Postcards from China to Brazil require CPF / CNPJ?

Hi there, this is Pearl YU from Tianjin, China. My friends and classmates here wish to send some postcard to Brazil to introduce the brand-new Spanish album called “Revelación” by G.E.M., a famous Chinese-Hongkongese singer-songwriter, but when they arrived in the post office and prepared to send, they were noticed that if they send all kinds of mails towards Brazil, they should provide the CPF NUMBER and the Chinese postal service working system in the postal office have a verification system in it. The CHINA POST EMS website has updated the special announcement (Click here, written in Simplified Chinese) and below is the English translation by another Postcrosser, “Donald” in Nanjing.

The interface of working system is written in Chinese and please allow me to translate some content related to it. Image and 2 versions of translations are below.

Working system interface of China Post, translated by Pearl

Working system interface of China Post, translated by Donald

So what’s the best solution for we Chinese postcrossers to do if we have got the postcard ID to Brazil? Should I call ANA or Paulo for help? Thank you very much!


I have met the same problem in Guangdong, a tax id is a must to send everything to Brazil.



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Same situation here in Nanjing


same situation in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu. I think ana and Paulo should take action to deal with this.


Brazilian Customs require all incoming parcels to Brazil to include a tax number that matches the recipient’s details. If this requirement is not met, Brazilian Customs will reject the package.

I think this is only for parcels. :woman_shrugging:
Keyword: E-commerce


Is it the same for all mail packages? Including non registered postcards?


ALL PRODUCTS, including non-registered letter and postcard


Yes, but Chinese Post Services asks us to provide the CPF even if just send some postcards about G.E.M… The brand new theme stamps called “Insect (II)” will be introduced at 9am Beijing Time, August 23 and I will be at Yuanyangguojizhongxin (Sino-Ocean International Center) Post Office in Tianjin and I will claim the stamps and ask about the Brazilian CPF issues in person. More details will be updated next Wednesday.

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GOOD PRODUCT needs an extra custom code. According to China Post, letter and postcard also need CPF or CNPJ code, which is for all product. And they indeed add the verification in the system. Pics above

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But 中国邮政, National Postal Service of Mainland China, asks people to provide personal CPF number for any mail (Including registered mail, ordinary letters and all kinds of mails).

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No, CPF are required even for postcard taken out from postbox in the system


In Mainland China, all mail must be asked to register in the system of China Post’s post office.

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Yes, this request including non-registered or registered mail (postcard and letter).

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Do I understand correctly that you have to register every letter and postcard online before sending it?

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But ask to personal CPF number of the recipient in Brazil when send any kind of mails is mandatory requirement made from 中国邮政, National Postal Service of Mainland China. Although I sent a suggestion about this question to 国家邮政局, The postal administration of the Beijing authorities.

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It Is not the customer who register online, postal clerk have to register every item they receive in the system before dispatching


You can understand as you said, but the operate by post offices’ workers


Although China Post provides such service called “Pre-load Delivery Information”, it only apply to Chinese donestic mail such as Tianjin to Beijing or Shanghai. It isn’t available for overseas mail services. Thank you for your understanding. However, the staffs in every post offices can input information to register it on their own services system.


Hopefully they will do so, system in China Post is very strange now, they are trying to dispatch mail to some countries (like Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vanuatu and so on) to Macao