October 1, 2023, Washington DC Meetup - World Postcard Day!

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Washington DC, USA
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Postal Museum, 2 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
:calendar: DATE: October 1, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11AM EST
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

So excited for World Postcard Day!

Proposed plan:
(10AM EST if you are looking for more Museum cards to collect and to send or for any of us to sign, feel free to arrive before our meetup - the Museum opens at 10AM)
11AM EST meet up and sign postcards at the Postal Museum, we will be in the Byrne Education Loft (the mezzanine above the exhibition kids play area). If you go into the Postal Museum from either door, head to the middle of second floor. Turn right immediately after the door to the Stamp Gallery. Right across from the information desk.
1PM EST late lunch either in the Chinatown direction (5 blocks west) or H street direction (5 blocks east). Current recommendations: Cafe Fili (Mediterranean), Baan Siam (Thai). Will finalize depending on size of our party and reservation capabilities.
2PM EST and on, feel free to roam the National Mall grounds or visit any of the free museums. Thematic recommendations: National Archives (parts under reno), Library of Congress. General recommendations: National Gallery of Art, National Portrait Gallery

Postcard: I will be bringing the WPD 2023 winner cards to sign as a group. After they are signed, we will divvy it up so that each of us will get some to take home. I will provide the meetup postcards for free but on a set number. I should have extra meetup cards should you want to purchase more dependent on the variability of “drop-in” and “drop-outs” the day of event, but expect them to be empty and/or that the group will not sign all of them. Will not know the exact number of left overs until the day of event or after.

Other, extra cards: I plan to have the group sign one main design. However, there will be other (empty) ones for you. The Postal Museum offered two different cards to us (free). Those who are interested for (paid) DCismycity postcards have placed their orders - thank you. Plus, the Museum shop has lots more options, and recommended from group, zazzle.com , for you to enjoy at your discretion.

The Postal Museum at 2 Massachusetts Ave NE, Washington, DC has a post office that often carries unique stamps and releases. Its exhibit are all postal-history related, as well as the building itself. There is also a stamp store and a museum store that carries vintage stamps, first day issues, as well as other interesting merc.

NPM cancellation:
NPM Cancellation

WPD 2023 Design:

RSVP has been opened Sep15 until filled!


Would love to go – unfortunately, I can not. I’m already committed (and lodging reservations made) to a World Postcard Day Meet-up in Canada. Keep me in mind for future meet-ups. I do like the Washington DC area. Thanks!

Yes! I will be there for this one too! Thanks for setting this up :smiley:

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I am interested! Won’t know definitely until later

Please count me in! It is a bit early, but I’ll put it on my calendar and try my best to attend. I’ll let you know if I have postcard design ideas and feel free to reach out if I can help with any logistics as we get closer to the date. :slightly_smiling_face:

I will be attending this.

The reason for my postcrossing name is I have volunteer connection with the post museum.


i am very interested! I’ll let you know for sure as we get closer and the details become something I can finalize on. but, yes! I love DC and this sounds perfect.
(it will be my very first meetup if I go!)

i plan to be there! thanks for planning this (-:

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I am very interested! I will need to check and see if I can work it out.

I’m be there! I’m Matt (ave on Postcrossing) from Arlington VA. For the postcard design, I suggest something colorful to highlight DC’s attractions.

This sounds great for my first meetup! Please put me on the list!

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I might be able to go! It’s 2 days after my birthday but I don’t think I have plans this year.

Count me in!

Hello! I would love to attend this DC meetup as well!

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I’ve added it to my calendar, but it depends on my health that day. I’m looking forward to it!


Hey @billliuyc
I’m traveling from India to US on a trip almost close to 1st October and would love to attend a meet-up on 1st October. If this meet up is confirmed for sure, I will change my plans such that I reach Washington DC in time for the meet-up.

It would be great to attend a meet-up in another country while traveling.

Thank you.


I’m interested but won’t know until a later date!

I’m interested! Will know if able closer to time.