Nov 4, 23 - Bowling Green, Kentucky Meetup

Plans are coming together!! Check out the end of the thread for the most current information.

But here’s what we know so far.

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Bowling Green
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Just Love Coffee
:calendar: DATE: Nov 4
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2pm CT
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: meet and greet, hang out, exchange postcards, eat, drink (coffee), be merry

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

Please RSVP so we can keep an accurate account of how many & who to expect
  • Yes, I will attend (just 1)
  • Yes, I will attend and will bring another adult
  • Yes, I will attend and be bringing a minor(s)
  • I can’t make it this time

0 voters

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Hi Ellisa,

I am not in Kentucky but if you go to Postcrossing’s Search Function (Explore menu) you can see there are 148 Postcrossers in Kentucky who have been on the site within the past month. If you do not get much response to this thread, you could send messages to some of them and that might get you more of a response.


That’s so helpful! Thank you


ME ME ME! YES! I would love to do a Kentucky Meetup.
I live in Meade County, but would travel to where ever in Kentucky to have a meetup day.

I am so excited to possibly have this happen.




Maybe we can strive for Oct 1 - World Postcard Day

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I’m in East TN and depending on where/when you hold it I would love to attend if I can. :heartpulse:


Would love to attend :slight_smile:


So how do we get a card that has post crossing on it? Do we design it ourselves, or do we have to buy the post crossing image and then put it on a graphic that we are going to print on a postcard? I don’t know how all that works. I’m so excited, though, I live in Meade county near Fort Knox. Where are you located?

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Here are the rules about using the Postcrossing logo.

I’m in South Central (Green county) KY.

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On this note, that’s how I handle invites for the Meetups I host: use the Search feature, sort by last login date, and then organize an excel workbook of names/handles that I have invited. Later, I update when they RSVP, pay for entry, pay for postcards, and other notes.


Wonderful info. I love a good spreadsheet!

Would meeting in September be a possibility? I am thinking it would be nice to have the card from the meetup ready to send out and arrive in someone’s mailbox on October 1st. Just a thought. I do like the idea of Sunday being the day of the meet up. :slight_smile: Have any of you ever attended a meetup?


I’m so sorry to ask, but would you mind providing some more details on how to use the search to find local members? I just tried it, but couldn’t figure it out. Searching “members in Tennessee” didn’t do anything for me, as it was just a search of posts for those words. Thank you so much for your time, if you can spare it! :pray:


I typed the word Kentucky in the search box and it gave the choice of Kentucky in this topic to choose from, or Kentucky in all topics and posts.

Try typing in Tennessee and see what happens.

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It’s a search on the main Postcrossing website, not the forum. Go to Explore tab, Search and there you can filter by location and last login time. Hope it helps!


Yes - main PC site, click on Explore menu, click on Search. Then fill in United States, Region is Kentucky. You could go more granular than that if you like or leave it at that. On the left side you could do Logged In Within Last - I put 1 month and got 148 results.


And @marora thank you both so much for the clarification! That was exactly the help I needed :slight_smile:


I’m in Nashville, TN, and if I am free whichever date you plan one, I would LOVE to attend! I’ve only been to one Postcrossing Meeting, and that was in Springfield, IL (and it was FUN).


Has anyone thought more about trying to get this meetup scheduled?


It has crossed my mind, but we have been swamped with Dr appointments lately. Do you want to run with it?