Ordered postcards, but I'm nervous they aren't good enough

I have been on the hunt for postcards in my area, with little to no variety, I’m still looking. I did order a pack of cards online, but the backs are blank, they just have the middle line, address line, and stamp spot… Are these ok to send? they are nice quality as far as thickness and print is nice, it’s just they seem rather generic and not a “collection” or very descriptive :sweat_smile:

OMG, I’m such a worrisome person lol I don’t want to disappoint someone.


I’m assuming the front has a design or picture? As for the back, it’s up to you to use your imagination to make it interesting. I’m sure you’ll do fine!


they sound like perfect cards to me, especially if the quality is good. if you think something is missing you can always write about it yourself of course. (not sure what you’re expecting though, most cards have just a place for the stamp and address lines. i love those the most, so i can be as creative as i’d like)
i wouldn’t worry too much. if you’ve bought a cat card and you’re gonna send it to a catlover i’m sure they’ll be very happy with it.


Yes, the front of the card has a nice quality photo, but I feel like usually the backs of postcards have the location the photo is from, or what it is (i.e. type of bird on the front).

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I suppose I shouldn’t worry so much :sweat_smile: I see some of the request lists on profiles and it’s a little intimidating? like, will my postcard measure up to what they are seeking? haha I’m sure it will be fine. thank you for the reassurance :purple_heart:


Then don’t worry about it at all, think of the back as your place to have some fun with your message, decorations, a little artwork, nice stamps or whatever makes you happy. The person receiving it will most likely enjoy it, too. Have fun!


oh i totally get that. just remember that postcrossing is a hobby to have fun, not to stress about. and it’s actually against the rules to make wishlists. those lists are only there to give people some guidance in case they want or need some. you can send whatever you want.
personally i care about the back of the card more than the front so like @pjsubway said, if you put some effort in a nice message (and possibly decorating if you’re into that) i’m sure people will appreciate your card.
welcome to postcrossing btw :grin:


I wouldn’t worry too much! You might find over time that you learn about collections that really reflect your interests, but a nice card is all that you need to send.

I started off by sending some pretty generic cute animal cards, but then discovered a few collections I love (e.g. the NASA-image based “Earth + Space” set, and Jane Mount’s “Bibliophile” set), and started sending more like that. Some friends and acquaintances also started sending me envelopes full of unused and interesting cards that they found or happened to have lying around, for me to use for Postcrossing, which can be a nice way to get some more cool cards if anyone you know is up for that.

But in the end, people loved the cute animal cards just as much! And often it’s the message written on them that really makes my day – I love it when people tell me about the books they like, or other ways our interests overlap.


Sounds like a perfectly normal postcard to me.

Some postcards do, some don’t. Personally, I find that a long description of the picture on the back of the postcard gets in the way of the message-writing part.

Either way, it is really nothing to get nervous or worried about! Just go for it. Stick on a stamp, write the address and ID number, write your message and post it. That’s about all there is to it. :upside_down_face:


Hey! I see everyone was very fast to answer to you and I’ll say tge same as them, postcards that don’t have anything written at the back are still perfectly great postcards and anyone would be happy to receive them. The most important thing about a postcard is the picture and the interaction (what stamp you put on, what you write, stickers etc)
I know the worry and I acknowledge it can’t be avoided sometimes especially about things that you don’t have personal experience in or are new to you. However for this case you don’t have to worry anymore, since they are postcards and fit the person’s taste you’ll be perfectly fine :wink:


I get what you mean, I’ve been to all the shops that could sell postcards in my city and they all sell the same postcards and I’m always insecure and worry people might not like them. I think sending postcards is not popular at all where I live :woman_shrugging:


Do worry they are fine
I have gotten cards with blank backs
Not every card has lots of details about the front

Relax and enjoy Postcrossing

I never once got pc and thought there is no info on it I am upset

I would be more bummed if you didn’t fill up all that writing area


I absolutely love writing, so filling the back is no problem at all. I also enjoy drawing a bit, so little doodles are bound to happen.


Hey! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I think its perfectly fine! Its now up to you how you want to design/create the back and that is more than ok! Dont put too much pressure upon yourself!
Stay healthy, Anna


If it is Not obvious to people outside your country (and As you say, it has No discription on The Card) i would love you Name or even explain What is on The Card. For example. Oldest building in The country, national food with The Name …, Newest firestation in The country, highest…in your country. Something Like that would be nice…

Enjoy postcrossing :slightly_smiling_face:


Send me your address information by private message. I will send you 4 FREE postcards, along with a flyer from a dealer who sells high quality US postcards; I’ve purchased thousands of cards from him.

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You don’t have to send me free postcards! But I will take the vendor info :purple_heart:

Can you post the dealer info here, for anyone interested in reasonably priced US postcards? Or, if you don’t want to post it publicly for whatever reason, I’ll PM you :+1:


Hi @anon95027724, I’d like to get that postcard vendor info too if you don’t mind sharing. Thank you!

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@knally13 @postcardville

Here is my dealer source:

P.O. Box 644
Elkhart, IN 46515
Phone: (574) 361-3923

The owner is Dave Long. I usually call him up and tell him what I want (Maps, Lighthouses, City Views, etc). He’ll put together a package of 100-150 cards @ $0.25 card + shipping. He also can put together a package of 100 postcards @ $0.15 per card for $22.75 that includes shipping. Here the choice is his, but if you speak to him he will throw in some of your likes .

If you want a copy of his flyer, send me your address in a private message and I will mail it out to you.