Postcrossing coincidences: What are the odds?

Not too long ago (at the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024), I saw a couple of different posts on Facebook from mutual people stating that they were participating in Postcrossing. Then, when the LetterMo/INCOWRIMO post hit this forum just before February, a friend from a different forum from 24+ years ago, whom I had not been in recent contact with, commented on one of my comments, which led to us reconnecting. It’s a beautiful serendipity! @IndigoAngel wouldn’t you agree???


Both registered within 7 minutes of each other, what are the odds of that?
I had one registered at 12:33pm, then the other at 12:40pm.


I swapped with someone in the forum before - then she drew me as an official!


Over the last few weeks I’ve received quite a few cards from the US, and when I registered them I thought ‘I’m sure I’ve had a similar postcard ID recently’. Yes, indeed I had. I received US-10188618, US-10188619, US-10188620, US-10188622, US-10188626, US-10188628, US-10188629, US-10188630, US-10188634 and US-10188638. In other words, when US Postcrossers requested addresses on 27th February, out of a run of seventeen postcards ten of them were for me!


I have sent around 1250 postcards since 2020, but recently I have noticed I am (relatively) way behind in receiving cards. I have 20 more sent cards than received. I know this can happen and it usually, I guess, evens out, but it’s a little alarming. Where are my cards?? So, today, I get an envelope in the mail with exquisite handwriting. I open it up to find an incredibly gorgeous printed note saying that this card, a Postcrossing card from Malaysia, addressed to ME, in Wyoming has shown up at HER address in Denver, CO some 500 miles away. There is zero resemblance in our addresses. AND she happens to be a POSTCROSSER! What are the odds?? So she kindly forwards me the Malaysian card. I am gobsmacked. How did this happen? Where are my other cards? Belize? The Antarctic? The 7th Ring of Postal Incompetence Hell?
But I am SO glad this fellow Postcrosser took the time and expense to send me this card. She will be getting some kind of gift back for her kindness.


This is one of the big questions in life. How? Where? What?why?
But the most important point is the exquisite handwriting. Might we get a teeny weeny glimpse of it?
I, personally, love the stories in the german forum. There are some users in the topic “everything about german mail…” who use the app to follow the matrix stamps. This is really enlighting.


The other day I got a wonderful card from St Petersburg. The only thing marring the moment was that there was another postcard sent by a different Postcrosser in St Petersburg to another Postcrosser across the country in Portland Oregon. The second card was stuck to my card so that 3/4 of an inch was pulled off the beautiful picture when I separated them. Oh well, worse things have happened! I sent the card to the intended recipient and they will hopefully get it soon.


I had a card addressed to me from Germany show up at another Postcrosser’s house, 700 miles away in Pennsylvania (I’m in North Carolina). There was nothing remotely similar about our addresses. Twice I’ve received mail addressed to two other Postcrossers who lived in other states. My address is a PO Box, both of their addresses were streets. I think the cards get stuck together with other cards coming from the same country and that’s how they get mis-delivered. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the other Postcrossers while forwarding the cards.


I started my journey being a postcrosser this december. Until now I have recieved at home 2 postcards that were not for me. One of them was somehow understeanable because It was for a man that lived in a town near my home (5 min far away by car). Anyway… was a man’s name and the town’s name was so diferent too.

The other postcard was for a woman that lives more than 300 km far away from my home (in other French department/region, in fact).

Even I was very surprised for this kind of event. Now I see that this is something that use to happen. In my case I have more recieved than sent… by now I have 3 postcards sent to Russia, Belarus and Malaysia expired… and two that are about to expire. I take it for granted that this is the reason. :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t4:


i had something very similar to this happen to me were i received a postcard that was not mine (Puyallup Washington) stuck to another postcrossers card luckily the they came un stuck themselves the fallowing morning, so i put it in an envelope with a note explaining what had happened and forward it on, unfortunately my hand writing is more chicken scratch.

i also recently received one that was labeled miss delivered and was simply marked as so :slight_smile:


In my case I took the two postcards to the post office. They were sorry for this situation and said that they would deliver the postcards to the correct owners.


i’ve received a card from another postcrosser at the other side of the country as well once, i thought it was pretty cool. i put the card in an envelope with an extra card with a message how their card ended up with me and i even put my username on it but i never got a message. i hope they received the card in the end.

i actually get cards for other people in the neighbourhood quite a few times, like i’m just that one big postcard house.

also. @PepelePew most of your sent cards arrived in the past week so i’m sure the cards on their way to you arrive soon. unless they are on antarctica. which honestly, would make a way better story.


I had a fun coincidence while writing officials today.

I drew an address and was looking at the receiver’s wall, and the most recent card they had received was from someone I had sent a postcard to earlier today.


Today I got adresses of two Americans living in other countries (Germany and Japan).

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Well, i just drew two different people, different country, but same first name :smiley:


I joined postcrossing a little over a month ago. my girlfriend introduced me to it and we’re long distance. I’m from norway, she’s from italy. so we’ve made a habit of drawing our addresses and writing the postcards together on videocall. the other night we both drew two adresses each, and we usually read them out loud to eachother. while doing this we discover we both got the same person. can’t explain how fun, bizarre and exciting it was. so we picked the cards together as well, different cards, but both with a painted house and landscape. so they match side by side. it was really cute, now we’ll see which card gets there first (I bet it’s mine hahaha)


Did either of you mention the connection in your messages? :nerd_face:


I bet too, Italy post is slow!

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yes we both did, but we didn’t say where the other’s card would be from, so the reciever only gets to know the countries when they register the cards:)


Just visit my mailbox. I have four postcards. Two of them are from Czech Republic. Hoorey! my first!. Then notice their reigster number are consecutive CZ 2104085 and CZ 2104086. I do not have a machine to post photos