Question about how I should do stamps?

So I am getting ready to stock up on stamps but I am a bit conflicted. I see that some people use one international stamp, and some use a combination of regular stamps. What do you think is better, or should I do a combination of both (like a 1$ and a 40¢ would add up to enough postage)

I know that some people collect the stamps and here in the USA we only have 3 different images on our international stamps and I really like to give people a variety of designs. So yeah, I really want to hear what your guys opinion is on this.


It’s really just up to what makes you comfortable and what you enjoy. I go back and forth. Some months I don’t want to deal with the math, and I buy mostly global stamps. This month, I’m using a two once and a forever. Previously I’ve done two forevers and a one ounce. But I’m not a huge stamp enthusiast, I usually just decide based on what makes the experience less stressful for me personally.


You’re not obligated to use different stamps, although it is true that quite a few people here collect them. And you’re certainly never obligated to go over the required postage amount to do so. For me, the global forevers and the domestic postcard forevers are the easiest to get and don’t require any figuring, so I use them. I have bought lots of older stamps on ebay at times and used them and if I find a good deal on some I’ll do that.


Although I’m not a stamp collector, I really love nice and different stamps on my postcards. I’m excited when someone mix & match stamps instead of choosing the same options (e.g. global forever for usa, flower definitive from Germany etc) over and over again. It’s not that I’m disappointed receiving them, but getting something else on my postcard is a super nice bonus :slight_smile: Mostly I use multiple stamps (which is a lot more boring in Germany than it is in the US as we don’t have many options to use two non definitive stamps without overpaying… so it’s mostly 1 special stamp + 1-2 flowers to add up).

For me the stamp is an additional decoration on the card and tells a bit more about the country it was sent from.


I personally really like receiving the regular US international stamps. They are round, which is rare, and there is always a beautiful flower. Who needs huge variety when the standard is so pretty :smile:


What might be easiest, yet provide variety, would be to use two different commemorative Forever stamps ($1.16) plus a 10¢ pear and a 4¢ blueberry for $1.30. In July to make $1.40, two Forevers ($1.20) plus two pears should be simple enough. The USPS site does charge a handling fee, but for this hobby it’s not much.

Hope that helped!


As long as you use the proper amount of postage (currently $1.30 international, or $0.40 domestic) you are doing it right :slightly_smiling_face: I use the round global forever stamps sometimes, like if it fits best on a card or if a person’s profile doesn’t specify that they like postage stamps (some profiles even say, “I don’t care about stamps, don’t waste your special ones on me”) I’m a bit of a stamp nerd (I found out about Postcrossing from a local vintage stamp seller!) so I like to use lots of stamps to add up to the amount needed, often matching the theme of the card or interests of the recipient. I don’t mind going a little over, so I often use 2 domestic forevers + the additional ounce rabbit for now, just because I think they are cute :rabbit2: so that is $1.36, or $0.06 over for now. I also use lots of pears and blueberries! Do what is most fun for you, this a postcard exchange after all, not a stamp collecting project :blush:


I do both. If it is a bigger postcard I use multiple stamps since I have the extra room. I was just saying I wish we had more international stamps/smaller ones.


My practice mirrors that of @Johnk60. I usually affix two $0.58 Forever stamps + a combo of 4c and 5c commemoratives* to make up the $0.14. There are many dealers who sell US postage at face value. I use an online dealer to buy such older postage. I rarely buy stamps at my post office. Instead, I use the USPS fulfillment center in Kansas City. Those are m y suggestions.


Not all of us are stamp collectors. Some are, and for them most probably a combination of stamps would be nicer. But a single stamp leaves more space for writing! And it might also make things easier for the postal services - which might translate into faster delivery…


It is so nice and so very much appreciated by those of us who like stamps when postcards from the US do not use the round international forever stamps! If an account mentions that they like stamps, it’s great if you can send something else while of course not obligated to do so. I say this based on my experiences of both sending and receiving from the US. When sending, I use various mixes, mostly two forever stamps, 10c and 4c.


You can do both. I am a stamp collector and I do like to get a few of the round ones but I do like to see other ones as well. If I ONLY got all round ones with the same pic and nothing else that would be disappointing but so far I’ve gotten a nice mix. I do like to see a few round, as well as “unusual” mix of other ones. My opinion is you should do what you want. Personally I love choosing unique stamps to match the postcard or the receivers preferences but if you find that to much of a challenge or find you do not enjoy choosing stamps then stick with the rounds. Do what suites you first, then (if you like/want/have the ability to) do what you think the receivers like/want.


I love the green $1 stamps with a raised texture! I order them from USPS and then add other smaller values. Normally my cards have 4 to 6 stamps on them


I’m a fan as well although they are big! I usually save them for envelopes. I prefer Ursula K. Leguin 98¢ as the larger value postcard stamp generally.


You should do whatever works for you. On small cards for example I use one international stamp. On larger cards where there is room I might use a mix of stamps. Whatever works best for you is fine!


I’ll echo the do what works for you crowd. When I first started Postcrossing, I just used the international Forever stamps and regular postcard stamps. Then I started to branch out and use multiple stamps as I was able because I saw some profiles that mentioned they like getting different stamps.

Now I mostly use 2 Forevers plus the rabbit, because it allows me to put a variety of stamps on without taking up way too much space or going over by too much.

I did buy a few sheets of the Chrysanthemums because the local post office didn’t have the new African Daisies yet. I’ve since ordered the African Daisies online. I may use those for a bit since they’re new and not as many people have seen them.

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