Postcards that feature food! 🍳

A postcard from my favourite Dutch lunchroom:

Thank you @Pixie1306 for the beautiful card with this recipe and all the lovely stickers on the envelope!


thank you @tracey for this lovely card from surprise me tag! I usually have to go to different small towns in Ireland to buy cards.


Thank you @kanata0320 for this beautiful traditional Japanese food card from UK Ireland to the World tag. I miss japanese food! And thank you for the lovely stickers and washi!

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Thank you @RachelDing for this delicious card of Braised Pork Rice from favourites tag. I hope to try it one day!

Thank you @mcrxmy for this wonderful card of Dried Scallops and Chicken Soup from offer tag.
I will try to look for dried scallops, I´m very interested!

And for this lovely Mullet Roe card. I haven´t tried it and I hope to try it one day!

Than you @oloroso Oxana for the tasty traditional dishes from Moldova card and special thanks for the food stamps!!! They are beautiful


Thank you @OOG for this Belgium specialty card from my favourites and from the stamp offer tag!


Here are my latest received food related cards:

And some cards I have sent:

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The text translates: “Just anchor at your favorite port with your favorite ice cream.” The bay is from my hometown, Kiel, at the Baltc Sea.

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