name tag is common.

But a lot of mailboxes also have a little frame where you can insert your name, like this one:


Wow! I like that a lot, it’s really interesting to see how you get mail in other parts of the world.

Is the Fam. for a family, in this case? Because that’s another question - how would you get mail if it’s multiple people living in one house :o


In this case, yes, it means family. Most people just have the last name(s).



When I was a teenager I delivered ordered magazines. I had one to Mr. Müller (yes, really :rofl:).

And in that big apartment complex I found four “Müller” mailboxes:
Mr. S. Müller, Mrs. Müller, Family Müller and Mrs. L. Müller.

As the name on the magazine was “Mr. S. Müller” I obviously choose the box with Mr. S. Müller.
It was wrong! And that :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: blamed me for not receiving his magazine.
It was a big back and forth and since then, I always have to think of this annoying experience when I get unclear addresses or names at Postcrossing.

Nevertheless I very often find in my mailbox mail for other people with totally different names, different streets and also different cities. Once (or even twice?) I received a postcard for @manu86 who lives about 30 km away :rofl:


Geez, what a shame!

It’s frustrating because if you live somewhere like that you’re often aware of the issue, so you’d think that the Muller in this example would maybe put something on his mailbox to explain where to go :confused:

We used to have issues at one of my old places because it was a unit with units 1, 2, 3 etc all in one complex that looked like one house, but how I got around this was by putting something on our mailbox that said “Unit 3, Number 5, Example Road” (as an example).

Although, what I find funny is that I tagged my mail for redirection when I moved into that unit… and accidentally got my sisters grades sent to me, because they were labelled to Ms. LastName! So the postie saw that and assumed oh, it must go to the Ms LastName that moved out, when in reality it was meant for my mother who still lived at the address I’d moved from >.>; Post can be confusing at times.


But I think the adress of @angelthecat was written on the card and only my name before the street.


Maybe, Javiera Carrera as well :sweat_smile: