Need help with ideas for sending postcards as a gift


I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. :slight_smile:
I’m collecting postcards for my friend’s birthday from different countries, and in a month I will be mailing them to her in a giftbox. After a little bit of researching, I’m thinking of buying 5x7 binder sheets on amazon and put them in a binder file. However I don’t think it looks pretty since binder files don’t come in good designs, and I can’t find photo albums that I can use for postcards.

Can anyone help me with other ideas?

Note to admin: Sorry of this is a wrong place to ask this question.


Maybe you’ll find some hints in these topics:

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If the plan is that your friend keeps collecting, xou could use a storage box for index cards DIN A6. In Germany they’re available in different materials, also wood. I have these ones by Han.

There are also photo boxes by Rössler which look quite pretty in my opinion, perhaps you can get similar ones in USA?

Storage boxes for CDs should work too.

Or if you decide for bigger photo sheets, for 4 photos in one side, you should have a bigger choice of lever arch files in different designs?


I collected cards for my best friend’s wedding. I bought a scrap book album for the cards. I used washi tape on one border to fixate them, but they could be flipped over to read them. I decorated the pages around the postcards :slight_smile:


Try to make a nice scrapbook.

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Thanks for your inputs @reisegern @Cassisia @Cassiopheia @anon30754624

Kids binders

Hi Vinny,
It is possible to find beautiful binders. I’ve just put “kids binders” on Amazon.


@IAmPost Thank you! These binders are great :smiley: