Postcrossing coincidences: What are the odds?

The most numbers I’ve had previously in a row has been 2, so getting 4 is so cool!!


They are actually more like 600 km apart.

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I received 2 cards today, both with typed text… what are the odds ? :smiley:

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Received two awesome postcards from the US today, both from the same “Amtrak” series - didn’t even know there was such a series until today :scream_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

I wonder how they knew to send me railway postcards :thinking:


Those are from Christopher Arndt Postcards, he has a whole series of train postcards showing different trains from the USA. There are only 2 Amtrak postcards in the set and you received both of them!


I was going though my postcard collection, and this happened a while back, but
the small offical postcard was sent on the 16th January just before my birthday and the big one is a birthday card that my grandparents got for me, what are the odds that they
would both pick the same theme?


I have a different card with that same picture!

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5 people in a row from Germany got my address. I’m getting more annoyed as 60% of cards that I’m receiving are from Germany, USA and Russia. It’s sad PC is not so popular in other countries :frowning:

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10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Parking topic

I can top that - I had 12 sent from Germany on 12th March. :grinning:


And today a third from the same Christopher Arndt series!


I’ve just received two postcards in the same postal delivery:

  • Both from Germany…
  • Both sent on the same day….
  • Consecutive reference numbers….
  • Both from females with exactly the same first name!!! :astonished::laughing:

At first, I thought the same person had sent me two postcards! But it’s definitely two separate and different postcards!

Does @paulo build a sense of humour into the algorithm??!! :thinking::joy:


I received today a card from Russia and when I registered the ID, the system told me I already had registered the ID.

I indeed received on the 17th also a card from Russia, different person but with the same Postcard ID. The photo of the card shown for the ID is correct and different from the one I received today :thinking:

So I have done a request for help and hopefully the support team can shine a light on this. There is a member name mentioned but I am not sure about some of the characters, otherwise I would have contacted this person directly.

But what happens if 2 persons in the same country get the same ID assigned?


Maybe they are family, or friends, sisters, students etc. and both wrote a card to you?
I once received many cards from a school class, with same id, some even same card.


Maybe… they both are from the Moscow area, looking at the stamps. If they knew each other they sure didn’t mention it :thinking: :smile:

EDIT: Turns out that this member sent me 2 postcards, a few days apart with the same Postcard ID :sweat_smile: How to confuse somebody :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


@xxxyyy @agajol
I would like to ask you to end this off-topic discussion.
Your talk has nothing to do with “coincidence” and therefore does not belong here.
I will move the posts later into one or more other topics.

I removed these posts from this topic - the support has already been informed in advance and will take care of the problem.


Several days ago I took two addresses. Now I’m looking at my travelling list and see that they’re both postcrossing supporters. And both have red and white flags. :heart: :white_heart:


I think the other conversation mostly turned to off topic, sorry @Bille and all others! (Although I think it’s important so I hope it is moved somewhere, as I thought some statistics would be relevant to this, and maybe lessen your suspections about this member choosing what cards they register. (I hope you shared your suspections to the support too!)

My really nice coincidence, yesterday I was listening to some thing I need to check, and to do it, I need something to do with my hands. I had an old calendar with text Marraskuu (November), but I tore part of it, having only Ma, and another paper piece, so it looked to me like unclear impression of light house (majakka). So, while listening, I thought, I’ll make a card with light house. Then after a while also thought, maybe I take an address, so I can at the same time think what card to send, and if there is something, buy it the next day. But: I got an adress to a person, who this year collects light house! And also is ok with hand made :smiley: I felt like Postcrossing was watching me, and gave this member!

Also it’s so nice, as I tend to like these “this year I collect”, and I had no normal cards with this theme, I am so happy to send this hand made!


Maybe it is a question of high expectations - I am simply happy if I receive nice mail, no matter if in an envelope or not … and I don’t follow the cards I sent - I know it is normal that some expire…
The higher the expectations the higher the risk to be disappointed and to see the “bad luck” in your life. :wink:

However maybe we could come back to “normal” coincidences e.g. same image from two diffferent persons, five follow-up ID’s etc. … it is more fun to read in this topic and hopefully some of the admins find the right place for your discussion in one of the other topics :slight_smile:


so what is the coincidence to get two postcards with consecutive numbers from two accounts in a row?

And it’s not high expectations - I’m curious and sometimes follow the postcards. Especially, those that expire…

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