Postcards from the North Pole?

I recently learnt of the Antarctica Christmas postcards which got me thinking is there an option for similar charity postcards somewhere near the “North Pole” for Christmas? I couldn’t find searching so I thought I’d ask. Thank you x


The only thing that comes to mind is letters from Santa? maybe in Finland :finland: ?


The recent newsletter from UKAHT (link below) talks about the northernmost post office.

“Last season, we worked with Gerhard again to send a postcard from the world’s southernmost post office at Port Lockroy to the world’s northernmost post office at Ny-Ålesund, a small town in Svalbard, Norway, located well above the Arctic Circle. The journey from 64º49’S to 78°56′N took just over two months and by the time the postcard arrived in Ny-Ålesund, it had travelled 16,698km (10,376 miles) from one end of the earth to the other.”

Another blog referenced someone’s trip to Ny-Ålesund notes this:

“We continued to the world’s northernmost post office, a fading cyan building straight out of a Wes Anderson movie. This post office is no longer active, so those hoping to send a postcard must take a short trip to the nearby shop and use the postbox there.”



Yes, Finland has a campaign to get letters out from Santa Claus at Christmas; can one of our Finnish friends provide the details?
Canada Post has a similar campaign, that you can learn about here.
Santa Claus will write to ANYONE, any age, ANYWHERE in the world.
Be sure to get your letter to :santa: by the end of November so he has time during the busiest time of his year to write back to you.
He has the most adorable postal code [hohoho]:

Santa Claus
North Pole, H0H 0H0

Happy :writing_hand: !


Maybe this? :santa:


What a journey! :email: :postbox: :airplane: :heart: thank you for sharing!

I just ordered a letter for next Christmas, thanks for the address!

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Just asked for a letter for which I will probably forget and then be shocked when it turns up at Christmas time. Haha

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USPS has a service like that where kids can send mail:

And then there is the whole thing from the adult perspective:



Although the actual North Pole is in the ocean, Greenland, Canada, and Finland each have land pretty close to it. Here in the states, there is a town in Alaska named “North Pole, Alaska” which offers a special postmark every year for use on holiday mail and so people can receive letters from Santa. It is not done to raise money for charity but everyone is welcome to send mail to that post office and request the special postmark as long as the mail has the minimum first class postage on it.


@Angelthepup22, Do you know the mailing address, or have a link to the post office?

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There’s not currently a holiday themed postmark available but for the standard North Pole, Alaska postmark you can send requests to:

NORTH POLE, AK 99705-9998


So … you cannot write to Santa Claus at this address?

No that’s just for the postmarks.
If you mail a letter addressed to “Santa Claus - North Pole” in the US, the USPS takes all of those for the “Operation Santa” program. They will route those letters to special facilities and then employees open the letters and scan them, then any personal identifying information from the sender is redacted, and then it’s posted online. Anyone in the general public can volunteer to adopt a letter, which means they will claim a specific letter to Santa and then they buy the item the kid is asking for and bring it to a post office to mail it. The USPS has the original sender’s info so an employee enters it at the post office when the volunteer pays to mail the item. That way their personal info is always safe. And then the person who sent the letter will receive their gift mailed from Santa.


There is a thread with all the info about writing to Santa:


What a wonderful program :heartpulse::revolving_hearts: I must look if Australia does anything like that

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My 22 years old postcard from the real North Pole or at least from Camp Barneo only 48 km/30 miles from the pole.


Wow! How did you come to get a postcard from there? :heart:


I think I posted a note saying I was going to Greenland on the Polar Philatelic website back then. I got quite a few answers including this Frenchman who was responsible for the mail at Barneo. I also exchanged cards with a man working at the South Pole.


So cool! :sunglasses:

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