Postcards that feature food! 🍳

Thank you @pammykay for writing back this card :white_heart:

Thank you, @Sinipiika for this beautiful soup with the duck card. I didn´t know about Kaj Stenvall before. I loved the cute chicken stamp as well, and I do appreciate a mangosteen sticker! :yellow_heart:

Thank you @CrimsonKing for the LouPaper cheese card, it was in my favourites indeed, I was very happy to find it in my mailbox! :yellow_heart:

And one more that I got is this one, I thanked the person in DM:


I love cards featuring vegetables


A card that I sent from France with Travel mode :

I collect food postcards, so I got quite a few after Christmas.
Here are two from Japan:

Fortune cookies from Full Moon Coffee Shop series, my favourite:

And Taiyaki card, Japanese snack

Thank you @mizutama_kinoko for this Taiyaki card. I tried it with red bean paste when I was in Japan last year, but I like savory food more, so I´d love to try ham and cheese too! And thank you for the gorgeous sushi stickers and food stamps :heart_eyes: Wishlist tag


This is actually a folded card, with the recipe on the back.

And this one has also some food, if you take a closer look.

Guys, I hope it´s okay to thank people here instead of the “received” topics if postcards feature food. If not, please let me know. :hugs: In the meantime…

Thank you @wenxincn for these litchi and cards from the offer tag. These are two of my favourite things to eat, and I was surprised how thick is the cake card, alm :joy:ost like plastic. The stamps are gorgeous :heart_eyes:

Thank you @Zooey for these beautiful cards. I hope I will be able to cook them all one day, or at least try them :joy: The stamps are amazing :heart_eyes:

Thank you @fangyu23 for these wonderful fruit, bakery, and, of course, hot pot postcards and food stamps! I wish I could try all these hotpots, they look ab-so-lu-tely delicious. :heart_eyes:

Thank you @PCcai for this seafood card from fav tag. I loved reading detective stories when I was a kid. And the set of stamps is beautiful. I wonder if it´s some special dish in the picture.

Thank you @bx-zxj for this spicy hot pot card and amazing stamps. And the dumplings sticker, I love them!

Thank you @Huiying_Chen for this Crawfish dish, I hope to try it one day too, looks very tasty!



Thank you @villapuutarha for this mushroom salad recipe card! I love mushrooms and will definitely try to cook it! Many thanks for the food stamps for my collection as well! :heart_eyes:

Thank you @Kogotok7 for this beautiful jam card, I love it! And you were right, it arrived safely. Many thanks for the the beautiful stamps and the food stamp for my collection :heart_eyes:

Thank you @Mindee for this delicious caviar card! Black caviar used to be cheaper when USSR exsited :slight_smile: And huge thank you for the separate food stamp for my collection, I love it!

Thank you @CoinCoin for this wonderful recipe card! I am not goof at baking, but I should try to cook cross buns!

Thank you @Dande_lion for sending this amazing cheese card, I loooove it! My dad likes smelly cheeses and I always bring him a whole suitcase of stinky goodness when I go home :joy:


Thank you @agnes721 for this Shanghai food specialties, pan fried steamed bun sounds super delicious! I also loved the stamps, especially the doggy one :dog2:

Thank you @PCcai for this beautiful card and gorgeous stamps.

Thank you @Melosa for this recipe card! Baking is not my strong side, but I will try to cook it one day. And special thank you for the food stamps for my collection, I love blueberries :heart_eyes: :blueberries:

Thank you @Carly_Li for writing back this card. The stamps that you used are very beautiful!

Thank you @mcrxmy for this Red Grouper recipe. I usually cook dorado with just lemon and garlic, and it is pretty boring, so I can´t wait to try this recipe!

Thank you @Carly_Li for this Ever and Ein card for my collection, I love it!


1 Like

Mulled wine steeping with spices and fruit

I bought this one:

The Original
God protect us from rain, storms and wind and grilled sausages that are not from Thuringia. :wink:

Just received this one today in the mail from Germany!


My latest received cards with food theme:

Pannenkoeken or Dutch pancakes! :pancakes: Traditionally served with ‘stroop’ (Dutch syrup) or powdered sugar, but the typical pancake restaurant has about 100 varieties to choose from, sweet and savoury.

Pancake restaurants are popular in the Netherlands and are usually called pancake house or pancake farm. There are even pancake boats:

Food postcards that I received

and that I have sent


Grilled chicken, papaya salad (Som Tam) and sticky rice

Traditional Thai drinks

Various Thai dishes

Macanese foods


