On Reaching 500 Sent Today

Thursday, November 5, 2020 - 14:20 (UTC -5)

Greetings, All!

Postcard US-7050253 was registered by Member Irina_Panda today. It’s my 500th Sent! Since I joined Postcrossing on January 11, 2019, it has been just a few days shy of 22 months.

Maintaining the Maximum Allowed Traveling is key to Sending (and Receiving). I didn’t figure that out for the first couple of months. It took 7 months to crack 20 a month, then another 12 months to crack 30. Now, with 19 Max Allowed, things are moving right along.

Our world-wide Postcrossing Community has been mutual and supportive, making for a very positive experience that I have been happy to share with friends and family. Thanks also to Paulo, Ana, and all the Staff for keeping the project running well.

As Bashō wrote, “Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home”. Thanks to everyone who’s been part of my Postcrossing Journey.

Happy Postcrossing!



Congratulations on that sweet number! :slight_smile:

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Congratulations Michael! I joined a few weeks after you, have also sent out the max and am only at 386 sent. I thought maybe you were European or something, but I see you are East Coast like me. My sent cards seemed to go the speed of a turtle early on during the pandemic. Did you switch to “several postcards traveling to the same country at the same time?” Not sure if that would make a difference or not. Not that it matters. I’ll get there eventually :slightly_smiling_face: It is such a fun hobby I think!

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020 - 17:20 (UTC -5)

Hi, GrapeGirl:


No, I’ve never switched on that option. I get a lot of assignments to Germany naturally. I may consider switching off the “my own country” option when I have 40-50 Traveling continually, but until then, I’m happy to send and receive to and from the USA. It’s like having reasonably quick access to 50 more countries!

Happy Postcrossing,


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That’s really cool. Congratulations! I was really excited when my sent/received reached 2000. I had the honor to send postcard US-7000000 to Russia - that was exciting.

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Congratulations! I hope you reach a thousand very soon! :smile:

Congratulations, I recently joined this community and I hope one day to reach that number