Postcrossers in West Midlands!

Hi everyone!

I am based in Birmingham, West Midlands and I was wondering if there are any other local postcrossers?!

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If you’re looking for other Postcrossers from your region, you could find them via the search on the main website: Menu “Explore” - “Search” - “Members” - then filter by location. I found 26 users from Birmingham who were active within the last month. :wink:

If you’re looking for other Postcrossers from your region who are using the forum too, I’m afraid there is no filter you can use on the forum’s user search. So good luck! :slightly_smiling_face:

I am in Wrexham where i get the West Midlands regions of Itv and bbc on my telly. There’s direct trains to Birmingham from the city of Wrexham. Unless someone else pitches in i may be the closest.

There was a meetup in Birmingham last January with several postcrossers from the Birmingham area, as well as some who had travelled from further away. You could have a look at the previous meetup thread (in the meetup section) to see who attended and where they’re based.

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Thanks all! Just be nice to connect with local postcrossers :slight_smile:

Hello! Yes! I am in Birmingham! There are definitely some other locals I have stumbled across too :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m based in Hereford and Worcester. Haven’t seen many Postcrossers local to me around yet though. :grin:

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Oh lovely!! I have just come back from a weekend in Hay on Wye!! Drove right through Hereford! @MaiJN

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Hi everyone. I live in Birmingham. It’s nice to know there’s other postcrossers in the Midlands too :grinning:

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Hello from Worcestershire :blush::wave:


Hello! We are hosting a meet up in Birmingham in October, we’d love to see you there!! :smiling_face:

@Star-Mix-1982 @arisor @garej @shaleen


Is @GloucesterStamps still around? He supplied me with some World Postcard Day cards one year and was in striking distance of B’ham at the time.

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sounds great, thank you for letting me know :slight_smile:

i’ll definitely be there if i’m around


We hope to see you there @shaleen :hugs:

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@xxxxyyyyzzzz many thanks for the tag. Yes, I’m still around. Date and time noted, hope to meet some of you all there!


Great, i will add you to the list, we look forward to seeing you there! :blush:

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Hi all, really disappointed but a work commitment has come up for this Saturday, so I won’t now be able to join you for the meet up. Hope you a fantastic day’s postcrossing!