Questions about the forum

How do you do this to reply to a specific person like this? Whenever I try it, it always just replies to the entire topic. I would appreciate it if someone could tell me how to do this.

Hi @risa38a1db ! When you use this “arrow” symbol to reply:

you reply to the specific person and that person gets a notification (if they have allowed it). I used that function when replying to you.

However, when you reply to a post directly above yours, it looks the same when you write to the topic (using the “reply”- button). The “reply to avatar” in your example appears when there are posts between your comment and the post you reply to. That helps other people to follow the conversation. Of course you can also tag a person by their name, if you want to make it even clearer you are replying to the post above yours.

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I didn’t know this part. I understand now. Thank you so much!

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Does anyone know how to get this line between paragraphs? :thinking:







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I’ll try this.

It works. Thanks! :+1:t2:



I wanted to check what new members (people at Basic trust level) are able to see?

I moved a basic member’s post to the #trades-requests-offers part of the forum because she was offering to trade but I’m not sure if she can see this section.

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Basic means they’ve reached trust level 1 (TL1), and have “levelled up” from TL0. So they should see the #trades-requests-offers section and other sections that are marked with a lock (except the #regulars-lounge, which is only available for those who are TL3 and above).

Thank you for the reply Cathrine! :smile:

Hi, I have a question I’m a little embarrassed to ask. I can’t find the answer though, and I searched Discourse docs too. :flushed:

Now when I want to reply to a message or post, the box is popped out.

It makes it very hard to read the original message and reply. I want it to pop back “in”. Does this make sense? I’ve tried clicking just about everything I can think of, and tried keyboard shortcuts too. Please help - this is intolerable!

Thank you so much :blush:

Hi Adrienne! :wave: Do your screenshots show your whole screen? If so, that does look a bit tight. Here’s how it looks on mine.

If I click the little downward V on the top right of the reply box, the box is minimized, like this:

But perhaps this is not what you are referring to?

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Thank you so much for your reply!

No, it’s something different. I can’t think of a better way to describe it… But I’ll try again.

When I used to click reply to a message, the place where I replied was flush with the original message. It made scrolling up to read what I was replying to very easy and natural.

Now, the place where I reply is “popped out” and kind of sits over the message. I would like it to be “popped back in” like it was before. Does that help? Thank you so much again!

Hi there! I think I might know what you mean-- have you tried clicking these arrows?:

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Thank you very much for trying to help @Budgie ! Unfortunately that does not fix the issue and I still need help. Clicking that button only expands the same window that is “popped out” over the original message. What I have a problem with is the “popped out”. I want it to be “popped in” and flush with the original message chain.

I am not sure if this is due to an update with Discourse or something I did myself. I can’t see a way to change it. It makes it very hard to read and reply to messages when the window is popped out over the original conversation.

Examples of what is not wanted:

(See how the window sits over the original conversation? Instead of on the same page as the original conversation?)

Edit to add: I hope this helps clarify:

Compare to:

Where it is “popped out” and over.

And here are some more details why this is so frustrating:

  1. I get such limited room to write. I can see approximately 9 lines at a time :weary: !

So you say, expand to fullscreen?

  1. But the problem with this: I can’t see the original message that I’m replying to. I need to see the message I am replying to so I make sure I covered everything in the message!

So you say, just click the button >> at the bottom right corner and that will make the window larger.

  1. But the problem with this: it shows the “Preview” version of the text. And that is so distracting, it makes it hard to think and type when text is appearing in two places at once.

I hope someone can help me with this, I just want the old view back. I write SO many messages in the forum, but if this is the way it is now, it will really deter me.

There’s a couple of different things here, me thinks?

You can always adjust exactly how tall the composer window is by dragging its top blue border.

As for the “popped” composer window, it’s been always like that, I think. I suspect perhaps what you are used see is how it shows on a narrow screen (smartphones, tablets, etc): in that case, the composer window may use the full width of the screen — but it’s still shown over the content. You can tweak how much psace it uses with the tip above.

Hope this helps?

I just stumbled about a highlighted post from a moderator and while the blue background with white text is good to read, the grey script is very hard to read.

I’m not sure if postcrossing can do something here or if this a setting from discourse?


Yeah, looks like it needs a tweak when using the dark mode. Have made a note to look into this later.

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Thank you - I think I’d better remove the blue highlighting from that post again. It’s really not very well visible. Thanks for pointing that out, @Jarana!

Edit: Though I’m not sure about better readability without the blue colour:

It’s very difficult to read, too :frowning:

So I changed it back into blue - in my view that’s better readability. What do you think?

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my friend is considering to become a member of postcrossing soon. i have a question regarding how the forum works, like, if he can participate to swap with people through the trade threads on the forum right after he becomes a member, or if he needs some activities on forum before he will be able to swap through the trade threads ? new members have limited access to the forum, correct ?

if he needs some activities beforehand before being able to swap through the trade threads, what kind of activities will he need? like browing and reading posts here and there and commenting and posting on the forum? if yes, how much activities will he need before being able to swap through the trade threads? i am wondering how many days will it takes approximately until he will be able to swap through the trade threads?

thank you so much for your responses!

Hi @clubpostcards,
you can read about that here:

They just have to be a “basic” (level 1) user for accessing #trades-requests-offers and taking part in that.
It’s always good to read a bit into various parts of the forum when being new to get the feeling of it.
After visiting 15 days (not necesarrily in a row) and some more reading/ interacting users will achieve the “member” badge (TL2).

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