Newbies - Do you want to share your 'Activity per Month' wins?

Yes, there are plenty of cards close to average travelling time for their respective countries. So, many of them have a chance of being registered. I will post an updated photo if the stats change. It will be fun to see what happens in the next 4 days

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Hehehe :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. I’m so glad I’m not the only one!!

Your stats are looking very healthy!

:crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: For both of us!! :smiley:

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At first, I was very much not checking out the graph, because as you see, after a few postcards I actually stopped postcrossing (can’t remember why anymore, it was 14 years ago :wink: ). But then, fortutnately (and again I can’t remember why :sweat_smile: ) I started writing cards again - so the graph of my first year looks little weird. :smile:

As I got into postcrossing for real I know I absolutely kept looking at the graph, it was exciting to see the lines rising - here’s what it looks like if you only look at my first year after I took up postcrossing again:

The graph that shows my entire postcrossing journey (up til now - it hasn’t finished yet!) looks … funny. :joy: You can see the red upticks for the Decembers when I always send a lot, but have my account set to inactive - followed by the blue upticks when I stop sending for a while but go back active, receiving many cards in a short period. A bit like a heartbeat … :wink:


I enjoy the stats as well. I may or may not check after nearly every card I register :sweat_smile:


Analyzing stats is fun. I’m pretty disappointed about going down in July 2022, but I am glad that I am getting more variety in my cards.


One card got registered today and it was to our moderator Bille :slight_smile:


And that is the reason! Australia was much quicker before the Covid-19-pandemoc and the massively reduced number of flights as consequence of it.

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This was my first year:


Your first year, after you started again is so pleasingly upward trending and smooth! And it goes up so fast! I wish!!

And wow. You sure do get busy in December :blush:.

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@pcronn…yours is such a nice smooth graph! And yes…it can become quite…compelling to look at! :grimacing:

@SecretCityGrl there are still a few days of July left. It still could tick up!! :crossed_fingers:t2:


Yay! :tada::tada: Only two more…and you’ll have an increase in sent. :+1:t2:

@RalfH yes…I’ve looked at other longer-term Aussie Postcrossers and been in awe of how fast the mail moved pre-pandemic. One day :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:.


Also not new at this, but this was my first year. I still check my stats sometimes :grinning:


Oooh…a lovely upward trend…and fast :heart_eyes:.

Mine is pretty weird, since I started in 2014 but had to stop and re started in late April :sweat_smile:

From the beginning :

From now :


Haha! Yes…it looks like you very speedily increased your postcard numbers somehow (if you only look at your recent re-start)! I hope that you are enjoying being back @Mousette :heart:.

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I totally enjoy it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart: @Tinkatutu

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One more registered today :joy: :joy: . But, nothing came, tomorrow is the last day of this month for postal delivery :frowning:

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Well I have had a very lucky weekend and had not one but two cards registered. One of them was a long expired (118 days) card to China. I just knew it would arrive soon :tada::tada::tada:.

My received has not changed, and like you @rhuqesmail, we don’t get mail delivered on the weekend here…so Friday was my last chance.

But I’m so happy to see a lovely uptick in sent!

My total sent is 82…so I am also busy counting down to 100…when I will receive a new send slot! I am very much looking forward to having a plethora of slots so that I can have a couple up my sleeve! :yum:


I am glad that cards are finally arriving in China. I have one travelling for 100+ days and another for 60 days. I hope they get registered soon.

It is very strange but I didn’t get anything this week. Generally, I get something every other week. A gap of 3 weeks is very rare.

So, in terms of received it was a very sad month :rofl: :rofl: . But, I am afraid that next time, there will be too much mail.

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