Postcrossing coincidences: What are the odds?

I wrote two Harry Potter :mage: postcards for a swap this week. And then the magic happened :magic_wand: and the next 3 officials I drew were asking for Harry Potter postcards too. The spell lasted only for two days though :sweat_smile:


My first ever postcard sender has the same birthday as me! What are the odds!


I just got two different cards from Germany with sequential numbers!! …3882 and 3883! And they arrived on the same day! :astonished: :smiley: :heart:


My address was drawn by a husband & wife (who have their own separate accounts) on the same day, just 3 numbers apart x


I just received two cards today. One is from the anime/manga tag… so it is an anime card.
The other one i received is a anime card as well!, but this card is from a random address picker ( or how you wanna call it).
The cards are both from Japan.
One card has Kadokawa games on it… the other one is from the Kadokawa expo.
And one of the stamps is the same as well haha.


I got the same recipient here and on Postcard United. Now both cards travel at the same time. I wonder what he will say when he gets them!


When I received my first official card, I just happen to look at the ones registered that day from that user… all three were brand new postcrossers receiving our first card!


What is the probability of me drawing 2 official addresses in Singapore in the past week, when I only have 10 cards travelling, and don’t have repeated countries checked?
[2/10 of my current cards are to a country that has less than 3000 members and is 28th in the current rankings]

By no means is this a complaint, just a happy coincidence.


And today the cards have arrived. Both at the same time. The recipient thanks.


Technically we punch above our weight considering our size, so it might be higher than normal!

Buy a lottery ticket immediately!

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Once I received two identical postcards on the same day. I have rarely had any duplicate cards before.


My friend and I were in Ireland last weekend and we both used the travel mode.
We drew addresses on the same evening while sitting in the hotel room and writing cards.
We drew the same 3 !!! addresses !
Out of 5 cards each, 3 cards each were sent to the same person.
Now you might say those persons just had their address going out very often on that evening. But one postcrosser was very new and had “one received and three sent”. So, theoretically, her address would go out just twice, and we both got her address.
We would have tried for four common addresses but my friend went out of slots. :woman_shrugging:

Well, now three people in different countries get two cards from Dublin from Germans in Travelmode :smile:


Today I was sending my cards to a group for Vintage cards. I went through my choices and pulled a sweet card with a bunch of pansies on the front.
There was faint writing (in pencil) on the back and then I noticed the post office mark - sent June 4, 1909 exactly 115 years to the day when it will be marked again.
P.S. I did send it in an envelope as I was afraid it would not survive the machines.


I’m now up to 3 Singaporean addresses in less than a month. I sent 10-15 cards a month. I don’t have repeated countries on.
I agree that you have more members and send more cards than the country size would suggest @seracker, but this seems like a serious coincidence.

@Bakersmom I think that you are right. I am off to buy a lottery ticket!

Maybe I’ll try to calculate the probability, but it’s hard to find the numbers for active users overall and by country. Any clues as to how this is done?

PS I’m happy about this as Singapore is quite a quick destination for me. Just curious about the probability.


I think it may also depend on when you draw addresses - might just so happen that the time you draw is close enough to the time that the member registered cards (and are due a card!)

Actually, they are due a card when one of their traveling ones is registered, not when they register themselves. (in theory; I know the algorithm has to be a bit more complex due to different demands and patterns)

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On my way to the train station I found in my mailbox a postcard with a train picture!

So this train had to travel by train :smile:


Apparently I have an “official ending with 36” weekend - yesterday’s ID’s ended with AT-…036" and “AT-…136” and I just got AT-…236" today. And yes, I pulled them at random times and only these 3 :scream:

Edit 15/07/2024: All arrived now, in the expected order as well :mailbox_with_mail:


This is really amazing!!