Newbie has not rec'd any postcards

Sent 4 since I became a new member. 3 rec’d and posted they received their postcards. 1 is still traveling. I have not rec’d any postcards. How long does it normally take to start receiving cards?

Sent date County Received date
11/19/2020 Netherlands 11/27/2020
11/27/2020 Germany 12/09/2020
12/06/2020 Russia 12/23/2020

Your first card was posted at the earliest on the 27th. Post is slow at the moment, no need to worry yet.

Your address was first given out on November 27. So it’s not been too long. Mail from some countries take a long time. And even countries with faster postal system have problems due to Christmas mail and Covid19. For example: Germany to US was always quite fast, but it takes ages at the moment. Most international (air) mail is transported via passenger flights, which are a lot fewer since the pandemic has started.

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Hi! You get selected to receive a postcard when the postcard you sent arrives and is registered, so your first one to arrive will still be travelling now. Looks like you were pretty lucky with your cards getting through so fast – a lot of people are seeing delays due to the holiday season and overburdened postal services. :frowning:

The travel time diffrs a lot per country.
ie. Cards from Germany to The Netherlands can be delivered in 3-5 days. Between The Netherlands and Russia or China it takes 30-60 days(!)

When I started it took about 3 weeks for me to get one. Just keep sending and your mailbox will be full soon enough :slight_smile:

Thank you to all! :smile:

Welcome to Postcrossing, @JulieHa! It’s a tough time to be waiting for international arrivals, no matter what country you call home. If you’re itching for cards to show up in your mailbox, try joining one of the US-to-US Round Robin groups…they’re filled with great people who send wonderful cards, and domestic delivery here is averaging only about 7 days right now. Here’s a link to my favorite group…

I’m about as new as you…only two “official” arrivals since joining two months ago. But I’ve already exchanged dozens of cards with these folks. Stop by and say hello!

Thanks for the info. I didn’t think it would take longer to get here to the USA. Now, that I know to may take a while, I’ll wait.

Cards have been moving so slow the last few months. It was hard waiting for those first cards to arrive in 2017 it must be very hard for newbies.
I think the number of cards a new person should be able to send be raised higher then five. Five is not many cards.

depending where its coming from and what country you are in depends roughly how fast they come.

Russian post takes a while so perhaps a few from there.

Mail even in the US is taking a very long time travelling.