Opinions on printed out text on postcards?

Hi everyone!
My dad has recently expressed interest in making a Postcrossing account. His big problem is that he doesn’t have the neatest handwriting. I told him that people print out addresses and maybe he could do the same? I was wondering what people would think if they received a postcard with a typed out/printed message? How “orthodox” is this? BTW his bad handwriting is not a fact he would care about me sharing haha!


I’ve received several Postcrossing cards typed out - doesn’t bother me one way or the other. But it’s nice to have a real signature - gives it authenticity.


I’m fine with it. He shouldn’t have to miss out on all the fun because his handwriting is hard to read. It’s what he writes not how he writes it.


I agree - I’ve received several that were printed out and glued to the postcard. Honestly, I assumed it was from someone who had handwriting issues, likely age. But, don’t forget, we English speakers are lucky we get cards written in English. Other people may be using a translation app and might appreciate having it typed out!


People regularly do it - sometimes because of handwriting/language issues/disability issues & to get more text into the card.

There are many, many ways to participate in Postcrossing & if that’s the best way for him to participate, then he should do it!


I print out messages and addresses because I have arthritis in my writing hand. Out 531 card send no one has ever complain to me.

I received postcards with printed out messages and address and it doesn’t bother me.


I wouldnt mind as long as the msg is personal and template for everyone.
A signature also would be nice, makes it more personal


I like the old-fashioned look of handwriting, and would be sad if printed cards became the norm, but getting one here and there doesn’t bother me at all.

Actually one of the best cards I ever received was an oversized card fully written in tiny type, with a genuinely interesting message that would never have fit in most handwriting :slightly_smiling_face:


Maybe he would enjoy typing messages? I have 2 typewriters and use them occasionally. They work best on thin cards such as the Sibly bird box set, not the commercial tourist ones

Not an issue, I did it all the time. Also, when I printed and put the ID # above the printed address, I think it helps with delivery dramatically.

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We also think it’s okay.
We have also received cards with “printed” text.
Do you really know why it is like this?
Bad handwriting or maybe the person is handicapped?
And then they can’t take part in our great hobby because of that?
No, you can’t accept that.
In reverse, however, we must also say - we received cards - we would have been happy if the text had been printed. :joy: :joy:
It’s nicer if the card is written by hand, no question.
But if it’s not possible, then we should accept it that way


One of my penfriends often types, because it is easier for them than handwriting, they use a handwriting style font, but they do sign it with a pen. Maybe that is an option for them, use a handwriting style font, but either way, they should not miss out. I do get cards with the addresses printed, it does not bother me at all. Get him to join!

I agree he should not miss out because of this, it would not bother me if the whole postcard was typed. As others have said, people use printers/type for a variety of reasons.

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I see two types, and one is fine, the other is kind of contrary to what I’m here for:

  1. People who for reasons of arthiritis or similar can’t write in hand, but type a message and print, is absolutely fine.
  2. Using the same, printed text for every postcard is quite impersonal, and leaves me a bit disappointed. Particularly if it isn’t just a sticker, but hardprinted on the paper (then you might as well just order the postcard through an app).

I do recognise that people are on postcrossing for very different reasons, but I’m often disappointed if there’s no personal touch on the cards I receive.


I always print out the address to countries outside Europe or to countries using their own writing system, such as Russia or China.
Though I think my handwriting is pretty easy to read, I prefer to play it safe.
I cannot remember that this had ever been a problem for anyone.

Since I suffer from arthritis in my hands, it happens from time to time that I also print out the text. I then briefly explain why I did this and that has never been a problem.


I’d prefer to receive handwritten cards - and addressed in handwriting, too.

But if you can’t do it - because your handwriting is illegible, or maybe just too big to squeeze your message into the space available - then that’s fine with me.

In a way it’s also a sign of our times - handwriting going out of use…

But if you do it in order to go into “mass production” - printing out the same text over and over again for every postcard you send - then I’d say you shouldn’t be here!


I have no problem with this. A typed message could be just as special to receive as a handwritten one, it’s the message that counts. I would hate to think that someone worrying about their handwriting would be the reason they have for not giving Postcrossing ago


I understand where your dad comes from.

I have several typed messages that I send out. All depends how I feel that day, and is more appropriate….but I always write a short message in my own handwriting and definitely sign my name. I use bright colour pens to “pretty it up” :grin:

It is about what is written and not how.


Elsie from South Africa :south_africa:

I think people can tell if the message is a template and generic, and if it is written for you for the postcard, in the end that’s what matters.


I honnestly prefere handwritten messages. It is just more personal. But I’m fine with printed personal massages and at leasted handsigned the card.

But unfortunately I also already received cards with just some gerneric info anout the hometown or the person itself or such it feels like being just some part of a line production. This then makes me feel sad a bit


As someone with hand issues myself I would welcome his card. I had to print messages for several weeks when I broke my wrist & heard no “complaints.”
As long as his message is personal to each receiver I think it’s fine. To me it’s about the connection, meeting people, sharing stories, showing kindness.
I hope he will join & begin soon!