Postcard 150 years -meet up in Jyväskylä 10.10.2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Jyväskylä
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Toivolan Vanha Piha, cafeteria (Cygnaeuksenkatu 2, 40100 Jyväskylä)
:calendar: DATE: 10.10.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Let’s have some good coffee and cakes, chat and write few cards together

You can find the on-going discussion of the meet up card and enrollments in the Jyväskylä meet up chain or Postcrossing Jyväskylä group in Facebook. You can also message me (MaHaKo) directly if you are joining and if you want to order more than those 20 free meet up cards. :slight_smile: