Postcard scenes in mass media

one of my favourite shows parks and recreation (or just parks & rec) has the cast go overseas to london, u.k. for a few episodes.
one of the montages is ron swanson (played by nick offerman) trying to pay for a postcard he finds humourous in london with american dollars but gets rejected. honestly, the scene is so funny and you can get the perfect sense of his character in a situation abroad.


Raising Hope

Howdy’s supermarket sells cards too


Just started watching The Essex Serpent, with Claire Danes and Tom Hiddleston.

Episode one…someone on a quay in Essex tries to sell Cora (Danes) a postcard. She doesn’t buy it…but does purchase a copy of the news from him. :scream::scream::scream: I’m sure she’ll regret that when she discovers that good postcards are very hard to come by! :crazy_face:


Me again…I’ve recently started watching Keep Breathing on Netflix. It’s a short, six episode series. I thought it was good - although it was a lot unrealistic. Postcards have popped up twice so far! :purple_heart:

ETA…so the postcard were pretty symbolic…and were right there until the end. If you watch it…tell me if you gasped, when you saw what happened to them? :wink:


The movie is called “Under the Tuscan Sun” (based on the book of the same title). The character of Diane Lane is about to write some postcards on behalf of one of her fellow travelers. He is not very impressed… Under the Tuscan Sun Ding Dang Dong - YouTube


I just finished watching the first season of This is us and I found this scene too cute (and made me cry a little a bit, if you have watched it you’ll know what I mean :smiling_face_with_tear:)


According to the video clip, Diane Lane’s character is nice enough to write, at Rodney’s request, a postcard to his mother, and the thankless, chocolate-pudding-for-a-brain dolt Rodney tells Diane Lane to “keep it.” Why did Diane Lane’s character then proceed to apologize to Rodney? She should have instead responded: “Rodney, you are a thankless, chocolate-pudding-for-a-brain dolt,” and then maybe slapped him upside the head.

I vaguely remember a scene in an episode of a TV series where an American military man uses to send his wife some postcards while on a secret mission abroad, as a way of letting her know that he is fine. Since the mission is secret, he doesn’t write anything to her, and the postcards never have any text, not even the sender’s signature.
I’m pretty sure the show is NCIS, but I don’t remember if the main series or maybe Los Angeles.

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Hopefully the military man was sending his wife typical tourist cards. (Swiss Alps, gondolas in Venice, The Louvre, etc., etc.). I imagine if the front of the cards that he sent showed North Korean missile bunkers, underground biochemical labs, interiors of nuclear submarines, etc. etc., it would probably arouse some degree of suspicion.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just watching Doc Martin and noticed there’s a postcard rack in the back of the scene! I’ve watched the scene three times now and still don’t know what the characters are talking about! I was too interested in what the postcards of Port Wenn looked like! :rofl:

I’m also interested to know that they sell postcards in the pharmacy! At least on this show. Is that a standard UK thing? I don’t believe that happens much in Oz. Well, not that I’ve ever noticed.


Thanks for pointing this out @Tinkatutu. I’ve seen this Doc Martin episode, and missed the cards!
In Canada, some pharmacies sell postcards because a postal outlet is located within the pharmacy. In small towns/villages, one can also find postcards in a pharmacy which might have other odds-and-sods as the general store is, generally, no more.


Thanks Helen! I spent the rest of the episode searching the backgrounds for postcard sales opportunities. I feel like Bert is missing an opportunity at his caravan park. He’s selling everything else out there now. A postcard stand next to the eggs and his whisky could be quite profitable :crazy_face:.

And there’s absolutely scope for Morwenna to jazz up the waiting room with a nice selection of postcards to browse through!! Can you imagine the Doc’s reaction to that?! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Oooof! Mrs T has MOVED the postcard stand from the dark and dingy back corner of the shop…right up to the front! They must be selling like hotcakes!! :partying_face:


Or maybe they just acceded to the demands of a bunch of angry Postcrossers who insisted that they treat postcards with the respect and dignity that they so richly deserve! (Except, of course, for the cute cat postcards; they can leave those in the basement, for all I care).


Good :eye: @Tinkatutu !

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:rofl: @jeffbh

In what we call Midsummer Murders, and I believe the rest of the world calls Barnaby.


Nice postcard placement!! I think it’s called Midsomer Murders here in Oz.


I’ve never seen the show, but it’s clearly low budget; they keep using the same necktie.